Resident Evil 3 Remake (RE3)

Downtown - Map and Recommended Presets

This page contains information on the areas inside the downtown map in Resident Evil Resistance. Read on to learn the placements of the cameras and rooms for the downtown map.

Downtown - Recommended Map Presets

Area 1

Put all the Key Items and zombies inside locked doors to prevent the survivors from grabbing them early in the game. Also use your mastermind cards to slow them down while they are searching for the Key Item Locations.

Area 2

Spawn most of the zombies that you have inside the room where they can find the last security device. This will prevent them from progressing without having to deal with your zombies. Also, place some of the security device near the beginning of the game to force them to run back once they get the Key Card.

Area 3

Spread out the zombies that you can spawn near the bio-cores to slow them down. Make sure that they are not too close together to prevent area of effect damage on your zombies.

Downtown - Map

List of Maps
Map: Downtown
Location: Area 1
No. of Cameras: 8
Map: Downtown
Location: Area 2
No. of Cameras: 12
Map: Downtown
Location: Area 3
No. of Cameras: 12

Map Presets

Area 1


Area 2


Area 3


Related Links

Resistance Maps
Downtown Casino
Research Facility Abandoned Park
Map Objectives and Interactions
Survivor Map Objectives Mastermind Map Interactions

List of Resistance Map


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