Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V)

List of Affinities: Demon Strengths and Weaknesses

Shin Megami Tensei V (SMT 5) - List of Affinities.png
Elements are affinity types that govern Demon's strengths and weaknesses to particular forms of attacks. As one of the central mechanics in Shin Megami Tensei V (SMT 5), learning all about the different types of elemental affinities for enemies and allied Demons is essential for a successful battle.

List of Affinities

Basic Affinities

Physical Fire Ice Electric
Physical Fire Ice Electric
Force Light Dark Almighty
Force Light Dark Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance - Almighty

Basic Affinities are those attributes that serve as a Demon's basic set of Elemental Resistances. A Demon's resistance to a particular element or attribute can be found in their information screen, where each resistance or weakness to an attribute is marked beneath each icon of an attribute.

Classified Into 5 Types

All the affinities above can be classified into 5 types of resistances.

Weak Icon.pngWeak Takes more damage from the attack.
Resist Icon.pngResist Halves damage taken from the attack.
Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance - NullNull Blocks the incoming attack.
Repel Icon.pngRepel Applies the damage that's suppoed to be taken from the attack back to the attacker.
Absorb IconAbsorb Absorbs attacks of the same affinity.

What Are Affinities

Determines Demon Strengths and Weaknesses

Shin Megami Tensei V - Determines Demon Strengths and Weaknesses.png
Affinities determine a Demon's strengths and weaknesses when it comes to combat. Using any skill that Demons are powerful with against a Demon that is weak to that particular attribute can result in powerful attacks that drain an enemy's HP faster. Conversely, an allied Demon receiving an attack with an affinity it is weak against will result in greater HP drain.

Press Turn System Guide

Tied to Skills

Shin Megami Tensei V - Tied to Skills.png
Affinities serve as attributes to skills for every Demon. All skills will have certain affinities, with each skill only having one type of affinity as its attribute. These skills can then be used to perform a variety of tasks in combat, such as simple attacks against enemy Demons or as attacks that directly assault an enemy's weakness.

A Demon's Skill Potential is also tied to affinities, with some Demons being more likely to learn skills of a particular affinity over another.

List of Skills and their Effects

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