Star Wars Outlaws Walkthrough Comments

All Bugs and Errors(Page 3)Comment

Displaying entries 4 - 11 of 48 in total


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    8 Anonymous22 daysReport

    On PC, the game crash when i go on Kijimi for the first time. No problem on the others planets.

    7 Anonymous22 daysReport

    Nix wont open the vent below the 2 bugs fans. I can send him there.. but he won’t jump up.

    6 Anonymous22 daysReport

    If you invert the Y axis (for just Kay's movement) from the control menu Photo mode will invert the X axis of the Camera drone. And the X-axis rotation is also off angle by ~15° with double the movement speed. This is from being played on Xbox Series X.

    5 Anonymous23 daysReport

    I’m guessing this is an issue after the update because I cannot upload my save with the same error from PS5

    4 Scooter_Cannon23 daysReport

    I am also getting this error, very frustrating as I want to move from my PC to my living room. I really don't want to start my game over.

    3 Anonymous23 daysReport

    I want to load my save from xbox to pc or pc to xbox ( playing cross-progression ) and get error MOOF - 0x00001402

    2 Anonymous23 daysReport

    When I meet the sand people the game crashes I've try three times. So now I can't play until it's fixed

    1 Anonymous23 daysReport

    When entering the room where you are supposed to learn to get Nix to attack people and afterwards equip the stun gun, the game completely broke. First I fell through the textures, then the guard I am supposed to take down with nix walks right through a closed metal door. Afterwards, I am unable to equip my gun. And after running away, I am unable to open the Cantina door, as the textures break down again.

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