Genshin Impact

How to Defeat Luachra the Brilliant and Location

Genshin Impact - How to Defeat Luachra the Brilliant and Location

Luachra the Brilliant is a hidden boss and is one of the Local Legends of Fontaine located within the Liffey Region of Genshin Impact 4.1. Check out where to find it and how to beat it in this guide!

How to Defeat the Luachra the Brilliant

Absorb the Bing-Bang Hat Bomb Ability

Genshin Impact - Luachra the Brilliant - Absorb Bomb Ability
Before you head to Luachra's actual location, there is a nearby Xenochromatic Jellyfish nearby to absorb their Bing-Bang Hat Bomb Ability! To absorb this ability, hold your basic attack and target the blue Jellyfish with a Jellyfish-like symbol near them.

This ability lets you deploy bombs that you can detonate at will. Holding the skill lets you throw the bomb while tapping will deploy the bomb at your location.

Xenochromatic Creatures and Abilities Guide

Wait For its Charged Attack

When you see Luachra gearing up for its Charge Attack, aim the bomb at its path and detonate it while it is in the middle of its attack. This will not only deal a ton of damage, but also stun Luachra.

Keep a Safe Distance Away

Try to keep a good distance between you and the boss. This will allow you to easily dodge and predict its attacks.

Use Nearby Recovery Orbs to Heal

Genshin Impact - Luachra the Brilliant - Use Recovery Orbs
In the event that Luachra hits your character, you can heal yourself by going through Recover Orbs that can be found in between some nearby seaweed!

Where to Find Luachra the Brilliant

Located Underwater on the Liffey Region

Genshin - Local Legend Luachra the Brilliant Location.png

Luachra the Brilliant is close to the Millennial Pearl Seahorse in the waters of the Liffey Region! It's on an area above the entrance to the World Boss' cave surrounded by seaweed.

Fontaine Map Guide

Luachra the Brilliant Respawn Time

Respawns at Server Reset

Server Reset 04:00

Just like most overworld enemies, you will have to wait until the next day for the Luachra the Brilliant to respawn. After defeating the enemy, you can fight it again after the next server reset.

Luachra the Brilliant Enemy Information

One of the Local Legends in Fontaine

Genshin Impact - Luachra the Brilliant - Achievement

Luachra is one of the Local Legends of Fontaine. Local Legends are hidden bosses within the region you can only find by exploring. Defeating them rewards you with an achievement and sometimes a Precious Chest!

Local Legends of Fontaine and Locations

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