Assassin's Creed Valhalla

The Seed Location | Children of Danu

The Seed - Children of Danu (AC Valhalla).png

This is a guide for The Seed, one of the Children of Danu that Eivor encounters in the Wrath of the Druids storyline in Assassin's Creed Valhalla. Read on to learn the location of the clues and the exact location of The Seed!

The Seed Location

Clue 1 Location

You will receive the first clue after starting the Wages of War storyline quest. Although the note states that you can find the The Seed at Dunseverick Fortress, he doesn't actually appear until you progress through the quest.

Find and Kill The Deer

The Deer - Children of Danu (AC Valhalla).png

To completely reveal The Seed's location, you need to find and hunt down The Deer, another member of The Children of Danu.

Assassinate The Deer to reveal the next clue.
The Deer Location

Clue 2 Location

The Seed Clue 2 Location (AC Valhalla).png
Bécc mac Nath-í, He of the Oceans is The Seed. Use the Order Menu to track his location and assassinate him.

After getting the clue from The Deer, head to Dunseverick Fortress north of Ardmel trading post. The location is heavily guarded but it's possible to stealth kill Bécc mac Nath-í without alterting the other enemies.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Related Guides

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Childred of the Danu Locations

Children of the Danu Leader
The Oak
Children of the Danu Members
The Ash The Whisper The Mist
The Cursed The Wren The Blaze
The Spider The Deer The Seed


8 Anonymousalmost 3 years

Continue the main story and it will lead you to the seed

7 HolyHalfDeadalmost 3 years

This guide is correct, not sure why people have problems following it. Step 1. Start the quest The Wages of War to get Clue: Note Given by Azar. Step 2. Continue quest The Wages of War to get Clue: Note Found in Movilla Abbey Step 3. Find and kill The Seed to get Clue: Note Found on The Deer. You may have already done this, but you must still do steps 1 and 2.


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