Epic Seven

Gnoll Saber Outlaw - Skills and Stats

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This page contains the Stats and Skills for the monster Gnoll Saber Outlaw in the game Epic Seven. Read on to find tips for beating Gnoll Saber Outlaw.

Gnoll Saber Outlaw - Stats

Gnoll Saber Outlaw image

Basic Information

Grade ★2 - ★6
Element Fire
Class Warrior
Zodiac Scorpio

Stats (at Max Lv.)

CP 13463
Atk 843
HP 4879
Spd 100
Def 550
Critical Hit Chance Critical Hit Damage
15% 150%
Dual Attack Chance Effectiveness
5% 0%
Effect Resistance

Gnoll Saber Outlaw - Skills

Violent Instinct (Gnoll Saber Outlaw)
Increases caster's Critical Hit Chance every time they attack.
Sudden Slash (Gnoll Saber Outlaw)
Attacks the enemy, increasing caster's Combat Readiness by 15%. A critical hit will increase Combat Readiness by an additional 15%.
Wild Slash (Gnoll Saber Outlaw)
Mercilessly hacks at the enemy. A critical hit will deal increased damage and inflict two bleeding effects for 2 turns.

Gnoll Saber Outlaw - Awaken

This monster can not be awaken.

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