Solo Leveling Arise

Hunter Archive

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Solo Leveling Arise Hunter Archive
This is our guide on the Hunter Archive in Solo Leveling Arise. In this guide, we'll explore what the Hunter Archive is and provide instructions how to unlock Character Stories of your favorite hunters!

What is Hunter Archive?

Collection of Side Character Stories

Solo Leveling Arise - Hunter Archive Lee Joohee
The Hunter Archive is a pivotal feature in Solo Leveling: Arise, a game mode that offers players a deep dive into the lore and backstories of their favorite characters.

To access the Hunter Archive, head to the Lobby and click the Compass icon. From there, select Hunter Archive.

How to Play Hunter Archive

Unlock Character Story Using a Key

Solo Leveling Arise Hunter Archive Unlock,
You can unlock Character Stories and their chapters in the Hunter Archive using a key. These keys are replenished for free the first time you log in each day, allowing you to delve into the backgrounds and narratives of different characters.

However, only one key is replenished each day, and the maximum number of keys you can hold is three. If you already possess the maximum number of keys, they will not replenish further upon logging in each day.

More character stories become unlockable in the Hunter Archive when the player (Sung Jinwoo) reaches specific levels or completes certain chapters within the game.

Play Using the Character

Solo Leveling Arise - Hunter Archives Lee Joohee Battle

In the Hunter Archive, story chapters are divided into two main segments: Story and Battle. Some chapters focus solely on storytelling without any battles while chapters that feature battles allow players to assume the role of the character.

Completing a chapter earns you a reward.

Hunter Archive Rewards

50 Essence Stones Each Chapter Completion

Solo Leveling Arise - Hunter Archive Reward
Completing each chapter in Hunter Archive rewards you with 50 Essence Stones, which serve as special currency for accessing gates, performing hunter draws, and unlocking various other content.

Solo Leveling Arise Related Guides

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Solo Leveling Arise Game Modes

All Game Modes

Solo Leveling Arise Game Modes
Story Mode Gates
Workshop of Brilliant Light Hunter Archive
Instance Dungeon Encore Mission
Battlefield of Trials Battlefield of Time
Battlefield of Chaos Power of Destruction


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