Assassin's Creed Valhalla

Hidden Ones Set Armor Locations and Skills

This is a guide to the armor set Hidden Ones Set from Assassin's Creed: Valhalla (AC Valhalla). Read more to find out their skills and the locations of their armor pieces.

Hidden Ones Set Skills

Skill 1 (2 Pieces) Increase Assassination Damage when crouched and undetected for 10s
Skill 2 (5 Pieces) Additional Increase to Headshot Damage

Hidden Ones Armor Locations

Hidden Ones' Gloves

Hidden OnesHidden Ones' Gloves
Country England
Region Ledecestrescire
Map View Overworld View
How to Get: Find the Ratau Bureau east of Ledecestre, then look for the flooring with the Hidden Ones symbol. Climb the pillar near it with birds perched on it, behind the haystack. Shoot the suspended payload so that it drops down, then drop into the crypt below it. Go through the crypt and you will find the chest containing the gloves.

Hidden Ones' Mask

Hidden OnesHidden Ones' Mask
Country England
Region Lunden
Map View Overworld View
How to Get: Go to Lunden and find the Londinium Buerau to the northeast. Find the stakes leading to a dive and dive down. In the pool in the bureau, dive deeper and find a breakable wall to the side and go through it. You'll find the edge of the room with a breakable stone wall. Shoot the jars behind it through the window to access the room.

Hidden Ones' Leggings

Hidden OnesHidden Ones' Leggings
Country England
Region Glowecestrescire
Map View Overworld View
How to Get: Find it in the Temple of Ceres Bureau. Once you enter the bureau, find the crawlspace to the right, then follow the path, throwing torches at green gas to remove them. Destroy the breakable floor and descend into a large room, and find oil jars in the next room. Ascend the stairs and find the breakable stone wall. The chest is behind that wall.

Hidden Ones' Hood

Hidden OnesHidden Ones' Hood
Country England
Region Essexe
Map View Overworld View
How to Get: Destroy the barrier blocking the secret entrance, follow the path down and climb up the wooden scaffolding to reach the Assassin's Bureau. Go across and enter the south room by climbing the north wall then dive to get the key. Resurface and unlock the nearby door to shoot the barred door. Enter the north hall and go to the room on your left.

Hidden Ones' Robes

Hidden OnesHidden Ones' Robes
Country England
Region Jorvik
Map View Overworld View
How to Get: Find the Eboracum Bureau by finding the graveyard south of the Theatre. There will be a breakable wooden floor, dive down it and continue on until you find a large room. Go to the left of the room to find the crawlspace into the bureau proper. Find the key to the locked door atop a shelf next to the door. The chest is behind that door.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Related Guides

List of Armor Sets and Locations

Arenhare'ko:wa Brigandine
Byzantine Armor Celtic Armor
Druidic Armor Dublin Champion Armor
Egyptian Armor Galloglach
Hidden Ones Huntsman
Iberian Armor Magister's
Mentor's Raven Clan
Rus Armor Saint George's
Thegn Thor's
Wayland's Armor


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