Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity

Boss Battle Guide: How to Beat Thunderblight Ganon

How to Beat Thunderblight Ganon.png

This page is about Thunderblight Ganon from Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity. Read on to learn about how to beat Thunderblight Ganon and which battles you can find them in.

How to Beat Thunderblight Ganon

Air and Lightning

Perfect Dodge the Spin Attacks

Perform Flurry Rushes.jpg

After a series of dashes, Thunderblight Ganon will either shoot electric orbs at you or perform multiple spin attacks. Thunderblight will attack from a distance either way but when he performs a spin attack, aim for a perfect dodge and flurry rush the malice out of it.

Follow Rune Prompts

Rune prompts.jpg

As always, follow the rune prompts to interrupt Thunderblight Ganon's strongest attacks and take away portions of its weak-point gauge.

Dealing With Duplicates

When Thunderblight creates duplicates of itself, focus on dodging while spamming Remote Bombs. You'll have a long iframe while using this rune and it can also damage all three Thunderblights each use.

Air and Lightning Walkthrough

Each Step Like Thunder

Although Waterblight and Fireblight Ganon will start off with half HP, Thunderblight and Windblight Ganon will start with full HP. Otherwise, all Blight Ganons will act the same how you fought them previously.

Time your Perfect Dodges correctly and exploit their weak-point gauges.

Each Step Like Thunder Walkthrough

All Blight Ganon Guides

How to Beat Waterblight Ganon.pngWaterblight Ganon How to Beat Fireblight Ganon BannerFireblight Ganon
How to Beat Windblight Ganon.jpgWindblight Ganon

Battles Where Thunderblight Ganon Appears

Thunderblight Ganon
Thunderblight Ganon Icon

Battles that Thunderblight Ganon Appears in

Challenge 41-50
Anti-Lightning Training: III
Challenge 61-70
Harbingers of Calamity
Challenge 61-70
Blight Ganons Resurgent
Challenge 61-70
Remnants of the Calamity
Challenge 71-80
The Heart of the Calamity

Materials Dropped by Thunderblight Ganon

No materials to display.

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