
Garuda-Egi Drops and Locations

FF XII Garuda-Egi stats and location

This page contains information on the enemy Garuda-Egi in the game Final Fantasy 12 The Zodiac Age (FF12, FF XII). Read on to know more about Garuda-Egi including Garuda-Egi's stats, obtainable items, elemental and status weaknesses, and more!

Garuda-Egi - General Information

Garuda-Egi - Basic Information

Bestiary No. 091-B
Category -
Type -
Movement flying
Speed normal
Aggression -

Garuda-Egi - Stats by Variance

Level HP MP
26-27 2997-3065 400-409
Strength Magic Power Vitality
28-29 15 41-42
Speed Attack Defense
17-19 36-38 14-15
Magic Resist Magic Evasion Experience
15 4-6 1416-1508
2 218-268 0

Garuda-Egi - Obtainable Items

Drops Large Feather
Holy Magicite
Soleil Fang
Storm Spear
Poach White Incense
Large Feather

Garuda-Egi - Elemental Affinities

Fire Thunder Ice Water
100 100 100 100
Wind Earth Dark Holy
100 100 200 -100

Garuda-Egi - Status Weaknesses

Petrify Stop Doom Confuse Sleep Disease
- Immune - Immune - -
Reverse Slow Disable Immobilize Silence Blind
- Immune - - - -
Poison Oil Lure Berserk Sap Faith
- - - - - 1

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