Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

World Championship (WCS) 2024 Qualifiers Event Rules and Rewards

Master Duel - WCS 2024 Qualifiers

The World Championship (WCS) 2024 Qualifiers is the most competitive event in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel, where players all over the world Duel for an opportunity to participate in the World Championship in September! Check out the rules of the event, the rewards up for grabs, and the possible meta players will have to deal with here!

World Championship 2024 Qualifiers Pages
Event Rules and Rewards Best Decks

WCS 2024 Qualifiers Event Schedule

Master Duel - WCS 2024 Qualifiers

The WCS 2024 Qualifiers will take place on June 11 to June 24 , composed of two rounds--Round 1, and the Regional Qualifiers.

Round 1 Start June 11, 2024
Regional Qualifiers June 21, 2024
Event Ends June 24, 2024

WCS 2024 Qualifiers Rules and Qualifications

The initial competition of the WCS 2024 Qualifiers will follow the format of the previous Duelist Cups in the past few months, and is the ultimate stage where Duelists around the world compete at their absolute best.

Round 1

Master Duel - WCS 2024 Qualifiers Competition

Players will have a unique Level called DLv., which serves as their eligibility within the tournament proper. There will be no demotions between DLv. 2 to 15, DLv. 17 and DLv. 20 which is the maximum DLv. obtainable in the event.

Master Duel - WCS 2024 DLv.

To help everyone get a start, players will have respective starting points with their DLvs., depending where they placed in Ranked Duels. For the WCS Qualifiers, the participants' starting point will be based on their ranking during Season 16 in May 2024. Take note of the following rankings:

Season 29 Ranked Duel Placement Starting DLv. for WCS Qualifiers 2024
Unranked/Bronze/Beginner DLv. 1
Silver DLv. 3
Gold DLv. 5
Platinum DLv. 7
Diamond DLv. 10

Players who are under DLv. 4 will increase their rankings regardless of wins and losses to give them a kick start in rewards!

Round 2 - Regional Qualifiers

Master Duel - Regional Qualifiers are Open

Also like the Duelist Cup, once players participate in the 2nd Round--now called the Regional Qualifiers, the DLv. System is now replaced with a points system, with the value increasing or decreasing depending on whether you win or lose.

The stakes are higher than ever in this event, as the top ranked Duelist from each region will automatically qualify for the WCS Finals as the Regional Representative!

WCS Terms of Participation

Master Duel - WCS Terms of Participation

Before entering a Duel during he Regional Qualifiers round for the first time, the game will prompt players to read through the official WCS 2024 Terms of Participation. Please do give it a read if you are going to compete for a spot as the Regional Representative!

WCS Region Selection

Master Duel - WCS Official Regions

After reading the Terms of Participation, participating players must choose the region closest to where they are currently residing. There are only five groups of countries collectively called Areas. This choice cannot be redone, so make sure pick your region very seriously.

To note, players cannot participate in the WCS 2024 Finals from outside any of the five given Areas/regions.

WCS 2024 Qualifiers Decks & Archetypes

Master Duel - Meta Deck Tier List

There's no better time than to run your best, your strongest and your most favorite Decks than the WCS Qualifiers! Check out our Tier List for Ranked Duels to get some ideas for deck building!

Best Decks & Archetypes June 2024

Best Decks for WCS Qualifiers

While the Deck Tier List is there to provide our perspective on the current Meta in Master Duel, we have also compiled a more consice list on what we think are the Best Decks to make a deep run for the WCS Qualifiers. The list should be a good hint on what Decks can let players move to the Regional Qualifier round on May 26th.

Best Decks for WCS 2024 Qualifiers

WCS 2024 Qualifiers Rewards

World Championship Qualification

The ultimate prize for this event is to participate in the 2024 Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship as a Regional Representative, for a chance to represent your country and region, and be crowned World Champion.

Unique to Master Duel, the WCS Finals will be played through a Team Battle format, with Duelists competing in teams of three Region Representatives--one selected through the WCS Qualifiers, and two hand-picked players chosen by the top player of the WCS Qualifiers.

This year, the prestigious event will be held at an offline event in Seattle, Washington, USA on September 7-8, 2024!

1st Stage Rewards

Players can obtain rewards when achieving each DLv. for the first time.

For players that start at a higher DLv., rewards are earned retroactively as soon they enter the event page.

DLv. Rank Prize Upon Reaching Rank For First Time
DLv. 2
Gems.png Gems x100
DLv. 3
2023 Special Reward Ticket 2024 Special Reward Ticket x2
DLv. 4
Gems.pngGems x100
DLv. 5 Master Duel - Protector - World Championship 2024WCS 2024 Qualifiers Celebration
Card Protector
DLv. 6
Gems.pngGems x200
DLv. 7
2024 Special Reward Ticket 2024 Special Reward Ticket x3
DLv. 8
Gems.pngGems x100
DLv. 9
Gems.pngGems x100
DLv. 10
Gems.png Gems x300
DLv. 11
Gems.pngGems x100
DLv. 12
Gems.pngGems x100
DLv. 13
Gems.pngGems x100
DLv. 14
Gems.pngGems x100
DLv. 15
Gems.pngGems x200
DLv. 16
2024 Special Reward Ticket 2024 Special Reward Ticket x5
DLv. 17
Gems Gems x200
DLv. 18
Gems Gems x100
DLv. 19
Gems.png Gems x100
DLv. MAX Master Duel - Title - WCS 2024 Qualifiers DLv. MAXTitle: WCS Qualifiers DLv. MAX
A Title given to Duelists who reached DLv. MAX in "WCS 2024 Qualifiers."
For those who displayed their ability as a Duelist worthy of advancing to the Regional Qualifiers.

Final Ranking Rewards

Once the event is over and the final standings are tallied, players who managed to move onto the Regional Qualifiers will receive the appropriate rewards.

Final Placement Rewards
● WCS 2024 Qualifiers Gold Finalist Icon
● WCS 2024 Qualifiers Top 10 Title
2023 Special Reward Ticket 2024 Special Reward Tickets x20
● WCS 2024 Qualifiers Silver Finalist Icon
● WCS 2024 Qualifiers Top 100 Title
2023 Special Reward Ticket 2024 Special Reward Tickets x15
● WCS 2024 Qualifiers Bronze Finalist Icon
● WCS 2024 Qualifiers Top 500 Title
2023 Special Reward Ticket 2024 Special Reward Tickets x10
● WCS 2024 Qualifiers Bronze Finalist Icon
● WCS 2024 Qualifiers Top 1000 Title
2023 Special Reward Ticket 2024 Special Reward Tickets x10
● WCS 2024 Qualifiers Bronze Finalist Icon
● WCS 2024 Qualifiers Top 10000 Title
2023 Special Reward Ticket 2024 Special Reward Tickets x10
10000 and below
● WCS 2024 Qualifiers 2nd Stage Duelist Title
2023 Special Reward Ticket 2024 Special Reward Tickets x10
Gold Finalist Silver Finalist Bronze Finalist
Master Duel - Icon - WCS 2024 Gold Finalist Master Duel - Icon - WCS 2024 Silver Finalist Master Duel - Icon - WCS 2024 Bronze Finalist

WCS 2024 Missions

As with all events, there will be a set of missions available for players to do as they participate in the World Championship Qualifiers!

There are currently four missions to accomplish as they participate in the World Championship Qualifiers. You have until the end of the event to accomplish them!

Mission Quantity Reward
Activate a Spell/Trap Card in WCS Qualifiers 10
60 YGO Master Duel - Gem Icon
50 YGO Master Duel - Gem Icon
40 YGO Master Duel - Gem Icon
30 YGO Master Duel - Gem Icon
20 YGO Master Duel - Gem Icon
Normal or Special Summon a monster in WCS Qualifiers 10
60 YGO Master Duel - Gem Icon
50 YGO Master Duel - Gem Icon
40 YGO Master Duel - Gem Icon
30 YGO Master Duel - Gem Icon
20 YGO Master Duel - Gem Icon
Win a Duel in WCS Qualifiers 1
100 YGO Master Duel - Gem Icon
100 YGO Master Duel - Gem Icon
50 YGO Master Duel - Gem Icon
50 YGO Master Duel - Gem Icon
50 YGO Master Duel - Gem Icon
30 YGO Master Duel - Gem Icon
30 YGO Master Duel - Gem Icon
30 YGO Master Duel - Gem Icon
30 YGO Master Duel - Gem Icon
30 YGO Master Duel - Gem Icon
Duel in WCS Qualifiers 5
100 YGO Master Duel - Gem Icon
100 YGO Master Duel - Gem Icon
50 YGO Master Duel - Gem Icon
50 YGO Master Duel - Gem Icon
50 YGO Master Duel - Gem Icon
30 YGO Master Duel - Gem Icon
30 YGO Master Duel - Gem Icon
30 YGO Master Duel - Gem Icon
30 YGO Master Duel - Gem Icon
30 YGO Master Duel - Gem Icon
Duel in WCS Qualifiers 1
60 YGO Master Duel - Gem Icon
50 YGO Master Duel - Gem Icon
40 YGO Master Duel - Gem Icon
30 YGO Master Duel - Gem Icon
20 YGO Master Duel - Gem Icon

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