Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

Best Xyz Event Decks To Use: Suicide Deck Guides

Best Xyz Event Decks.png

This is an event where only Xyz cards are allowed during the event. Read on to see a list of all decks that can run and compete on the event, see a computation for suicide decks and judge if its worthy, and all the information you need to come out on top of the game's first live event!

Xyz Event Guides
Best Decks To Use XYZ Event Guide Xyz Fest. Banlist

Xyz Festival Suicide Decks: Are Suicide Decks Worth It?

The Xyz Festival is littered with Suicide Decks. There are multiple ways to commit suicide either by self-burning or slotting yourself with weak monsters with the intention to lose.

Play Suicide Decks for Consistent Points

With Master Duel's events, you gain 50 points from losing and 500 for winning with the recent update. On paper, winning si the best case scenario for playing the event as it gives you a ton of points for a single duel. However, going with a sample computation, there is still merits for playing a suicide deck which will be listed below.

Deck Duration Total Reward per Hour
Competitive Deck 10-15 mins average 2000-3000 points
if all duels won under timeframe sample
All duels lost.
Suicide Deck 2 mins average 1500 consistently

With these samples, going for a suicide deck will be able to guarantee you a sweet 1500 points per hour while a competitive deck can net you a higher reward potential if all duels are won. This is without considering that to make a competitive deck for a limited time event may cost you several UR and SR cards which does not come cheap and may even make the reward not worth the cost for making the deck while a suicide deck will literally not cost anything to achieve its goal.

In essence, a suicide deck is the best option if you want to consider your account's gain but it may prove a hassle to grind all those losses just to be able to get all the rewards you want. But if you wish for consistent wins without dirtying your record and fighting fair fights then a suicide deck may not be the best option for you.

Best Decks for Xyz Festival

This Tier List is specifically made to help players choose a Deck to build for Duels in the Xyz Festival Event, where only Xyz Monsters are allowed in the Extra Deck. This also helps the player prepare against some of the more popular archetypes that are known to have strong Xyz engines.

Xyz Festival Event Guide Page

Some links are still down as we are still working on certain deck guides, please stay tuned for more deck updates!

Tier Decks
God Tier.png
Utopia OTK Partial Banner Onomat Partial Icon.png Suicide Farm Partial Banner.png
SS Tier Icon
Water Xyz Partial Banner.png Phantom Knights Partial Banner Madolche Partial Icon.png
S Rank Icon
Galaxy-Eyes Partial Icon.png Frogs Partial Icon.png Wind-Up Partial Icon.png Trains Partial Icon.png Time Thief Partial Icon.png Numeron Partial Icon.png Lyrilusc Partial Icon.png Rikka Partial Icon.png Paleo Partial Icon.png
A Rank Icon
Burning Abyss Partial Banner Raidraptors Partial Icon.png Noble Knights Partial Icon.png Fire Fist Partial Icon.png Cyber Dragons Partial Banner.png Infinitrack Partial Icon.png Tellar Partial Icon.png
B Rank Icon
Ghostrick Partial Icon.png Gimmick Puppet Partial Icon.png

Best Decks Updates

February 21 Update

Newly Rated Decks Added
Galaxy-Eyes Partial Icon.png
A Tier
Frogs Partial Icon.png
A Tier
Water Xyz Partial Banner.png
A Tier
Gimmick Puppet Partial Icon.png
C Tier
Ghostrick Partial Icon.png
C Tier
Trains Partial Icon.png
S Tier
Numeron Partial Icon.png
B Tier
Noble Knights Partial Icon.png
B Tier
Rikka Partial Icon.png
S Tier
Paleo Partial Icon.png
A Tier
Infinitrack Partial Icon.png
A Tier
Tellar Partial Icon.png
A Tier
Suicide Farm Partial Banner.png
God Tier

February 17 Update

Herald of Utlimateness.pngDrytrons Removed due to the Xyz ban list. Both Heralds are banned, making the archetype unplayable.
Zoodiac Boarbow.pngZoodiac Removed due to the Xyz ban list. Several key cards removed.
Eldlich the Golden Lord.pngEldlich Removed due to the Xyz ban list. Completely unplayable due to Eldlich being Forbidden.

New Xyz Event Banlist!

Aside from the aforementioned non-Xyz card bans. There are also several other cards that were hit with the ban hammer for the Xyz event. Check out our updated ban list to see all non-synchro, fusion, and link cards that were banned!

Xyz Event Ban List Update

Deck Tweak Guides

Some decks require tweaks to be used without other extra deck cards. For a quick guide on what cards to remove/include in specific archetypes, refer to our tweak list.

Raidraptors Fire Fist
Burning Abyss Lyrilusc

Xyz Deck Tier List Explanation

God Tier Deck List Explanations

Extinction on Schedule.PNGSuicide Self-Burn A Deck That Lets You Farm By Losing
This is a deck built to farm the Xyz Festival event rewards as fast as possible. The only catch is that this is a Deck that is built to lose, as fast as possible. The Suicide Deck cuts the amount of time spent within a Duel, allowing players to earn more over time in comparison to slow wins in grueling Duels.
Number 99 Utopia DragonarUtopia Most Expansive Xyz Archetype
Utopia is a very strong Xyz-based Deck in its own right, having multiple ways to bring out the higher-Ranked Xyz monsters like Rank-Up-Magic Spells and flexible summoning requirements. It has some of the most iconic and most powerful Xyz Mosnters in the game, and have a plethora of ways of summoning them.
Gagaga Samurai.png Onomat The First Xyz Archetype
The Onomats are four archetypes that manage to synergize with one another, chaining Special Summons in order to bring out Xyz Monsters as needed. Closely associated with the Utopia archetype,

SS Tier List Explanations

Abyss Dweller.pngWater Xyz Synergy Among Level 4 WATER Monsters
Interestingly, there seems to be quite a number of Level 4 WATER monsters that have effects that are inherently good for generic WATER monsters, alongside card support that provide card advantage. Certain archetypes augment this like Sharks and Mermail, and make for a rather good Xyz Monster-based Deck.
The Phantom Knights of Break Sword.pngPhantom Knights Graveyard-based Summon-heavy Archetype
A Deck reliant on the Graveyard to activate various effects from their cards, Phantom Knights does a lot of Special Summons for easy Xyz plays. They also enjoy having some of the best Trap Card supports among archetypes, and they can even be splashed in other Decks.
Madolche Queen Tiaramisu.pngMadolche Deck that Recycles Its Own Cards Frequently
Madolche Decks are extremely hard to Deck Out as they have numerous ways of recycling cards to be used again, which includes Spells and Traps, and can be sent to the hand or Deck when destroyed by the enemy. Not only that, Madolche Decks can enjoy synergy with a plethora of archetypes which can change up the playstyle significantly.

S Tier List Explanations

Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon.pngGalaxy-Eyes Rank 8 Xyz Monster Dominance
Galaxy-Eyes Decks have surprising ease in getting Level 8 mosnters out on the field, combined sheer power with flexible options with Rank 8 being a popular Rank to have for Xyz Decks in general. When set up right, Galaxy-Eyes can commit to an OTK attempt without much to stop it.
Toadally Awesome.pngFrogs Versatile Swarm and Control
Despite having low-Leveled and low-Ranked monsters, Frog Decks are dangerous for their ability to control the field and pace of the game once they have their key monsters out. Toadally Awesome, for example, gets a special mention for terrorizing even the top-tier Decks with its effect negeation.
Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity.pngWind-Up Constant Hand Advantage with One-Time Effects
Most of the Wind-Up monsters have one-time-use effects that provides card advantage, and is a speectacular Xyz Engine that can work as a standalone Deck. It has a variety of strategies, going from OTK attempts to disruptions that can send the enemy's entire hand to the Graveyard.
Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max.pngRailway Train Easy Level 10 and Rank 10 Monsters
Level 10 and Rank 10 monsters should prove to have amazing firepower befitting their stats. Railway Train Decks are mostly primed to finish the opponent and the Duel as quick as possible through brute force, even pushing for OTK attempts.
Time Thief Redoer.pngTime Thief Stealing Opponent's Monsters into Xyz Material
With a Main Deck centralized on Level 4 monsters for a Rank 4 engine, Time Thief Decks have the unique disruption advantage of turning the opponent's monsters into an Xyz Monster's material. They are all in in having as many strong Rank 4 Xyz Monsters on the field as possible, alongside other disruption effects to maintain advantage.
Number 100 Numeron Dragon.pngNumeron OTK with Ridiculous ATK Numbers
In terms of strength to relative Rank, none are as surprising as the Numeron Xyz monsters. A specific combo is enough to get four Xyz Monsters on the field, and attacking consecutively can end up with a monster with 16000 ATK. An added danger is the option to bring out the only monster in the game that can have 100,000 ATK.
Lyrilusc - Assembled Nightingale.pngLyrilusc Level 1 and Rank 1 Swarm Deck
Lyriliusc Decks can swarm the field easily and create openings to Xyz Summon Rank 1 monsters. While it loses access to Link Monsters through synergy with other archetype engines, it can simply double down on its ability to Xyz Summon strong monsters as a standalone Deck.
Teardrop the Rikka Queen.jpgRikka Xyz Deck That Also Tributes Enemy's Monsters
One of the few archetypes with a Kaiju-like effect of using opponent's monsters as tributes, Rikka Decks rely on level manipulation to get their key monsters out on the field. Once they do, the Deck becomes a pseudo-Control Deck with its plethora of Spells, Traps and Monster Effect disruptions.
Paleozoic Anomalocaris.pngPaleozoic Lots of Normal Traps That Double as Monsters
Paleozoic Decks are unique in that they rely mostly on Normal Trap Cards that can be Special Summoned into Monsters after they have been activated. Disruption after disruption slows down the pace of the game, and Extra Deck options are available with Rank 2 monsters.

A Tier List Explanations

Dante, Traveler of the Burning AbyssBurning Abyss Control the Enemy With Graveyard Effects
Burning Abyss remains consistent as ever in Master Duel, being able to contend against the best of the best. They have a variety of options in the Extra Deck, and the Main Deck is no slouch either with frequent floating effects. Expect an Extra Deck Monster out on the field already as early as Turn 1.
Raidraptor - Ultimate Falcon.pngRaidraptors Xyz-Based Deck That Ranks Up Into Stronger Monsters
Raidraptors are known for their ability to swarm the field by summoning monsters one after another. One of their unique gimmicks is the ability to "Rank Up" an Xyz Monster intro a stronger Xyz Monster, and Raidraptors have multiple Xyz Monsters with high Ranks to gain advantage over the opponent.
Sacred Noble Knight of King Artorigus.pngNoble Knights Xyz Deck that Specializes in Equip Spells
One of the more unique Warrior-type archetypes, Noble Knights empowers its monsters with a variety of Equip Spell Cards. Their effects can range from increased attack to recycle effects when destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, all while providing various forms of protection while equipped to a Noble Knight monster.
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Lion Emperor.pngFire Fist Chain Summon Level 3 and Level 4 Monsters
Fire Fist Decks are self-sufficient with their support, being able to get constant card advantage while maintaining presence on the Field. They specialize in Rank 3 and Rank 4 Xyz Monsters, comboing summon after summon to swarm the field with powerful monsters.
Infinitrack Earth Slicer.pngInfinitrack Xyz Beatdown with EARTH Machine Monsters
An extremely aggressive Beatdown Deck, Infinitrack relies on EARTH Machine Monsters to gain as much card advantage as possible, before destroying the enemy with monsters with very high ATK. They also have options in the Extra Deck, adding more firepower and control.
Constellar Ptolemy M7.pngTellar Swarming with LIGHT Monsters and Xyz Summons
Compromised of Constellar and Stellarknight archetypes, Tellar monsters swarm the field to generate presence and card advantage, specializing in Level 4 and Rank 4 monsters. They can also Xyz Summon higher-Ranked Xyz Monsters so long as certain requirements are fulfilled.

B Tier List Explanations

Ghostrick Alucard.pngGhostrick Different Levels, Different Ranks, Different Effects
Ghostrick Decks often have monsters ranging from Levels 1 to 4, and the corresponding Xyz Monster. They also often use Flip effects, and using effects that force monsters into the face-down Defense Position. This Deck draws out the game, gaining strength and advantage little by little, but it can also commit to stalls, mills and burn effects.
Number 40 Gimmick Puppet of Strings.jpgGimmick Puppet Taking Advantage of Opponent's Boss Monsters
Gimmick Puppets focuses on Rank 8 Xyz Monsters that can adapt to pressure. Most of their effects take advantage of when the opponent already has strong monsters on the field, either by destroying them through Gimmick Puppet effects, or by stealing victories through an Instant Win condition that was fulfilled.

Deck Tweaks


As much as it is good to have Raidraptor - Wise Strix in the Extra Deck, Raidraptors can do well with a pure Xyz Monster Extra Deck. A good option to trade Wise Strix would be an early game searcher like Raidraptor - Force Strix, or an endgame monster like Raidraptor - Final Fortress Dragon.

Tweak List

Raidraptor Wise Strix.png Raidraptor - Final Fortress Falcon.png

Fire Fist

Fire Fists do have options for Fusion and Synchro monsters which are integral to a Fire Fist Deck's strength, but instead you can double down with more Rank 3 and Rank 4 Xyz monsters, which the archetype is known for having a good engine. Combined with stellar support like Fire Formation - Tenki, and possible synergy with other archetypes like Zoodiacs, and expect this Deck to flourish with a pure Xyz Extra Deck.

Tweak List

Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Swan.jpg Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Horse Prince.PNG Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Kirin.jpg
Number 39 - Utopia.png Zoodiac Drident.png Leviair the Sea Dragon.png

Burning Abyss

The Burning Abyss Deck mostly compromises of Level 3 monsters, but it can Rank-Up its signature monster Dante, Traveler of the Burning Abyss, into Beatrice, Lady of the Eternal. Instead of adding Fusion and Synchro monsters, go all-in with good Rank 3 Xyz Monsters like Virutal World Dragon - Longlong or The Phantom Knights of Break Sword. Another option are Ritual Monsters, and the Burning Abyss has a dedicated one in Malacoda, Netherlord of the Burning Abyss.

Tweak List

Dante Pilgrim of the Burning Abyss.png Virgil, Rockstar of the Burning Abyss.PNG Cherubini Ebon Angel of the Burning Abyss.png
Virtual World Dragon - Longlong.png The Phantom Knights of Break Sword.png Malacoda Netherlord of the Burning Abyss.PNG


Access to Link Monsters will be unavailable during the Xyz Festtival, but this will barely hinder the Deck's ability to get strong Extra Deck monsters out on the field. You can drop cards like Lyrilusc - Independent Nightingale, Accesscode Talker and Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess, and go all-in on Xyz with options like Slacker Magician, Sylvan Princessprite and Number F0: Utopic Future.

Tweak List

Lyrilusc - Independent Nightingale.png Accesscode Talker.png Apollousa Bow of the Goddess.png
Slacker Magician.png Sylvan Princessprite.png Number F0 Utopic Future.png

Xyz Festival Loaner Decks

For the players who do not have an Xyz-dedicated Deck for the Xyz Festival, the game has provided three Loaner Decks for players to enjoy the event with, each with their own respective playstyle!

Light's Simulacrum

Main Deck

Cipher Etranger ImageCipher Etranger Radius, the Half-Moon Dragon ImageRadius, the Half-Moon Dragon Cipher Wing ImageCipher Wing Cipher Twin Raptor ImageCipher Twin Raptor
x3 x3 x3 x3
Cipher Mirror Knight ImageCipher Mirror Knight Storm Cipher ImageStorm Cipher Cipher Biplane.pngCipher Biplane Dark Hole ImageDark Hole
x3 x3 x3 x2
Double Exposure.pngDouble Exposure Twin Twisters ImageTwin Twisters Rank-Up-Magic Cipher Ascension ImageRank-Up-Magic Cipher Ascension Lightning Storm ImageLightning Storm
x2 x2 x2 x1
Mirror Force ImageMirror Force Bottomless Trap Hole ImageBottomless Trap Hole Xyz Reborn ImageXyz Reborn Cipher Bit ImageCipher Bit
x2 x2 x2 x2
Back to the Front ImageBack to the Front - - -
x2 - - -

Extra Deck

Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon ImageGalaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon Neo Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon ImageNeo Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Blade Dragon ImageGalaxy-Eyes Cipher Blade Dragon Galaxy-Eyes Cipher X Dragon ImageGalaxy-Eyes Cipher X Dragon
x3 x3 x1 x1

Dark Fangs of Rebellion

Main Deck

The Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloak ImageThe Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloak The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots ImageThe Phantom Knights of Silent Boots The Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves ImageThe Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves D.D. Survivor ImageD.D. Survivor
x3 x3 x3 x3
Dark Crusader ImageDark Crusader Dark Blade the Captain of the Evil World ImageDark Blade the Captain of the Evil World Dark Hole ImageDark Hole Overlay Regen ImageOverlay Regen
x3 x3 x2 x2
Twin Twisters ImageTwin Twisters The Phantom KnightsThe Phantom Knights' Rank-Up-Magic Launch Lightning Storm ImageLightning Storm Phantom KnightsPhantom Knights' Sword
x2 x2 x1 x3
Mirror Force ImageMirror Force Bottomless Trap Hole ImageBottomless Trap Hole Xyz Reborn ImageXyz Reborn The Phantom Knights of Shadow Veil ImageThe Phantom Knights of Shadow Veil
x3 x2 x2 x2
Back to the Front ImageBack to the Front - - -
x2 - - -

Extra Deck

The Phantom Knights of Break Sword ImageThe Phantom Knights of Break Sword Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon ImageDark Rebellion Xyz Dragon Dark Requiem Xyz Dragon ImageDark Requiem Xyz Dragon -
x3 x3 x3 -

Raptor Evolution

Main Deck

Raidraptor - Vanishing Lanius ImageRaidraptor - Vanishing Lanius Raidraptor - Fuzzy Lanius ImageRaidraptor - Fuzzy Lanius Raidraptor - Singing Lanius ImageRaidraptor - Singing Lanius Raidraptor - Necro Vulture ImageRaidraptor - Necro Vulture
x3 x3 x3 x3
Raidraptor - Avenge Vulture ImageRaidraptor - Avenge Vulture Raidraptor - Booster Strix ImageRaidraptor - Booster Strix Raidraptor - Rudder Strix ImageRaidraptor - Rudder Strix Dark Hole ImageDark Hole
x3 x3 x3 x2
Rank-Up-Magic Raid Force ImageRank-Up-Magic Raid Force Raidraptor - Call ImageRaidraptor - Call Rank-Up-Magic Skip Force ImageRank-Up-Magic Skip Force Twin Twisters ImageTwin Twisters
x2 x2 x2 x2
Lightning Storm ImageLightning Storm Mirror Force ImageMirror Force Bottomless Trap Hole ImageBottomless Trap Hole Xyz Reborn ImageXyz Reborn
x1 x2 x2 x2
Back to the Front ImageBack to the Front - - -
x2 - - -

Extra Deck

Raidraptor - Rise Falcon ImageRaidraptor - Rise Falcon Raidraptor - Force Strix ImageRaidraptor - Force Strix Raidraptor - Blaze Falcon ImageRaidraptor - Blaze Falcon Raidraptor - Revolution Falcon ImageRaidraptor - Revolution Falcon
x2 x2 x2 x2
Raidraptor - Satellite Cannon Falcon ImageRaidraptor - Satellite Cannon Falcon - - -
x2 - - -

Deck Tier List Criteria

Ranking Criteria
Consistency This is the Deck's ability to consistently commit with its gameplan in a Duel, regardless of circumstance. This also includes your starting hand, and the plays that can be made with it.
Skill Cap This determines a Deck being easy to learn and master for all Duelists to be used at full capacity. The higher the skill cap, the harder the combos that can be learned with the Deck opening more options.
B01 Advantage As of the moment, Master Duel is currently following a Best-of-1 format, meaning there are no Side Decks to consider. This checks the Deck's winrate when the Deck can win on its own, without having to swap out cards.
Meta Advantages This criteria checks how well the Deck fares against the current meta, and what they have that can counter staple cards seen in multiple Decks. This rating will most likely change during updates on the Forbidden/Limited Card list.

Related Guides

Deck Pages Banner.png

Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel Deck Archetypes

Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel Decks

Deck Tier List: Best Decks for Season 33

List of All Covered Decks

Aggro Decks

List of All Aggro Decks
D/D/D Aggro Code Talker / Prank Kids Zoodiac
Blue-Eyes Virtual World SPYRAL Control
Toon Kingdom Red-Eyes Blue-Eyes
Zoodiac Prank-Kids Zoodiac Tri-Brigade
Pure Tri-Brigade Ancient Gear Dragonmaid
Tri-Brigade Lyrilusc (Bird Up) Dinosaur Raidraptor
HERO Dragon Link Despia
Magikey Adamancipator Black Luster Soldier
Pendulum Magician Stardust Dragon Tenyi Swordsoul
Cyberdark @Ignister Cyber Dragon
The Winged Dragon of Ra Despian Predaplant Despia Darklord
Odd-Eyes Performapal Numeron FTK Six Samurai
ABC Trickstar Windwitch Blackwings
Fluffal Cupid Pitch Turbo Lunalight
Vampire Ultra Athletes Thunder Dragon
Z-ARC Pendulum Magician Adventurer Rose Dragon Tenyi Adventurer P.U.N.K.
Suship Pure D/D/D Numeron Egyptian Gods
Galaxy Eyes OTK Borrelend Dragon Link Vaylantz
Beetrooper Icejade Ra Therion ABC
Libromancer Mathmech Spright Evil☆Twin
Spright Tri-Brigade Ishizu Chaos Slifer Arcana Knights
Gaia OTK Vernusylph Ancient Warriors
Ghoti Springans 8-Axis Gizmek Orochi
Danger! Dark World Mikanko Scareclaw Kashtira
Zombie World P.U.N.K. Hungry Burger Nouvelles Obelisk the Tormentor
Mannadium Gate Guardian Gold Pride P.U.N.K.
Superheavy Samurai Nemleria Dragon Rulers
Snake-Eye T.G. Diabellstar Skull Servant
Kaiju Resonators Earthbound
Malefic Kozmo Armored Xyz Shark
Unchained Battlin' Boxer Chimera Illusion
Fire King Snake-Eyes Vaalmonica Memento
Horus Tearlaments Centur-Ion Dragon Master Magia
Ice Barrier Infernoid -

Control Decks

List of All Control Decks
Invoked Shaddoll Eldlich Control Drytron Fairy
True Draco Dark Magician Traptrix
Phantom Knights Madolche Relinquished
P.U.N.K. DPE Scythe Evil★Twin
Paleozoic Frog Salamangreat Gravekeepers
Monarch Tellarknight Agent
Exosisters Darklord Plunder Patrol
Rikka Floowandereeze Adventurer Phantom Knights
Dinomoprhia Tri-Brigade Gladiator Beast Adventurer Witchcrafter
Dark Magician Gravekeeper Branded Tri-Brigade Branded Despia
Zombie Vampire Blue-Eyes Jet Dragon Spellbook
Branded Cyber Dragon Branded Zombies Pure Scareclaw
Dinomorphia Runick Labrynth
Harpies Buster Blader Umi Control
Endymion Nekroz Spright
Spright Runick Ishizu Runick Branded Ishizu
Crystal Beasts Orcust Altergeist
Witchcrafter Subterror Krawler Mayakashi
Ishizu Tearlaments Evilswarm Melffy Spright
Bystial Branded Dogmatika Bystial Naturia Runick
Generaiders Kashtira Purrely
Ninja Rescue-ACE Gishki Spright
Prediction Princess Vanquish Soul Jinzo
Egyptian God Ojama Control Aromage
Ghostrick Kuriboh Anti-Meta Stun
Runick Spright Fur Hire Horus Control Toy Box Dark Magician
Yubel Voiceless Voice

Burn Decks

List of All Burn Decks
Red-Eyes Burn Timelord Burn Chain Burn
D.D. Dynamite Igknight OTK Cubic
Dinosaur Bishbaalkin FTK Volcanic Snake-Eyes Transaction Rollback Burn

Alt-Win Decks

List of All Alternate Win Decks
Crooked Cook Exodia Flower Cardian Exodia Treasure Panda Exodia
Suicide Defense OTK

All Budget Decks

List of All Budget Deck Guides
Budget Shark Xyz Budget Eldlich Budget Hippo Turbo
Budget Despia Budget F.A. Metalfoes Budget Blue-Eyes White Dragon
Budget Chain Burn Budget Majespecter Budget Yosenju
Budget Flower Cardian Budget True Draco Budget Amorphage
Budget Ishizu Tearlaments

Best Cards for Decks

Lists of Best Cards for Deck Building
Best Staple Cards Best Searchers Best Hand Traps
Best Board Wipes Best Negates Best Fusion Monsters
Best Synchro Monsters Best Xyz Monsters Best Link Monsters
Best Structure Decks Best Decks to Go 1st or 2nd


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