Resident Evil 3 Remake (RE3)

Where to Find the Jewels

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This page contains information on where to find all of the jewels in Resident Evil 3 Remake (RE3 Remake). Read on to learn the locations of each jewel and where to use them!

Where to Find the Jewels

Fancy Box 1

Area Map
Inside the ToyUncle Store on top of the table. You will need the lockpick to access this area.
★Location: ToyUncle Store
Chart: Downtown

Fancy Box 2

Area Map
Inside the Grocery Store near the counter. You will need the Bolt Cutters to access this area.
★Location: Grocery Store
Chart: Downtown

Fancy Box 3

Area Map
Inside the safe room in the Donut Shop.
★Location: Donut Shop
Chart: Downtown

Examining the Fancy Box

Examine a fancy box to open it and obtain one of the Jewels.

Where to Use the Jewels

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You can use the Jewels you obtained from the Fancy Boxes by putting them into the Monument inside the Subway Station. Keep in mind that you will get better rewards everytime you insert a Jewel into the Monument. Be sure to get all three to help you progress the story a lot easier.


1st Reward

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The reward you will receive after inserting the first Jewel is a Hand Grenade. This item is useful when clearing groups of zombies or when stunning Nemesis to create space.

2nd Reward

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The second reward you will obtain is the Tactical Stock (Shotgun). This can be combined with your shotgun to lessen the recoil of your shots.

3rd Reward

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The last reward you will receive is a Hip Pouch. This will automatically increase your inventory slots by 2.

Related Links

No. Walkthrough Section Clear Time
Opening 15 minutes
Downtown 20 minutes
Substation ~ Subway Office 40 minutes
Sewers ~ Subway 40 minutes
Police Station 30 minutes
Subway Tunnel ~ Clock Tower 15 minutes
Hospital 70 minutes
Underground Storage 25 minutes
Nest 2 40 minutes
100% Walkthrough After Clearing Story

List of Story Walkthrough Pages


1 Anonymousover 4 years

Jill on a Stars uniform while using a rocket launcher! Now that is badass picture you have there


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