Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

Pokedex Completion Trading Board

Pokedex Completion Trading Board Pokemon BDSP
This is a Pokedex Completion Trading Board for Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP). Use this message board for Pokemon trading and finding Version Exclusives in order to completely fill up your Pokedex!

Related Guides
GlameowVersion Exclusive Pokemon PiplupHow to Get All Starter Pokemon Pokemon BDSP RotomHow to Unlock the National Dex

Pokedex Completion Trading Board Rules

  • No submissions that are offensive toward other users.
  • No slander or harassment.
  • No posting of images that violate public standards.
  • No posting submissions irrelevant to this board.
  • No posting of the same contents repeatedly.
  • No advertising for other sites or apps.
  • No posting for finanical gain (via RMT, etc.)

Note: If you violate any of these conditions, your submission may be deleted and you may be banned from posting.

Pokedex Completion Trade Codes

Below is the official link/trade code for Game8 users to easily find other players who are willing to trade and help one another complete the Pokedex. Please use the following room code when conducting trades below.

Room Trade Code
Pokedex Completion Trade Room 6867 0847

List of Message Boards

Pokemon BDSP Message Boards

Message Boards

Pokemon BDSP Message Boards
Discussion Board (27) Friend Request Board (29)
Pokedex Completion Trading Board (8784) Ditto / Pokerus Trading Board (5247)
High IV & Egg Move Pokemon Trading Board (239) Shiny, Legendary & Event Pokemon Trading Board (765)
Underground Message Board (23) Best Poffin Recipes Sharing Board (61)
Online Battles Message Board (17) Extra Eggs and Breedjects Trading Board (95)

Message Board

Submissions: 8784
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7785 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

if no ho-oh, do u have pidgey or slakoth i can have?

7784 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

i can touch-trade lugia, do u have ho-oh?

7783 Pescadoover 2 yearsReport

Anyone willing to touch trade a Lugia with me? I can offer any non-legendary, Dialga, and a Jirachi.

7782 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

I’ve got some of those

7781 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

LF: pidgey line, slakoth line, and touch-trade Ho-oh for Lugia

7780 Fleshreaperover 2 yearsReport

Lf Pidgey Kabuto Gulpin Elektrike Spinda Makuhita 4x water stone 1x leaf stone

7779 Aresover 2 yearsReport

Does anyone need a seel for a slowpoke? I have brilliant diamond

7778 Jasonover 2 yearsReport

Apologies, I posted on Reddit and have already traded these. Thank you so much though, that's really kind of you!

7777 Pescadoover 2 yearsReport

I can help with that, give me 10 mins I'll need to breed them.

7776 Jasonover 2 yearsReport

Pokemon Brilliant Diamond Does anyone have a Heracross and a Shroomish available to trade? These are the last 2 Pokemon I need for my Pokedex and the honey trees and great marsh aren't being very kind to me. xD

7775 Ericover 2 yearsReport

Anyone have the legends available for a touch trade? I’m just looking for the entry to complete my pokedex

7774 Pescadoover 2 yearsReport

Does anyone have a Lugia to trade? I can give anything except legendaries apart from Dialga and Jirachi along with pokerus.

7773 Pescadoover 2 yearsReport

I actually don't have Lugia I also need it so you can have the Ho-oh back, can you help evolve my porgon2 to porygon-z?

7772 Brunoover 2 yearsReport

sorry, Im in the room now

7771 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

I have drifloon

7770 Pescadoover 2 yearsReport

alright I'll hop onto the room

7769 Brunoover 2 yearsReport

I can give you ho-ho if you tradecheck with me the legendary birds + lugia

7768 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

Does anyone have a drifloon and burmy, need to complete dex

7767 Pescadoover 2 yearsReport

Does anyone have a Ho-oh to trade? I can give anything except legendaries apart from Dialga and Jirachi.

7766 Ericalmost 3 yearsReport

At 476/493 Just missing all the legends. Anyone willing to touch trade me?

7765 Brunoalmost 3 yearsReport

yeah I answered the wrong post sorry.

7764 brandonalmost 3 yearsReport

i dont need them, i need the legendary birds and lugia

7763 Brunoalmost 3 yearsReport

Hi! I can get you ho-ho, legendary dogs and porygon z

7762 Brunoalmost 3 yearsReport

Hi! I can get you ho-ho, legendary dogs and porygon z

7761 brandonalmost 3 yearsReport

hi i need touch trades for articuno, zapdos, noltres and lugia, i have ho oh and the legendary dogs if u still need for touch trade

7760 Alexalmost 3 yearsReport

What do you want for an exeggcute? I'm in trading room now

7759 Metal Kalmost 3 yearsReport

If you can get me a spiritomb I’ll help you with all those trade evos

7758 Noddyalmost 3 yearsReport

Just need mew legendary dogs hoho celebi,deoxys,porygon z. Arcures.touch trade be kool. Off for now

7757 Noddyalmost 3 yearsReport

Your welcome same to you saved me few weeks in the marshes lol

7756 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

alright cool thanks for the help

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