Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) Walkthrough Comments

Story WalkthroughComment

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    13 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    yeah I had to beat dondozo to do it.

    12 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    I dont get the walkthrough . I tried to go to the damn ghost type gym and I couldnt. how did you do it?

    5 LuvdiscLucyover 1 yearReport

    @The Real Satoshi Absolutely not!

    4 LuvdiscLucyover 1 yearReport

    Absolutely not!

    3 LuvdiscLucyover 1 yearReport

    OMG I LOVE THIS GAME!!! There’s so much to do, so much story, so much everything!!! This at first made me nervous, but after playing the game, I found out that I love it! My favourite features about this were 1. You can go whichever way you want, and 2. You can actually attend the classes! I know that probably made me sound like a nerd, but omg, they did an awesome job with it! The ending of Starfall Street is so wholesome too, and I love it. I really liked the Titan battles too. Gamefreak, gj!

    2 The Real Satoshiover 1 yearReport

    Actually really enjoying this story so far, does that make me weird?

    1 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    As usual the "tutorial" was loooong and boring but after that the game really let's you go off and do whatever. Best Pokemon so far IMO

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