Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Walkthrough Comments

13.0 Best Character Tier List | April 2024 Tier ListComment

Displaying entries 1 - 20 of 868 in total


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    868 Anonymous33 minutesReport

    you can play as Ashley with a sans mask. Be proud

    867 Anonymous35 minutesReport

    they made fun of his recovery in the trailer

    866 Anonymous36 minutesReport

    squirter, use water gun

    865 Anonymous37 minutesReport

    when villager exists, his recovery is worse then little mac's

    864 Anonymous39 minutesReport


    863 Anonymous5 daysReport


    862 Anonymous7 daysReport


    861 Anonymous8 daysReport

    He needs at least a tier

    860 Anonymous8 daysReport

    I think captain falcon is the best

    859 Anonymous8 daysReport

    I get why villager is in D tier but the guy should get early C tier for the insane combos he can do.

    858 Anonymous8 daysReport

    P.S I don’t think he should be in A+ I was just mentioning he is my main

    857 Anonymous8 daysReport

    Meta knight is hard to master but he is pretty good I think he should be in A plus I main him watching tournaments to get better

    856 Anonymous8 daysReport

    so true

    855 Anonymous8 daysReport

    I just got sora and I think he should be higher at least A+ I was able to beat pyra/mythra with sora easily

    854 Anonymous9 daysReport

    bro Idk bout King dedede but Isabelle should be higher

    853 Anonymous9 daysReport

    I'm deeply offended that the two characters I main Isabelle and King Dedede is in E TIER!!!!! lol

    852 Anonymous9 daysReport

    Im sorry, and I know im boutta get clowned. But I like Mii sword fighter...

    851 Splendix10 daysReport

    Tbh kirby is doing pretty good for me, i came up with a lot of combos that work most of the time (not including up-down spam that combo isn’t good in online battles) so i never expected kirby to be that low. (With spirits i could make him 2 shot on easy mode in wol)

    850 Anonymous12 daysReport


    849 Anonymous12 daysReport

    Corrin belongs higher.

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