
Best Character of September 2024


★ Version Updates: Version 2.22.1 Update
★ New Events: Serruria Celebration Missions
★ Prayer of the Fleeting Characters: Aine, Morgana, Serruria and Yuni
★ New Categories: Guilds & Character Profiles

September Banner Recommendation

MementoMori releases many new and returning characters every month. Learn more about who you should prioritize in the pool of characters for September 2024.

Best Character of September 2024

Pull For Aine

Aine Image MementoMori

Between Aine, Yuni and Serruria, Aine generally has more utility. Her abilities cover a range of strategies, from offense to defense. Siren's Song allows her to debuff enemies, making them less effective. Melody of Wishes provides essential protection for allies, and A Demon's Whispers can be managed with careful play. You can pair Aine with Apostle Rosalie for a more tanky team.

Yuni is great for healing and dispeling debuff from allies but she doesn't really give substantial damage. Meanwhile, Serruria offers shield, ACC and ATK buff, but she may only work for niches that capitalize on her buff being dispelled. Aside from that, her shield becomes limited by the 3rd turn.

This recommendation will change depending on the available characters.

Prayer of Fleeting Banners Available


Serruria Banner

Serruria’s abilities include area-of-effect damage, utility, and survivability, making her versatile for different team setups. Her Lost Technology passive skill boosts the entire team, enhancing her role as a support character. She becomes particularly strong when she can leverage the defeat of her allies.

However, Serruria’s true potential is realized through her skills, especially the [No Restrictions] passive. Without this, her damage can be unreliable.

Should You Pull for Serruria


Yuni Banner

Yuni excels as an early-game healer due to her versatile abilities. Her Sylph’s Whirlwind skill deals damage while healing an attacker with a portion of her health. At max level, it also removes debuffs when activated.

Unicorn’s Breeze focuses on healing the ally with the lowest HP, providing both healing and debuff removal. Impressively, it can activate up to three times, healing the entire party and clearing three debuffs.

Should You Pull For Yuni?


Morgana Character Preview

Morgana is a great attacker you can use for both PvP and Tower of Crimson trials. She has powerful AoE attacks, but she is required to do self-damage. Her skills are practical even at one merge, but investing in her up to UR for her Unique Weapon is recommended.

Should You Pull for Morgana


Aine Release Banner

Aine's Siren's Song deals with significant physical attacks on targeted enemies. It can reduce their critical hit chance, while Ayre of Eternity deals with multiple physical attacks with potential reactivations and debuff enemy DEF.

Melody of Wishes provides a substantial shield to Aine and two allies with the highest ATK, enhancing their survivability and CRIT RES. Aside from that, her A Demon's Whispers skill increases Aine's ATK as the battle progresses, making her more powerful over time.

Should You Pull for Aine

Previous Banners


Armstrong Characte Preview

Armstrong is a powerful physical attacker with a critical hit focus. Her skills offer a good mix of offense and defense. Her active skill, Blitzkrieg Operation, deals massive damage to strong enemies, while Volley Fire can clear out weaker ones and finish off low-health targets.

How to Beat 【The Witch of Lost Souls】Armstrong


Milla Appearance

Milla 's ability to delay enemy actions by one turn is a significant advantage. Since powerful abilities can drastically alter the course of a battle, preventing opponents from using them can be crucial. This is especially important in longer matches where more abilities are typically cast, increasing the impact of Milla's skill.

How to Beat Milla


Stella Rerun

Stella specializes in silencing her opponents. Her first skill unleashes a devastating area-of-effect attack targeting enemies with low HP, capable of silencing opponents while dealing substantial damage. This skill shines in crowd control situations and benefits from investing in Stella's ATK.

How to Beat Stella

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