Resident Evil 3 Remake (RE3)

Best Way to Use Points

This page will tell you the best way to use your points in Resident Evil Resistance. Keep reading to find out about what you can buy and what you should spend your points on!

Best Way to Use Points

There are only 2 ways to spend the RP that you get during matches: on Equipment Chests or Cosmetic Chests. The best way to spend your RP is by buying Equipment Chests that will provide equipment that will give you an upperhand in future matches.

Equipment Chests

Equipment Chest

You can purchase Equipment Chests in the shop for both the Survivor and the Mastermind. Buying these chests will grant you an equipment that you can use in a match to gain additional bonuses to your actions. There are three kinds of chests you can open which have different prices and contain equipment that's rarity depends on the chest opened; Low-Tier, Mid-Tier, and High-Tier.

Tier How to Unlock
Low-Tier Chest Unlocked from the start.
Mid-Tier Chest Unlocks once you have reached Rank 10 on any Survivor or Mastermind.
High-Tier Chest Unlocks once you have reached Rank 20 on any Survivor or Mastermind.

Cosmetic Chests

Cosmetic Chest

You can also purchase Cosmetic Chests to unlock skins for the Survivors, Creatures, Weapons, Sprays, Survivor Gestures, Zombie Gestures, and Mastermind Voice Lines. There are no tiers in this chest and you can attempt opening this chest immediately but, opening 1 chest costs 50,000 RP.

Related Links

What is Resistance Mode? Game Controls on Resistance
How to Play Resistance Mode Resistance Gameflow
How to Play Resistance with Friends How to Deal with Matchmaking Issues
Review How to Unlock Jill Valentine
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What is Supply Zombie What Should You Buy in the Shop
How to Rank Up Fast List of Trailers

Resistance Beginner Guides


2 Anonymousover 4 years

That makes the game corny imo, you don't need to add some girly skins they are awesome just the way they are

1 Anonymousover 4 years

Really excited to open one cosmetic chest lol i really want some new skin for the resistance


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