FFXIV Dawntrail 7.05 (FF14)

Viper Lv. 100 Rotation Guide

Viper Lv 100 Rotation Guide Header Final
This is a guide for the Viper's Lv. 100 Skill Rotation in Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail (FF14). Read on to learn about the Viper's best Lv. 100 opener and skill rotation, and how to use the Viper in Dawntrail!

Viper Lv. 100 Skill Rotation

Viper Opener

2.10 or 2.12 GCD Opener
1 2 3 4
Reaving Fangs Icon Reaving Fangs Serpent Serpent's Ire Swiftskin Swiftskin's Sting Vicewinder Icon Vicewinder
5 6 7 8
Tincture of DexterityTincture of Dexterity Hunter Hunter's Coil Twinfang Bite Icon Twinfang Bite Twinblood Bite Icon Twinblood Bite
9 10 11 12
Swiftskin Swiftskin's Coil Twinblood Bite Icon Twinblood Bite Twinfang Bite Icon Twinfang Bite Reawaken Icon Reawaken
13 14 15 16
First Generation Icon First Generation First Legacy Icon First Legacy Second Generation Icon Second Generation Second Legacy Icon Second Legacy
17 18 19 20
Third Generation Icon Third Generation Third Legacy Icon Third Legacy Fourth Generation Icon Fourth Generation Fourth Legacy Icon Fourth Legacy
21 22 23 24
Ouroboros Icon Ouroboros Hindsbane Fang Icon Hindsbane Fang Death Rattle Icon Death Rattle Uncoiled Fury Icon Uncoiled Fury
25 26 27 28
Uncoiled Twinfang Icon Uncoiled Twinfang Uncoiled Twinblood Icon Uncoiled Twinblood Uncoiled Fury Icon Uncoiled Fury Uncoiled Twinfang Icon Uncoiled Twinfang
29 30 31 32
Uncoiled Twinblood Icon Uncoiled Twinblood Vicewinder Icon Vicewinder Uncoiled Fury Icon Uncoiled Fury Uncoiled Twinfang Icon Uncoiled Twinfang
33 34 35 36
Uncoiled Twinblood Icon Uncoiled Twinblood Hunter Hunter's Coil Twinfang Bite Icon Twinfang Bite Twinblood Bite Icon Twinblood Bite
Keypoints for Viper's Opener
Start your rotation with Reaving Fangs and Swiftskin's Sting combo to gain the Swiftscaled buff. Swiftscaled reduces the GCD by 15% for 40 seconds.
The duration of the Tincture of Dexterity is 30s. The effect should last until the last Uncoiled Fury.
After the Reawaken combo, use the Hindsbane Fang + Death Rattle Combo
Prioritize the Uncoiled Fury Combo after the Reawaken Combo

Viper 2-Minute Burst Rotation


Gain Both Hunter's Instinct and Swiftscaled Buff
Vicewinder Icon Vicewinder
Grants Rattling Coil
Hunter Hunter's Coil
Grants Hunter's Instinct
Swiftskin Swiftskin's Coil
Grants Swiftscaled
Use Uncoiled Fury to Reduce the Amount of Rattling Coil Stacks to 2 or Less
Uncoiled Fury Icon Uncoiled Fury
Needs 1 Rattling Coil
Uncoiled Twinfang Icon Uncoiled Twinfang Uncoiled Twinblood Icon Uncoiled Twinblood
Use Basic Combo to Extend Buff Duration
Reaving Fangs Icon Reaving Fangs
Steel Fangs Icon Steel Fangs
Hunter Hunter's Sting
Swiftskin Swiftskin's Sting
Hindsting Strike Icon Hindsting Strike
or any Third Fang combo
Keep Serpent Offering Gauge at 50 or Above
Serpent Offerings Gauge at 50
We will be doing 2 Reawaken combos during the burst so prepare at least 50 Serpent Offerings in advance.
Keypoints for Viper's Burst Preparation
Do not let Hunter's Instinct and Swiftscaled run out.
Do not keep more than 2 Rattling Coil stacks.
Keep the Serpent Offering Gauge above 50 within the 2-minute burst rotation.

Obtain the Hunter's Instinct and Swiftscaled buff to prepare for the burst as shown above. You will gain 1 Rattling Coil during the 2-minute burst so you need no more than 2 stacks of Rattling Coil. As of Patch 7.05, repeating the basic attack combo will extend the duration of the buffs.

We are aiming to do 2 consecutive Reawaken combos during the burst. To prepare, keep your Serpent Offering Gauge at 50 or above.

Viper Burst

1 2 3 4
Reaving Fangs Icon Reaving Fangs Hunter Hunter's Sting Serpent Serpent's Ire Reawaken Icon Reawaken
5 6 7 8
First Generation Icon First Generation First Legacy Icon First Legacy Second Generation Icon Second Generation Second Legacy Icon Second Legacy
9 10 11 12
Third Generation Icon Third Generation Third Legacy Icon Third Legacy Fourth Generation Icon Fourth Generation Fourth Legacy Icon Fourth Legacy
13 14 15 16
Ouroboros Icon Ouroboros Reawaken Icon Reawaken First Generation Icon First Generation First Legacy Icon First Legacy
17 18 19 20
Second Generation Icon Second Generation Second Legacy Icon Second Legacy Third Generation Icon Third Generation Third Legacy Icon Third Legacy
21 22 23 24
Fourth Generation Icon Fourth Generation Fourth Legacy Icon Fourth Legacy Ouroboros Icon Ouroboros Flanksting Strike Icon Flanksting Strike
25 26 27 28
Death Rattle Icon Death Rattle Uncoiled Fury Icon Uncoiled Fury Uncoiled Twinfang Icon Uncoiled Twinfang Uncoiled Twinblood Icon Uncoiled Twinblood
29 30 31 32
Vicewinder Icon Vicewinder Swiftskin Swiftskin's Coil Twinblood Bite Icon Twinblood Bite Twinfang Bite Icon Twinfang Bite
Keypoints for Viper's 2-Minute Burst
Use the recast timer for Serpent's Ire as a countdown for your burst. Serpent's Ire recast is 120 seconds.
Keep the Serpent Offering Gauge above 50 within the 2-minute burst rotation.
Include 2 Reawaken combos in the burst.
The double Reawaken combo is about 20 seconds total.
Apply Uncoiled Fury combo if you have 3 stacks of Rattling Coil.
After finishing your Reawaken combos, reapply your buffs and debuffs with the Vicewinder combo.

In Viper's burst, the main goal is to cast your Reawaken combo twice in a row. You will need to have both Serpent's Ire at ready and 50 Serpent Offerings in your gauge to accomplish this combo.

At the end of the Reawaken combo, use the Vicewinder combo to reapply buffs and debuffs. However if you have 3 Rattling Coils, use Uncoiled Fury before Vicewinder to reduce the stacks. This is to maximize your resources since Vicewinder will grant you 1 Rattling Coil.

Viper Normal Rotation (Burst Cooldown)

Repeat Basic Attack Combo to Maintain Buffs
Reaving Fangs Icon Reaving Fangs
Steel Fangs Icon Steel Fangs
Hunter Hunter's Sting
Swiftskin Swiftskin's Sting
Hindsting Strike Icon Hindsting Strike
or any Third Fang combo
Death Rattle Icon Death Rattle
Use Vicewinder Combo for Buffs
Vicewinder Icon Vicewinder Hunter Hunter's Coil Swiftskin Swiftskin's Coil Twinfang Bite Icon Twinfang Bite
Twinblood Bite Icon Twinblood Bite
Use the Reawaken and Uncoiled Fury Combo at Least Once
Reawaken Icon Reawaken Uncoiled Fury Icon Uncoiled Fury
Use Reawaken Combo Twice if the Serpent Offering Gauge Gets Too Full
First Generation Icon First Generation Second Generation Icon Second Generation Third Generation Icon Third Generation Fourth Generation Icon Fourth Generation
First Legacy Icon First Legacy Second Legacy Icon Second Legacy Third Legacy Icon Third Legacy Fourth Legacy Icon Fourth Legacy

In between bursts, repeat your basic attack combos and maintain your buffs. Follow the same rules as before and always have your Rattling Coils at 2 stacks and keep your Serpent Offering Gauge from getting too full.

Use your Reawaken combo twice right before your 4th (8-minute) burst. During the cooldown phase after your 3rd burst, your Serpent Offering Gauge will be close to full. Even if you perform the Reawaken combo twice, the gauge will still fill up to 50, leaving you enough Serpent Offerings for your next burst rotation.

Viper AoE Burst Rotation

1 2 3 4
Reaving Maw Icon Reaving Maw Serpent Serpent's Ire Swiftskin Swiftskin's Bite Vicepit Icon Vicepit
5 6 7 8
Hunter Hunter's Den Twinfang Thresh Icon Twinfang Thresh Twinblood Thresh Icon Twinblood Thresh Swiftskin Swiftskin's Den
9 10 11 12
Twinblood Thresh Icon Twinblood Thresh Twinfang Thresh Icon Twinfang Thresh Reawaken Icon Reawaken First Generation Icon First Generation
13 14 15 16
First Legacy Icon First Legacy Second Generation Icon Second Generation Second Legacy Icon Second Legacy Third Generation Icon Third Generation
17 18 19 20
Third Legacy Icon Third Legacy Fourth Generation Icon Fourth Generation Fourth Legacy Icon Fourth Legacy Ouroboros Icon Ouroboros
21 22 23 24
Ouroboros Icon Ouroboros Jagged Maw Icon Jagged Maw Last Lash Icon Last Lash Uncoiled Fury Icon Uncoiled Fury
25 26 27 28
Uncoiled Twinfang Icon Uncoiled Twinfang Uncoiled Twinblood Icon Uncoiled Twinblood Uncoiled Fury Icon Uncoiled Fury Uncoiled Twinfang Icon Uncoiled Twinfang
29 30 31 32
Uncoiled Twinblood Icon Uncoiled Twinblood Vicepit Icon Vicepit Uncoiled Fury Icon Uncoiled Fury Uncoiled Twinfang Icon Uncoiled Twinfang
33 34 35 36
Uncoiled Twinblood Icon Uncoiled Twinblood Hunter Hunter's Den Twinfang Thresh Icon Twinfang Thresh Twinblood Thresh Icon Twinblood Thresh

Use this AoE burst rotation as an opener when facing against larger enemy groups. The AoE burst is similar to the regular opener but single target weaponskills such as Reaving Fangs and Vicewinder are replaced with their AoE counterparts.

Other Viper Rotation Tips

When to Use Viper's Uncoiled Fury

Use Uncoiled Fury for Ranged Damage

Uncoiled Fury Icon Uncoiled Fury Uncoiled Twinfang Icon Uncoiled Twinfang Uncoiled Twinblood Icon Uncoiled Twinblood

When you need to move away or dodge, use Uncoiled Fury to maintain your damage time. Uncoiled Fury combined with Uncoiled Twinfang and Uncoiled Twinblood has a potency of 1020 total, making it a powerful ranged attack. Since Uncoiled Fury only needs Rattling Coil to activate, you can control the timing of its use.

Uncoiled Fury Does Not Interrupt the Twinfang Combo

Vicewinder Icon Vicewinder Uncoiled Fury Icon Uncoiled Fury Hunter Hunter's Coil

When you execute the Twinfang Combo (Vicewinder + Coil + Bite), pressing any other weaponskills will interrupt the combo. However, this is not the case for Uncoiled Fury. Uncoiled Fury can be weaved in between actions. This can be helpful in situations where you have to dodge while in the middle of performing the Twinfang combo.

However, keep in mind that using Uncoiled Fury before Twinfang Bite or Twinblood Bite will still interrupt the combo so time your attack wisely.

How to Use Viper's Combo Bonuses

Use the Correct Positional for Your Attacks

Side Hunter Hunter's Coil Flanksting Strike Icon Flanksting Strike Flanksbane Fang Icon Flanksbane Fang
Back Swiftskin Swiftskin's Coil Hindsting Strike Icon Hindsting Strike Hindsbane Fang Icon Hindsbane Fang

Placing yourself at the correct direction will grant 50-60 bonus potency to your attacks. In addition to this, if you use the correct combo buff, you will gain an extra 100 potency to your combo finishers, so take advantage of the bonus damage.

How to Use Viper's Combo Buffs

Combo Buff Rotation
Flanksting StrikeSide (Green Icon)
Needs: Flankstung Venom
Gives: Hindstung Venom
Hindsting StrikeBack (Red Icon)
Needs: Hindstung Venom
Gives: Flanksbane Venom
Hindsbane FangBack (Red Icon)
Needs: Hindsbane Venom
Gives: Flankstung Venom
Flanksbane FangSide (Green Icon)
Needs: Flanksbane Venom
Gives: Hindsbane Venom

Viper's weaponskills encourages you to alternate between flank and rear combos. When you complete either a flank or rear combo, you will receive a 100 potency buff on the next opposite combo. For example: If you use Flanksting Strike then you will get a bonus if your next combo ends with Hindsting Strike.

The order of the rotation goes from FlankstingHindstingFlanksbaneHindsbaneFlanksting. However, you are free to start with any weaponskill depending on the situation.

If you ever get confused, just tap on the skill icon highlighted with the yellow dotted border, which shows you which weaponskill has bonus potency.

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Ranged Physical DPS
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Ranged Magic DPS
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FFXIV - White Mage (WHM) Icon WHM FFXIV - Scholar (SCH) Icon SCH FFXIV - Astrologian - (AST) - Icon AST FFXIV - Sage (SGE) Icon SGE


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