Assassin's Creed Valhalla

Saint George's Great Helm Upgrades and Location

This is a page on the armor piece Saint George's Great Helm from Assassin's Creed Valhalla (AC Valhalla). Read more to find out its base stats, enhancements available, upgrades, and where to find it!

Saint George's Great Helm Stats

Base Stats

Saint George
Type Helmet Align Icon.png
Arm 26 Eva 7
L-Res 23 H-Res 19
Wgt 17 Set Saint George's
Rune Slots 1 Upgrades 4

These stats are of Base Level (Power 1 Eivor)

Max Stats

Saint George
Type Helmet Align Icon.png
Arm 46 Eva 16
L-Res 40 H-Res 36
Wgt 17 Set Saint George's
Rune Slots 3 Upgrades 10

These stats are of Base Level (Power 1 Eivor)

Saint George's Great Helm Enhancements


Saint George Cost 1 Nickel Ingot
Max Upgrades 7
Rune Slots 2


Saint George Cost 1 Tungsten Ingot
Max Upgrades 10
Rune Slots 3

Saint George's Great Helm Upgrades

Upgrade 1 *
Upgrade 2 *
Upgrade 3 *
Upgrade 4 *
Upgrade 5 *
Upgrade 6 *
Upgrade 7 *
Upgrade 8 *
Upgrade 9 *

Items with asterisks will be updated soon. Check back often!

Where to Find Saint George's Great Helm

Country England
Region River Dee

Randomly found in the Foreign Supplies chests in large military outposts of River Dee. This is any military outpost that isn't named Small Camp.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Related Links


Armors Top Page

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Best Armor Sets


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