Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP)

Pokedex Completion Trading Board

Pokedex Completion Trading Board Pokemon BDSP
This is a Pokedex Completion Trading Board for Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP). Use this message board for Pokemon trading and finding Version Exclusives in order to completely fill up your Pokedex!

Related Guides
GlameowVersion Exclusive Pokemon PiplupHow to Get All Starter Pokemon Pokemon BDSP RotomHow to Unlock the National Dex

Pokedex Completion Trading Board Rules

  • No submissions that are offensive toward other users.
  • No slander or harassment.
  • No posting of images that violate public standards.
  • No posting submissions irrelevant to this board.
  • No posting of the same contents repeatedly.
  • No advertising for other sites or apps.
  • No posting for finanical gain (via RMT, etc.)

Note: If you violate any of these conditions, your submission may be deleted and you may be banned from posting.

Pokedex Completion Trade Codes

Below is the official link/trade code for Game8 users to easily find other players who are willing to trade and help one another complete the Pokedex. Please use the following room code when conducting trades below.

Room Trade Code
Pokedex Completion Trade Room 6867 0847

List of Message Boards

Pokemon BDSP Message Boards

Message Boards

Pokemon BDSP Message Boards
Discussion Board (27) Friend Request Board (29)
Pokedex Completion Trading Board (8784) Ditto / Pokerus Trading Board (5247)
High IV & Egg Move Pokemon Trading Board (239) Shiny, Legendary & Event Pokemon Trading Board (765)
Underground Message Board (23) Best Poffin Recipes Sharing Board (61)
Online Battles Message Board (17) Extra Eggs and Breedjects Trading Board (95)

Message Board

Submissions: 8784
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8145 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

Do you have shaymin/cresselia i need to touch trade both

8144 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

Can anyone touch trade the lake guardians

8143 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

Yes but do you have a dunsparce?

8142 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

Would you be willing to trade a heracross to me? I just need it for dex completion.

8141 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

I have a heracross

8140 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

I can give you an electrike for dunsparce

8139 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

I can trade you vulpix for dunsparce

8138 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

Anyone have a heracross?

8137 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

Meet at trading room?

8136 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

I have dunsparce. I need vulpix

8135 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

Looking for weedle will trade makuhita for it

8134 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

Looking for weedle. Will trade makuhita forget it

8133 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

Looking for weedle

8132 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

Looking for a yanma, electrike, spoink and makuhita. Willing to trade others (dunsparce) for it!

8131 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

Can you do a cresselia touch trade?

8130 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

How many mass outbreak pokemon does the game cycle through. Apparently I had a dunsparce out break once because it is registered in my pokedex

8129 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

same ;-; ive been searching for weeks

8128 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

Dunsparce i need Dunsparce

8127 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

that's rough, when i get to catching it i'll post a message in here for you or anyone else who needs it, need anything else for now?

8126 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

Yeah I mean I didn't get the Oak letter I forgot to

8125 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

you claim the event item, it can be triggered at any time if you have the item. before the glitch for it was patched you could catch it even before the item was released.

8124 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

But you had to get it through mystery gift internet between Feb and march

8123 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

i havent caught mine yet, SRing for shaymin soon

8122 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

Can you do touch trade for shaymin i forgot to claim mine

8121 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport


8120 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

I'll be in room 19952022 if you want to do trades

8119 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

Great can we do johto dogs for kanto birds and lugia/ho-oh?

8118 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport


8117 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

Which version do you have? I have BD need SP touch trades

8116 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

LF: Dunsparce. It is the only mon I need to complete the living dex. FT: I can trade you literally anything. I will do tap-trades for legendaries.

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