Emio The Smiling Man: Famicom Detective Club

Report Card Explained and How to Unlock

Emio Famicom - Report Card Banner

Mr. Fukuyama's Report Card is an extra feature in Emio – The Smiling Man: Famicom Detective Club. Learn how to unlock and how to get a high grade on the report card!

How to Unlock the Report Card

Emio Famicom - Report Card Title Screen.png

The Report Card is unlocked after completing all 12 main story chapters of Emio – The Smiling Man: Famicom Detective Club. Go to the Title Screen and select Extra. Select Mr. Fukuyama's Report Card to access this feature.

You're only able to choose a completed save file to receive a Report Card for, so it's not possible to check the results in progress for a save file which has still not completed the game.

Full Walkthrough

Report Card Explained

The Report Card's Grade is Based From Your Choices

Emio Famicom - Report Card Grade 1.png

The Report Card's grades will depend on the choices and actions you make throughout the whole story.

Report Card Grades

The Report Card's grades are listed from Worst to Best:

  • You Tried Your Best
  • Not Quite
  • Well Done
  • Very Well Done

Mr. Fukuyama Will Give His Impressions

While you view a breakdown of your grades for each chapter, Mr. Fukuyama will state his impressions on how you played the game.

Depending on how you answered questions and chose certain decisions, he will describe you with traits such as clumsy, honest, focused, and more.

Must Replay the Game to Change Results

From our testing, it's not possible to use the Chapter Select or to replay a single chapter from an existing save file to change your results on the Report Card.

At best, you can restart from a save file in the middle of the game and complete it to the end of the game to change the results for chapters starting from that point.

How to Get a High Grade on the Report Card

Emio Famicom - Report Card Grade 2.png

Get a high grade on the Report Card by choosing the correct choices and avoiding unncessary actions. Be careful not to rush any actions and carefully think about the correct answers to questions that are presented.

Since changing the Report Card requires the player to re-complete the game, it's difficult to confirm the exact methods to get a perfect score in a specific chapter, or the choices which yield specific impressions about your personality from Mr. Fukuyama. If you've found a combination which helped you achieve a specific result, please let us and other players know in the comments!

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What's Your Overall Grade in Mr. Fukuyama's Report Card?

You Tried Your Best 0
Not Quite 0
Well Done 0
Very Well Done 0

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Report Card Explained and How to Unlock



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