Lethal Company

Flask Price and Value Guide

Flask is a type of Scrap in Lethal Company. Check out its basic information, including its weight and Flask's sell prices, in this guide!

Flask Overview

Basic Information

Flask Basic Information
Lethal Company - Flask Scrap
Type Sell Price Weight Conductive
Scrap * 20 - 41 19 Yes

* Sell price is based from the team's gameplay.

How to Get the Flask

Spawns Inside Facilities in Each Moon

The Flask spawns within the abandoned facilities you and your team are going to go in whenever you land on a Moon. Keep in mind that this scrap's spawn rate will vary per run.

List of All Moons

How to Sell the Flask

Sell at the Company Building

Lethal Company - Sell at the Company Building

You can sell the Flask in the The Company Building located in 71-Gordion Moon. Just take the scrap to the counter and ring the bell to sell it.

How to Sell Scrap

Lethal Company Related Guides

Lethal Company - List of All Items

All Items

List of All Items Types

All Items in Lethal Company
Gear Scraps Weapons
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Suits Consumables

List of All Scrap

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