Pokemon TCG Pocket Gameplay and Story


Pokemon TCG Pocket
Release Date Gameplay & Story Pre-Order & DLC Review

Pokemon TCG Pocket is a mobile game that allows you to open and collect Pokemon Cards! Read on to learn how it plays, what it’s about, and everything else we know so far.

Pokemon TCG Pocket Gameplay


Pokémon TCG Pocket is designed as a mobile adaptation of the original physical Pokémon Trading Card Game, featuring a few adjustments and changes. Trainers can gather a diverse collection of digital Pokémon cards to battle with or enjoy as collectibles.

In TCG Pocket, players can open digital booster packs to build a collection of Pokémon cards for battles or to store in their digital binder. The game is entirely free-to-play, with optional microtransactions.

Currently, there are 250 base cards, including 226 from the Genetic Apex series (featuring Genetix Apex Mewtwo, Charizard, and Pikachu packs) and 25 event-exclusive cards. A rare God Pack, with enhanced contents, appears at a rate of 1 in 2,000 packs.


Booster packs contain cards of varying rarity—1-star, 2-star, 3-star, and Crown rarity. Additionally, immersive cards feature animated illustrations that enhance the gameplay experience. Duplicate cards can be traded for items or Flairs, elements that add visual effects to your cards in both battles and collections.

Opening booster packs also earns players 5 Pack Points, a currency used to craft specific cards to complete your collection or enhance your deck for battles. Daily activities offer additional rewards, such as claiming shop gifts, making Wonder Picks, and completing daily missions. These missions reset every 24 hours and typically include logging in, opening booster packs, making one Wonder Pick, and participating in a battle.

Daily Pulls


TCGP offers various ways to collect cards, one of which is through opening booster packs. Each day, players can open two booster packs by using pack stamina, which regenerates every 12 hours. Pack Hourglasses allow you to open packs sooner; these can be earned through Daily Missions or purchased in the shop.

Wonder Picks

Another way to collect cards is through Wonder Picks. With Wonder Picks, you can receive one of five cards from a booster pack opened by another player, selected randomly after shuffling. Similar to booster packs, Wonder Picks have a regeneration period that allows for use over time.

Battle Function


Battle Function offers three modes: Solo, Versus, and Private. In Solo, you’ll face off against CPU opponents with customizable difficulty. Versus connects you with random players online for a quick challenge. Finally, Private lets you create or join a match to battle with a specific trainer. Each Battle feature includes battle tasks—missions that offer rewards upon completion.

Battle Mode Rules


In Battle Mode, you can use your collected cards to battle other trainers. The rules resemble the original Pokémon TCG but come with significant differences. Here’s how it works:

 ⚫︎ Setup: The game begins with a coin flip to decide the first player. Decks are limited to 20 cards, and you draw five cards to start. You can only have up to two copies of any card (Pokémon or Trainer). To start, place your Active Pokémon and up to three Benched Pokémon on the field.

 ⚫︎ Turn Flow: Each turn, you and your opponent draw one card. You can perform one action per turn from the following options: attach energy to a Pokémon, use a Trainer card, evolve a Pokémon, use a Pokémon’s ability, switch your Active Pokémon with one on the Bench, or place a new Pokémon onto the Bench.

 ⚫︎ Victory Conditions: You win by earning three points, which you achieve by knocking out your opponent’s Pokémon. Defeating a normal Pokémon gives 1 point while knocking out an EX Pokémon gives 2 points. A player also loses if they have no Pokémon left in play. In rare cases, a tie can occur if both players defeat each other’s Pokémon simultaneously.

 ⚫︎  Energy System: Unlike the original game, energy is provided through an Energy Zone, which regenerates energy each turn. You set the type of energy the Energy Zone supplies when building your deck, and the amount is randomly generated each turn (except the first turn, which provides no energy).

 ⚫︎ Special Conditions: Status effects remain similar to the main TCG games:
Poison: Deals 10 damage per turn.
 ★ Burn: Deals 20 damage per turn.
 ★ Paralyzed: Prevents the Pokémon from attacking or retreating.
 ★ Sleep: Also prevents action but can be overcome with a coin flip.
 ★ Confused: 50% chance of attacking successfully; failure damages the Pokémon itself.

 ⚫︎  Damage Modifiers: Unlike the original, which varies in resistance and weakness, this game applies a flat +20 damage modifier.

No need to worry if you're unsure how to build a proper deck! The game offers rental decks, including Venusaur EX, Charizard EX, and Blastoise EX options. Additionally, an auto-deck building feature allows you to create a deck automatically based on parameters and specific cards you want to include.

Pokemon TCG Pocket Energy Types

Energy Types
FireFire WaterWater GrassGrass
FghtngFighting lghtningLightning MetalMetal
DarkDark PsychicPsychic ColorlessColorless

Like the physical card game, this game includes every Pokémon energy type.

Shop Items


The Shop feature lets you use in-game currencies or convert real money into in-game currency. Here’s a list of available in-game currencies:

 ⚫︎ Poke Gold
 ⚫︎ Shop Ticket
 ⚫︎ Emblem Ticket
 ⚫︎ Special Shop Ticket
 ⚫︎ Premium Ticket
 ⚫︎ Event Shop Ticket

Social Hub


This mode enables trainers to socialize and connect with each other. Currently, you can add people to your friends list and participate in the Community Showcase, where you can share and view binders and collections from friends or other trainers. Plus, earning likes on your binder rewards you with Shop Tickets.



As a live-service game, PTCG Pocket regularly features a variety of limited-time events to keep players engaged.



Trading is the latest gameplay feature introduced in TCG Pocket Cards, allowing players to trade cards of 1◇ to 1☆ rarity from the Genetic Apex and Mythical Island sets exclusively with friends. To initiate a trade, both Trade Stamina and Trade Tokens are required. If you agree to the card and cost, simply tap OK to send the offer to your friend.

Trades can be completed even if the other player is offline. However, trade requests must be accepted within two days before they are automatically canceled. Players can also cancel trade requests at any time before they expire. Additionally, you can connect with other trainers through the Trading Board to find potential trade partners.

The Pokémon Company has announced upcoming changes to the trading feature, set to be implemented by the end of Autumn 2025. As part of these updates, trading cards with three-diamond, four-diamond, and one-star rarity will now require Shinedust.

Wonder Pick

Manaphy and Snorlax Wonder Pick Event Part 2


Manaphy and Snorlax Wonder Pick Event Part 2 featuring Manaphy is now live and will run from March 17, 2025 to March 24, 2025.

This event introduces new Manaphy and Snorlax promo cards along with other new shop items and accessories!


Triumphant Light


Triumphant Light (A2a) is the newest set for Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket featuring the Mythical Pokemon Arceus.

Genetic Apex

Genetic Apex is the debut set released for Pokémon TCG Pocket.

This set includes 286 digital cards, comprising 226 in the main set and 60 secret rares.

The set’s name appears to reference Mewtwo, the Genetic Pokémon, which is highlighted with a special immersive card.

Booster packs for Genetic Apex feature Charizard, Pikachu, and Mewtwo on their designs. Each pack contains five cards.

According to Pokémon TCG Pocket’s official Japanese Twitter account, the Genetic Apex set will remain available even after the game’s next expansion is released.

Mythical Island


The next themed booster pack, Mythical Island, follows after Genetic Apex and launched on December 17, 2024.

Featuring Mew as the cover Pokémon, this expansion includes over 80 cards, such as Pokémon ex cards, five new Trainer cards, and new immersive cards. Confirmed Pokémon so far include Mew, Celebi, and Aerodactyl.

Space-Time Smackdown

Space-Time Smackdown is the latest expansion for Pokémon TCG Pocket offers two exciting card packs, each highlighting the legendary Pokémon Dialga and Palkia. This set will prominently feature Generation 4 favorites such as Turtwig, Chimchar, and Piplup, alongside powerful ex Pokémon, including Dialga ex and Palkia ex. Space-Time Smackdown was launched on January 30, 2025.

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