Fire Emblem Engage Walkthrough Comments

Best Units for Maddening RunComment

Showing 1-20 of 20 entries


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    9 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    The tier list is body is out of date compared to the update list at the top.

    8 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    2 corrections: 1. Pandreo starts as a High Priest/Mystical. To use chain guard he must be re-classed to Martial Master/Qi Adept. That means he requires a second seal for the build described here. Please update the description to mention that. On my first playthrough it caught me off guard and made me bench him in favor of Framme. 2. Framme is a girl. Her description refers to "his brother". That's incorrect and should be fixed.

    6 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    ivy is too high, medicore spd , below avg growth . IL 40 she has pitiful spd at 24... not to mention single digt luck so she gets crit way often , low dex capped at 23 . Class skill and personal skill is not great either... but she can flies , best mage ever.

    5 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

    Framme is wayyy too low, being an early chain guard unit who can instantly refresh their chain guard by healing is insane, Hortensia can save staff usage and eventually gets even better with Micaiah. Jean and Anna are WAYYYY too high, they literally have zero usage at base besides Jean having chain guard and healing (but whats the point when he joins like 5 maps after framme anyways)

    4 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

    because with tiki emblem and sniper on diamant his dex growth is very good. then reclass lategame after atleast 20lvls sniper back to successeur and invest your perm dex, res, str and hp items into diamant. after switchback put ike on diamant, get the dude gentility and hes golden too

    3 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

    If you have Jean, keep him lvl10 till class promotes, then reclass to martial master, and use 2nd seal to great knight. Then, if you have dlc, put 3house emblem ring on, complete tiki paralogue, lvl/farm till 1500sp and get starsphere as 1st skill. Then Replace 3house emblem for ike when unocked. his stats will go off the charts this way endgame. just make sre you do stat growth right (fixed). Oh and i didnt use ike when unlocked on diamant beause i reclassed diamant to sniper using tiki emblem.

    2 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

    have you tried attacking not high armored enemies, or using the armor slayer

    1 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

    Kagestu on maddening like b at best, he just doesn't have the str growths to keep up with the higher defense. Crits don't matter when you are doing like 3-5 damage base.

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