Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel Walkthrough Comments

D/D/D Aggro Deck List and Card GuideComment

Showing 1-14 of 24 entries


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    21 Anonymousover 1 yearReport


    13 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    thank you so much for taking the time to reply!!

    12 Game8: Master Duel Team@Game8over 2 yearsReport

    Hi Anonymous, If you summon any Xyz monster onto the field and attack with it during the Battle Phase, you can use the 2nd Main Phase to Special Summon Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder using that Xyz Monster as Material.

    11 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    what is Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder doing in there and how can I summon him?

    10 Siren Souleover 2 yearsReport

    End board of Below Combo is a monster negate, an omni negate and Halq on field to go into Satellite warrior next turn for removal if needed. It's possible to combo extend this further for Siegfried for a 3rd negate, or if you have gate in hand already, search Eternal darkness instead and make Abyss to set the scale. You can set Orthros for Backrow Removal, or Thomas/Go! if the game is likely to go on longer (in case of a really bad draw).

    9 Siren Souleover 2 yearsReport

    Hand: Kepler, Swirl, Copernicus, Fuse Genghis, then banish Swirl to summon from hand and special summon grave with Genghis. Add Gate and Mill Typhon. Search Lamia with Gate, Normal summon. Synch Alex. Link to Sheep With the D/D's. Fuse High Genghis with Vice Typhon and Genghis, to middle zone. Special summon lamia with Alex. Synch Crystal Wing to other Sheep Arrow, summon Lamia with Sheep, then Alex with High Gengh. Link to Halq with sheep and Lamia, fetch another lamia, Synch Savage.

    8 Siren Souleover 2 yearsReport

    Main deck: Run 1 copy of various Tech cards in place of some duplicates. You don't need 3 Ragnaroks, Swamp kings, 1 of both is fine. Cut Night Howl. With Borreload Savage in the extra deck Solemn Judgement is less necessary too. Cards like Contract With Errors/Eternal Darkness, Typhon, Ghost, Cerberus, Orthros, and Thomas could all be worth running 1 of. The latter will generally go on the pendulum scale with Abyss, the former are searchable. Play Where Arf Thou at 3 To search combo extenders

    7 Siren Souleover 2 yearsReport

    Cut the XYZ monsters from the extra deck, add Halqifibrax, Borreload Savage Dragon, Formula Synchron and Satellite warrior. Borreload Savage is a better negate than no.38, and can be made by recycling the lamia used to summon Crystal Wing. If you need to float the banishing 1, use Halqifibrax. It's a cheaper negate, and You can use halq to go into satelitte warrior on enemies turn for interaction. You can optionally Cut 1 Flame High and gust High for Wave King and Marksman King for search too.

    6 Siren Souleover 2 yearsReport

    As a D/D/D Fanatic, I feel this deck is quite a long way from being properly optimized. You could either run Pot of Desires (Since you're running duplicate copies of every card), or - and I think this is the better option - you could replace a bunch of the duplicate cards with single copies of situational Pendulum Scale Cards. You can do this since Abyss King is so efficient at searching them from the extra deck. Continued in anoother comment.

    5 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    Use more llamias and necro slime for better odds hands

    4 Sladealmost 3 yearsReport

    I love running this deck. I'm new and certainly misplay like hell, but it's so satisfying when you manage to get a full board of monsters in the first turn.

    3 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    What is the second card, why not is Savant Kepler?

    2 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    Lamia it's not dad without her

    1 RedEyesDontLiealmost 3 yearsReport

    Just an error on the cards list, it states we need x6 Savant Kepler, instead of those x3 what should be used. I’m very new to YGO, tired of getting whooped on Ranked.

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