Minecraft Dungeons Walkthrough Comments

List of Melee WeaponsComment

Showing 1-12 of 12 entries


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    9 Anonymousalmost 4 yearsReport

    dingy jungle

    8 Anonymousabout 4 yearsReport

    Creepy crypt highblock halls and creeper woods

    7 Anonymousabout 4 yearsReport

    Where can I find the Firebrand axe at.

    6 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

    missing fortune spear

    5 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

    There is a spear that looks like a trident. Just get it and be satisfied haha.

    4 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

    Thats not all of them dude

    3 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

    Sad to see that there's no trident in the game. That's the only weapon I want in the game :(

    2 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

    Are all the melee weapons can deal cleave damage? I mean can hit multiple enemies when attacking?

    1 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

    Thanks for the list! I can somehow see what weapons I should get to get stronger in the game.

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