Monopoly Go!

How Does Golden Blitz Work?

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Monopoly GO - Golden Blitz

Golden Blitz is a Flash Event that boosts your playing experience in Monopoly GO! Find out what Golden Blitz is, how it works, how long it lasts, and know some useful tips and strategies on what to do during the Golden Blitz Flash Event.

Golden Blitz Overview

Golden Blitz Details

Flash Event
Monopoly GO! - Golden Blitz Golden Blitz
Description Players can trade golden stickers five times daily, limited to just two specific stickers
Duration Limited Time
Rewards ・Tradable 5 Star Gold Stickers

How Does Golden Blitz Work?

Trade Your Gold Cards With Other Players

During Golden Blitz, you can trade your Gold Stickers with other players, which is not possible in any other time.

However, you're limited to only two trading options.

List of Gold Stickers

How Long Does Golden Blitz Last?

Lasts for 1 Day

Monopoly GO - Time

Golden Blitz lasts for 1 Day and the schedule is usually announced by Monopoly GO!

Golden Blitz Tips and Strategies

Tips for Golden Blitz Flash Event

Ask Stickers From Your Friends

If you do not have the featured Gold Sticker yet, it is imperative that you have it during this Flash Event as this might be your only timeframe to get it.

Request the sticker from your in-game friends and hope they can provide it.

Visit Game8's Sticker Trading Board

If you do not have any friends who have the Gold Sticker, your second option is to find someone who does.

Luckily, Game8 has a sticker board where you can trade with people via your in-game link. You can visit Game8's Sticker Board here.

Sticker Trading Board

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