Horizon Forbidden West (HFW)

How to Get the Tenakth Marshal: Stats and Resistances

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The Tenakth Marshal is an outfit in Horizon Forbidden West. Read on to learn more about how to get this outfit, as well as its stats, resistances, and upgrade costs, as well as related skills and weaves.

How to Get the Tenakth Marshal

Obtain from a Quest

This item can be obtained either after or during the Main Quest, The Kulrut.

Quest Name Description Rewards
The Kulrut With the Sky Clan's challengers on their way, the Kulrut is ready to begin. To claim AETHER, Aloy must ensure the competition succeeds. ・12600 XP
・2 Skill Points

Tenakth Marshal Overview

Tenakth Marshal Basic Information

Tenakth Marshal Information
Horizon Forbidden West Tenakth Marshal Outfit
Description A Marshal must be adept at survival in the wilds, as well as turning the weapon of
Outfit Type Survivor
Rarity Rare

Tenakth Marshal Resistances

Lvl 1
Lvl 2
Lvl 3
Lvl 4
Melee 11 Shock -23
Impact 9 Purgewater -
Fire - Acid -
Frost - Plasma 25
Melee 17 Shock -18
Impact 13 Purgewater -
Fire - Acid -
Frost - Plasma 30
Melee 23 Shock -18
Impact 17 Purgewater -
Fire - Acid -
Frost - Plasma 30
Melee 23 Shock -13
Impact 17 Purgewater -
Fire - Acid -
Frost - Plasma 35
Melee 26 Shock -8
Impact 24 Purgewater -
Fire - Acid -
Frost - Plasma 40

Tenakth Marshal Upgrade Costs

Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4

Tenakth Marshal Skills

Skill Levels Increased
Horizon Forbidden West - Heavy Weapon+Heavy Weapon+ +1 (Base), +2 (Lvl 4)
Horizon Forbidden West - Low Health RegenLow Health Regen +1 (Base), +2 (Lvl 4)
Horizon Forbidden West - Low Health DefenseLow Health Defense +1 (Lvl 2)
Horizon Forbidden West - Stealth Tear+Stealth Tear+ +1 (Base), +2 (Lvl 2)

Tenakth Marshal Weaves

Weave Level Unlocked
Empty Slot Base
+2 Low Health Valor 3

Horizon Forbidden West Related Guides

Outfits Partial Banner

List of Outfits

List of All Outfit Types

Hunter Warrior Infiltrator
Survivor Trapper Machine Master
Mixed Gear - -

Other Outfit Lists

Legendary Outfits

List of All Survivor Outfits

Nora LegacyNora Legacy Carja ShadowCarja Shadow Tenakth MarshalTenakth Marshal
Tenakth Sky ClimberTenakth Sky Climber Utaru ProtectorUtaru Protector Utaru RitesingerUtaru Ritesinger
Oseram VanguardOseram Vanguard Tenakth VanquisherTenakth Vanquisher


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