Wuthering Waves Walkthrough Comments

Whining Aix's Mire Map and 100% Exploration Guide(Page 2)Comment

Displaying entries 3 - 6 of 24 in total


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    4 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    yeah lmao. i realize its missing stuff early hopefully, wont use this again

    3 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    this map is missing chests. just found a golden trial chest here underground, thank god i found it early to realize it's not complete.

    2 Snowflake4 monthsReport

    Возможно стоит сюжет пройти весь ! Вся лока 100% и сундуки попадаются сверх 100%!

    1 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    i checked every chest and i only have 94% on supply chests.

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