Monopoly Go!

How to Get More Dice Rolls

⚁ Today's Free Dice Links! (9/23 @ 8am PDT)
How to Get More Dice | Beginner's Tips Guide
Today's Events▶︎Dino Treasures | Flash Events
★ Trade Boards▶︎Sticker Trades | Friend Codes
☆ Lists▶︎Sticker | Token | Shield | Event | Tournies
Wild Sticker | Golden Stickers | Golden Blitz

Monopoly GO! - How to Get More Dice

You can get more Dice Rolls by collecting Stickers, playing Events and completing Quick Wins in Monopoly GO! Read on to learn 20 ways to get more dice rolls, how to save dice rolls, and know the best time to roll your dice!

How to Get More Dice Rolls

  1. Visit the Game8 Free Dice Links Page
  2. Collect Stickers
  3. Finish A Sticker Album
  4. Utilize the Sticker Vault
  5. Play Events and Tournaments
  6. Complete Quick Wins Everyday
  7. Collect Dice From Daily Treats
  8. Open the Community Chest
  9. Go To Jail
  10. Build A Complete Set of Landmarks
  11. Spin the Wheel
  12. Play During Roll Match
  13. Free Parking for Dice!
  14. Invite More Friends
  15. Fill Up Your Shelves!
  16. Land on Chance Cards
  17. Land on Shields
  18. Collect Free Dice From the Shop
  19. Get Free Dice From Deals and Offers
  20. Purchase Your Dice Rolls

Visit the Game8 Free Dice Links Page

Stay updated on free Dice Rolls every day by visiting Game8's Free Dice Links Page. Check it regularly to keep up with the latest and upcoming dice links provided by Monopoly GO!

Today's Free Dice Links!

Collect Stickers

Completing a Sticker Set rewards you with a generous number of Dice Rolls! The amount of Dice Rolls you receive varies based on the rarity of the Sticker Set you complete.

List of All Sticker Sets

Finish A Sticker Album

As you collect stickers, completing the entire album will grant you a substantial amount of Dice Rolls!

The rewards differ per album, but one thing is certain, all Dice Roll rewards are in the 5-digit range!

Sticker Trading Board

You Can Complete A Sticker Album Twice

After completing a sticker album for the first time, a new album will appear. This still contains the same Sticker Sets but it adds 5 more, and the rewards are greater as well!

Utilize the Sticker Vault

You can also exchange stickers for rewards via the vault. The vault is located on the Stickers screen and it shows a picture of an orange vault.

Above each Stickers are Stars, which identifies the rarity of each one.

Sticker Star Rarity and Where to Find
1 Star Common
Green Sticker Packs
2 Stars Uncommon
Yellow Sticker Packs
3 Stars Rare
Pink Sticker Packs
4 Stars Very Rare
Yellow Sticker Packs
5 Stars Ultra Rare
Purple Sticker Packs

Vault Differences

There are a total of three Vaults that require different Star Count to open them. Each vault more valuable than others.

It is recommended to only open the third vault once you accumulate all of the required stars for it as it provides you the most rewards.

Vault Rewards
250 Star Vault
Monopoly GO - Dice Rolls Dice Rolls x 100
Monopoly GO - Pink Sticker Pack Pink Sticker Pack x1
500 Star Vault
Monopoly GO - Dice Rolls Dice Rolls x 350 Monopoly GO - Pink Sticker Pack Pink Sticker Pack x 1 Monopoly GO - Blue Sticker Pack Blue Sticker Pack x1
700 Star Vault
Monopoly GO - Dice Rolls Dice Rolls x 500
Monopoly GO - Pink Sticker Pack Pink Sticker Pack x1 Monopoly GO - Blue Sticker Pack Blue Sticker Pack x2 Monopoly GO - Purple Sticker Pack Purple Sticker Pack x1

Play Events and Tournaments

The primary way of obtaining more Dice Rolls is by playing and participating in Events and Tournaments. Each milestone grants you rewards such as Cash, Sticker Packs and Dice Rolls!

All Tournaments and Milestone Events

Complete Quick Wins Everyday

Quick Wins are three set of tasks you need to complete everyday to earn rewards. You can get rewards such as Cash, Weekly Points, Sticker Packs, Event Items, and most importantly, Dice Rolls!

Collect Dice From Daily Treats

Daily Treats is the Login Reward you get everyday when you play Monopoly GO!

It keeps track on your daily progress at it has its own progress bar that updates whenever you claim your Daily Treats.

Open the Community Chest

The Community Chest offers more than just cash rewards; it can also provide free Dice Rolls depending on where the roulette lands.

If it stops on a friend with a gift icon, one of the rewards might be free Dice!

Go To Jail

Landing on the Go to Jail tile in Monopoly GO! is a double-edged sword. The goal is to roll a matching dice combination using two dice, and you have three chances to do so.

If you fail to roll a matching pair, you'll have to pay the prison fee instead.

Build A Complete Set of Landmarks

Completing a set of Landmarks rewards you with Dice Rolls, Cash, and sometimes Sticker Packs.

However, you'll need cash to build your structures, so prioritize saving up before focusing on completing Landmark sets.

Spin the Color Wheel

In Monopoly GO!, there's a special Wheel that activates when you land on a set of hotels with matching colors.

When you land on any of those hotels, you get a chance to spin the Color Wheel, which offers various rewards, including a Vault, Sticker Packs, Cash, and Dice Rolls!

Spin the Wheel During Wheel Boost Flash Event

Monopoly GO! - Color Wheel Boost

During Wheel Boost, you can spin the wheel twice! It's a great opportunity to build your landmarks while the event is active, as this increases your chances of acquiring hotels and, consequently, more spins!

Play During Roll Match

Roll Match is a Flash Event where matching your dice roll to the featured number rewards you with Dice Rolls!

Keep an eye on the event to make sure you don’t miss out on this chance to earn extra Dice Rolls.

Free Parking for Dice!

Free Parking for Dice is a Flash Event where you can earn free Dice Rolls by landing on the Free Parking tile. To participate, accumulate Dice Rolls by landing on the Go to Jail, GO, and Just Visiting tiles.

Once you land on the Free Parking tile, you’ll receive all the Dice Rolls you’ve collected. Remember, you need to land on the Free Parking tile to claim your reward, not just pass by it.

Invite More Friends

Inviting friends to Monopoly GO! rewards you with free Dice Rolls once you reach a certain number of invites.

You can invite friends by sharing your Monopoly GO! link or by connecting the game to your Facebook account.

Friend Code Message Board

Fill Up Your Shelves!

Your showroom in Monopoly GO! isn’t just for display. It rewards you with Dice Rolls when you complete a shelf, especially if it has a lock below.

Filling up a shelf with Tokens, Shields, or Emojis unlocks the next shelf and grants you even more Dice Rolls as a reward.

Land on Chance Cards

Just like in the classic Monopoly board game, Monopoly GO! features chance cards that can reward you with various prizes, including more Dice Rolls, when you land on them!

Land on Shields

When you land on a tile with a Shield icon, you'll gain shields based on the multiplier of your Dice roll.

If the multiplier surpasses your shield limit, the extra dice are awarded to you for free.

Collect Free Dice From the Shop

It might be a bit tricky to find, but if you open the shop and swipe the top portion all the way to the right, you'll discover a free reward. This gift includes various rewards, with Dice always included.

It refreshes every 8 hours, so make sure to check it regularly for new rewards!

Get Free Dice From Deals and Offers

When you click on Deals or Offers, you might find free items available before you make a purchase. You can grab these free items, such as Dice Rolls, without having to buy anything else.

Purchase Your Dice Rolls

You can purchase Dice Rolls in the Shop, or you can check the daily deals on the left side of your screen.

These deals often offer a more affordable option compared to the regular shop prices.

How to Save Dice Rolls

  1. Take Advantage of Flash Events
  2. Stop Rolling if You Know You Can't Reach the Next Milestone
  3. Use the Roll Multiplier Strategically
  4. Stop Playing the Tournament if You Know You Won't Be First

Take Advantage of Flash Events

All Events
Landmark RushLandmark Rush Free Parking (Dice)Free Parking (Dice) Free Parking (Cash)Free Parking (Cash)
Rent FrenzyRent Frenzy BuilderBuilder's Bash Mega HeistMega Heist
Cash GrabCash Grab Wheel BoostWheel Boost Roll MatchRoll Match
High RollerHigh Roller Sticker BoomSticker Boom Golden BlitzGolden Blitz
Board RushBoard Rush Lucky ChanceLucky Chance Cash BoostCash Boost

Flash Events are limited-time opportunities that enhance your game experience with various rewards, including free Dice Rolls, extra Cash, more Stickers, and Building Discounts!

Stop Rolling if You Know You Can't Reach the Next Milestone

If you're running low on Dice Rolls and the next milestone in the current Event or Tournament is far out of reach, it's best to stop trying to reach it. You might end up wasting your Dice Rolls without achieving the milestone.

Instead, wait for the event to end and use your Dice Rolls in the next one.

Use the Roll Multiplier Strategically

The Roll Multiplier boosts your rewards, such as Cash, Event Points, or Dice Rolls, but using it strategically is key. For the best results, activate the Roll Multiplier when you’re 6 to 8 tiles away from Train Stations.

This increases your chances of landing on them and maximizing your rewards.

Do Not Get Blinded by the High Roller Flash Event

The High Roller Flash Event boosts your Roll Multiplier beyond its maximum capacity, but be cautious as it also raises the stakes and risks depleting your Dice count.

It's best to take advantage of this event only when you have a substantial amount of Dice Rolls to avoid running low.

Stop Playing the Tournament if You Know You Won't Be First

When you enter a tournament and the number 1 spot is already in the 5-digit range, it’s often best to accept defeat if you don’t have enough Dice Rolls to compete with the leader.

You can still play casually and earn rewards, but aiming for the top spot at this stage is likely futile.

Best Time to Roll Your Dice

  1. During Events
  2. During Lucky Chance
  3. During Sticker Boom
  4. During Builder's Bash

During Events

It is best to keep your dice until Events, such as the Treasures Dig Events, Partners Event, Team Events or the Peg-E Prize Drop Event, happen.

These events always have ultimate rewards such as new Shields, Tokens, Purple Sticker Packs, and even Wild Stickers!

All Monopoly GO Events Today

During Lucky Chance Flash Event

The Lucky Chance Flash Event provides rewards that surpass those of normal chance cards. Some of the rewards you might receive include Mega Heists, Free Rolls, and Higher Tier Sticker Packs.

This Flash Event however, only has a short duration of 10 to 15 minutes, so be sure to maximize its stay whenever you happen upon it.

During Sticker Boom

Sticker Boom is a rare Flash Event that increases the Stickers you get from each pack by 50%. To maximize this event, aim to get hotels and land on them to spin the Wheel, where you can target the Vault for two sticker packs at once.

Stickers are extremely valuable in Monopoly GO!, so don’t miss this event when it occurs. Like the Lucky Chance Flash Event, Sticker Boom lasts only 10 minutes, so make sure to take full advantage before it ends!

During Builder's Bash

Builder's Bash is a Flash Event that offers discounts on building your landmarks. Take advantage of this event by rolling your dice to earn Cash and upgrade your buildings as much as possible before the event ends!

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