Monopoly Go!

All President's Trail Rewards and Milestones

Here is a list of all the Rewards and required Milestones for the President's Trail Milestone Event in Monopoly GO! Check out President's Trail's duration, available rewards, milestones, and exclusive item rewards as you read on!

President's Trail Event Duration

Milestone Event Has Already Ended

Tournament Duration
The President's Trail Milestone Event started on Feb 19, 2024 and has already ended.

All President's Trail Rewards and Milestones

President's Trail Rewards Overview

President's Trail Rewards
Monopoly GO - Cash Cash Monopoly GO - Dice Rolls Dice Rolls Monopoly GO - Green Sticker Pack Green Sticker Pack
Monopoly GO - Yellow Sticker Pack Yellow Sticker Pack Monopoly GO - Pink Sticker Pack Pink Sticker Pack Monopoly GO - Blue Sticker Pack Blue Sticker Pack

As you reach certain milestones in President's Trail, you can redeem useful rewards such as Cash, Dice Rolls, and Sticker Packs.

The more milestones you accomplish, the more rewards you can get, so make sure to make the most out of this Milestone Event to get the best possible rewards!

President's Trail has 50 Milestones!

Monopoly GO! - Milestones

The President's Trail Event has a total of 50 milestones to conquer! Try your best to get all the rewards until the event ends!

Exclusive Rewards

No Exclusive Rewards

Monopoly GO! - No Exclusive Rewards

This Milestone Event has no exclusive Shields or Tokens as rewards.

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