Monster Hunter Now

Glacial Grace Stats and Forging Materials

The Glacial Grace is the Legiana Sword and Shield in Monster Hunter Now. The stats, skills, forging materials, and upgrades of the Glacial Grace can be found here.

Glacial Grace Stats and Skills

Glacial Grace Overview
MHNow - Glacial Grace
Attack 361 Affinity 0%
Monster Hunter Now - Ice 232
Special Skill Perfect Rush Combo
Skills Divine Blessing Lv. 1 (G5), Lv. 2 (G8)

Glacial Grace Forging Materials

Glacial Grace Required Materials

How to Forge the Glacial Grace
Monster Materials
Zenny Cost 1500z

Glacial Grace Upgrades

Glacial Grace Weapon Tree

Name Attack Affinity Element
G5 Glacial Grace 1 361 0%
Monster Hunter Now - Ice 232
G6 Rimespire 1 461 0%
Monster Hunter Now - Ice 320
G7 Rimespire 2 589 0%
Monster Hunter Now - Ice 443
G8 Rimespire 3 751 0%
Monster Hunter Now - Ice 608
G9 Rimespire 4 958 0%
Monster Hunter Now - Ice 835
G10 Rimespire 5 1221 0%
Monster Hunter Now - Ice 1142

Monster Hunter Now Related Guides

Monster Hunter Now - Weapons Partial
Best Weapons Tier List

List of All Weapons and Guides

Close-Ranged Weapons
Monster Hunter Now - Sword and Shield Sword and Shield
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Monster Hunter Now - Great Sword Great Sword
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Monster Hunter Now - Long Sword Long Sword
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Monster Hunter Now - Hammer Hammer
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Monster Hunter Now - Charge Blade Charge Blade
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Monster Hunter Now - Gunlance Gunlance
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Long-Ranged Weapons
Monster Hunter Now - Bow Bow
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Monster Hunter Now - Light Bowgun Light Bowgun
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List of All Sword and Shields

MHNow - Aqua MesserAqua Messer MHNow - Blazing EdgeBlazing Edge MHNow - Blooming KnifeBlooming Knife
MHNow - Carapace EdgeCarapace Edge MHNow - Flame KnifeFlame Knife MHNow - Girros KnifeGirros Knife
MHNow - Glacial GraceGlacial Grace MHNow - HunterHunter's Knife MHNow - Jagras EdgeJagras Edge
MHNow - Lumu KnifeLumu Knife MHNow - Princess RapierPrincess Rapier MHNow - Queen RoseQueen Rose
MHNow - Thunder EdgeThunder Edge MHNow - Spiked EdgeSpiked Edge MHNow - Icicle SpikeIcicle Spike
MHNow - UsurperUsurper's Firebolt MHNow - Bone KukriBone Kukri MHNow - Blue CoronaBlue Corona
MHNow - Fatal JhoFatal Jho MHNow - Laguna BlossomLaguna Blossom Khezu Razor
Daora's Razor


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