The First Descendant Walkthrough Comments

Best Weapons Tier ListComment

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    11 Anonymous2 monthsReport

    Vestigial Organ doesn't even make the list? This site is totally useless.

    10 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    also clairvoyance is really good with extended magazine for bosses and mobs if you get them to line up

    9 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    Kings guard Lance is ZZ as is double the worst weapon in the game, I just unlocked it and used it in hard difficulty and a full extended magazine did about 25% damage to a single mob enemy in the field

    8 Shaunee3 monthsReport

    No the Tamer melts put Mental Focus on it then get back to me. There's modules such as that one which are only practical on LMG.

    7 Shaunee3 monthsReport

    Ummm Piercing Light and Executor need to be way higher. Just straight mathematically they are the highest DPS sniper and Shotgun respectively. DPS in game lies and doesn't factor on weak point damage or criticals correctly.

    6 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    Are you handicapped or just pretending?

    5 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    you know the tamer is weak. The high DPS is from the high mag. If I put that mag on the thunder cage it'll be insane DPS. It's a fake number. Tested it vs thunder cage. It was a massive difference.

    4 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    LOL Tell that to the Tamer. That thing is unbeatable in terms of General Rounds right. It outdamages and outDPS every single other gun.

    3 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    Sonic-Co Op is uber strong

    2 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    Everything is a tier list these days, regardless of if it should be

    1 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    Why is there a tier list? Each weapon excel at different things. In endgame hardmode colossi; machineguns hit hard, but you have no mobility while firing which makes you die. Yeha they have more damage and magazine but that comes at a cost of crit rate/slowdown. Another example is that different weapons do different types of damage. Crush/pierce etc. And some are better versus different colossi. Special weapons in B tier that can shred a boss's weakpoints with crush damage? Just no....

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