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Strinova Characters and Factions


Strinova is a unique third-person tactical shooter that allows players to transform into paper-thin avatars to dodge shots and stick to flat surfaces. Meet the game’s fifteen active agents and get to know their quirks in our article!

Meet Strinova Superstring’s Characters and Factions!


Strinova features a diverse cast of characters with equally varied abilities, specialties, and roles. With the game finally embracing its frequent playtests and a release date announcement hopefully looming just around the corner, it’s high time to meet the agents who serve as the game’s central figures!

Strinova Characters Sorted by Faction

Painting Utopia Security
 Michele - Adorable New Investigator
 Nobunaga - Hand of Dawn
 Kokona - Sniper Angel
 Yvette - Ice Maiden
 Flavia - Phantom Butterfly

The Scissors
 Kanami - Anima Idol
 Meredith - Homecomer
 Ming - Unconquerable Thunder
 Lawine - Enforcer No. 3
 Reiichi - Light in the Dark

 Fuchsia - Shark Pup
 Celestia - Guardian Star
 Audrey - Glorious Defender
 Bai Mo - Unfettered Spirit
 Maddelena - Dreamer

Painting Utopia Security


The Painting Utopia Security serves as one of Strinova’s main factions, featuring five currently active agents who primarily specialize in defense and dedicate themselves to the protection of Utopia. Appropriately, they serve as the main faction in the game’s Demolition and Escort mode for the defending side, using their wide variety of abilities to sustain their allies and push enemies out of large areas.

Michele - Adorable New Investigator


Role Sentinel
Primary Weapon Assault Rifle
Japanese VO Akira Sekine
English VO N/A
Chinese VO Zhang Yuxi

Michele, the P.U.S.’s rookie and resident gamer, excels at holding down small areas of the map through the strategic deployment of her turrets. She can place these turrets in hard-to-spot locations, ensuring they deal damage, track, and slow enemies without giving opponents a chance to locate and destroy them. However, the turrets generated by her active skill are quite fragile; typically, a single grenade or damage-dealing skill is enough to take them out.

Thanks to her unique abilities, Michele plays a crucial role on the defense team in objective-based modes like Escort and Demolition. Her turrets make it extremely difficult for enemies to dislodge her from her position, allowing her to apply significant pressure and discourage opponents from approaching critical areas. This makes Michele an invaluable asset in maintaining control over the battlefield, as she can effectively safeguard objectives and create a hostile environment for attackers, even when she herself is not on the field.

Nobunaga - Hand of Dawn


Role Sentinel
Primary Weapon Assault Rifle
Japanese VO Jun Fukuyama
English VO N/A
Chinese VO Yang Chaoran

Nobunaga serves as the dedicated captain of the Painting Utopia Society, wielding his skills to disrupt enemies within his designated zone of control. He excels at mid-range firefights, leveraging his unique ability to disable enemy crosshairs with fully charged shots, making it challenging for opponents to retaliate effectively.

Similar to his fellow P.U.S. members, Nobunaga is difficult to dislodge from his position. His performance significantly improves while within the range of his Guardian Eyes, which enhance his situational awareness and combat effectiveness. Additionally, his Ultimate Skill amplifies his control over the battlefield by silencing and tracking anyone who ventures into his domain, further solidifying his role as a formidable force in skirmishes. This combination of offensive and defensive capabilities makes Nobunaga a critical asset to his team, capable of holding strategic points and thwarting enemy advances.

Kokona - Sniper Angel


Role Support
Primary Weapon Sniper Rifle
Japanese VO Rie Takahashi
English VO N/A
Chinese VO Xiao Gan

Kokona serves as a vital support sniper with a unique and powerful niche in the game. She stands out as the only agent capable of reviving a fallen ally using her Ultimate Skill, making her invaluable in modes like Demolition, where players cannot respawn after being eliminated. Her ability to bring teammates back into the fight essentially forces the enemy team to engage in a 6v5 match when her Ultimate is off cooldown, significantly shifting the balance of power.

In addition to her reviving capability, Kokona excels at applying pressure over long distances, especially in open areas. Her proficiency with headshots allows her to dominate the battlefield from afar, picking off enemies before they can close the gap. However, unlike Kanami, who possesses a kit designed for tracking and controlling enemies across wide spaces, Kokona's offensive presence is more limited. While she can secure kills from a distance, her primary role revolves around support and strategic sniping, making her a crucial asset for any team that values sustained pressure and resilience in combat.

Yvette - Ice Maiden


Role Controller
Primary Weapon Submachine Gun
Japanese VO Yukari Tamura
English VO N/A
Chinese VO Jiang Li

Yvette stands out as a highly tactical agent who excels at creating challenging environments for her enemies to navigate. Her signature ability involves summoning a controllable teddy bear that can freeze the ground on command. This freezing effect causes enemies to slip when stepping on the affected terrain, leaving them vulnerable to incoming attacks from Yvette's team. Her ability to disrupt movement across large areas makes her an annoying but highly effective environmental hazard setter.

However, Yvette isn't limited to environmental control. In direct combat, she can leverage her ability to camouflage herself from distant enemies. By standing still, Yvette gradually becomes invisible to foes further away, making her perfect for setting up ambushes. When hidden in corners or confined spaces, she can take full advantage of her submachine gun's high fire rate, making her a formidable threat in close-quarters engagements. This combination of stealth, environmental control, and rapid firepower makes her a uniquely dangerous agent.

Flavia - Phantom Butterfly


Role Duelist
Primary Weapon Submachine Gun
Japanese VO Rina Sato
English VO N/A
Chinese VO Zhang Qi

Flavia, unlike her fellow Painting Utopia Security agents, takes on a more offense-oriented role, excelling in evasion and deception. Her kit revolves around making herself incredibly hard to track, utilizing blinding tactics, stealth, and transformation abilities to slip out of danger constantly. What makes her even more formidable is her unique ability to bypass the typical restrictions on her Active and Ultimate skills, allowing her to reset their cooldowns and charges as needed.

This makes Flavia exceptionally hard to pin down, much like her fellow P.U.S. members. Equipped with a submachine gun and swift movements to dart in and out of combat, she brings a potent offensive edge to her faction, balancing its strengths with her elusiveness and firepower.

The Scissors


The Scissors stand as the opposing faction to the Painting Utopia Security: a group of rebels aiming to topple the status quo in Utopia. They are mainly composed of offense-oriented agents and specialize in taking over enemy positions—discreetly or otherwise. This faction is appropriately available to attacking teams in objective-based modes such as Escort and Demolition, helping them leverage positions against the opposition.

Kanami - Anima Idol


Role Vanguard
Primary Weapon Sniper Rifle
Japanese VO Maaya Uchida
English VO N/A
Chinese VO Yanning

A popular idol outside of combat, Kanami is a highly offense-oriented sniper who specializes in tracking enemies and controlling the pace of the battle. Her active skill can be used not only to find enemies behind walls and through sight-obstructing effects, but also to either disrupt enemy weapon functions or buff ally performance. In fact, her normal shots also have enemy detection capabilities, albeit within a much smaller area around the point of impact.

Her most disruptive capabilities come from her Ultimate Skill, which places a hologram of herself in a selected area. Enemies within a substantial radius around it are constantly pulled toward the hologram while their movements are slowed, and their accuracy is reduced. This effect is especially potent in Escort and Demolition modes due to how the game revolves around hitting shots and evading them in turn, as well as the tendency of those modes to attract every player into the same area.

Meredith - Homecomer


Role Controller
Primary Weapon Assault Rifle
Japanese VO Mamiko Noto
English VO N/A
Chinese VO Miao Jiang

Meredith, a high-level scientist within her faction, is an elusive agent who specializes in pressuring enemies to leave or stay away from certain areas of the map. This is all thanks to her Active and Ultimate skills, which create large sandstorms on command. Enemies that stay in these areas suffer various debilitating effects and temporarily lose health over time. The severity of these effects differs between her Active and Ultimate skills; her Active reduces movement speed and weapon usability, while her Ultimate denies sight to and from the affected area as it pulls all targets caught within toward its center.

As an agent who specializes in controlling enemy positions, she is highly effective in Escort and Demolition modes, where enemy defenders must congregate around advantageous positions. She can even float while aiming down her sights or while aiming her grenades, allowing her unique vantage points across the map. On the other hand, she is much less effective in Team Deathmatch due to the ever-changing positions of enemy teams, as well as in Team Arena, where she loses both her Active and Ultimate skills.

Ming - Unconquerable Thunder


Role Duelist
Primary Weapon Assault Rifle
Japanese VO Satomi Arai
English VO N/A
Chinese VO Mace

Ming is a highly effective agent, specializing in shredding enemy shields and armor while regenerating her own in the process. This makes her well-suited for medium-ranged engagements on the frontlines, where she can weaken the enemy team as much as possible. Her abilities make it extremely difficult to escape from her, as both her Active and Ultimate skills can drastically reduce the movement speed of those she targets. Engaging Ming directly while her Ultimate is active is ill-advised, as she can absorb the armor she strips from her enemies.

However, Ming struggles to reach her full potential in Team Arena and, to a lesser extent, Team Deathmatch compared to her fellow Duelists. This is because both modes disable her Ultimate skill, which is far more powerful than her Active and Passive abilities combined.

Lawine - Enforcer No. 3


Role Vanguard
Primary Weapon Assault Rifle
Japanese VO Yukana
English VO N/A
Chinese VO Su Lin

Lawine is the first character you’ll use in Strinova and its stealth specialist. She excels at creating her own hunting grounds, where she can dip in and out of combat with impunity. This makes her an excellent choice for both Demolition and Escort modes, where respawning is either disabled or only occurs at intervals. However, this can only be achieved through the use of her Ultimate skill, which has a relatively long charge time. She can also still be hit within her stealth field by stray shots or area-of-effect attacks.

Between uses of her Ultimate, she primarily functions as a midlaner, focusing on marking enemy positions and applying offensive pressure upfront.

Reiichi - Light in the Dark


Role Controller
Primary Weapon Marksman Rifle
Japanese VO Yoshitsugu Matsuoka
English VO N/A
Chinese VO Qin Qiege

Reiichi is The Scissors’ second extreme long-range agent, but unlike Kanami, who specializes in tracking and disrupting entire enemy teams, Reiichi focuses more on obstructing enemy visibility while maintaining his own. He achieves this by deploying a wide light screen that can completely blind agents within it and block vision from both sides. However, this is advantageous only for him, as he can consistently detect enemies while looking through his scope. He can even upgrade his wall to block enemy bullets.

While his light screen does block vision for both teams, The Scissors faction has several ways to capitalize on this skill. A well-coordinated team can easily exploit his ability, turning every skirmish into a nightmare for the enemy.



The Urbino faction stands between the P.U.S. and The Scissors, offering high firepower, sustainability, and a range of utility skills. Their members are centrists who seek a peaceful resolution to Strinova’s ongoing conflict. Each character contributes equally well to both sides of the game’s objective-based modes, making them a valuable asset for both attackers and defenders. However, as a faction, they lack the focused synergy needed for any single playstyle, instead displaying a well-rounded set of abilities as a team.

Fuchsia - Shark Pup


Role Duelist
Primary Weapon Assault Rifle
Japanese VO Aoi Yuki
English VO N/A
Chinese VO Qin Ziyi

Fuchsia is a reformed assassin under the employ of Urbino. In-game, she is a typical flanker who focuses on maintaining momentum through continuous skirmishes and getting kills. Any enemies she defeats or assists in defeating will drop crystals that heal her. To support this playstyle, Fuchsia’s Active skill can reveal nearby enemies and boost her movement speed based on the number of enemies she detects, while her Ultimate significantly increases her combat stats.

However, due to her reliance on kills and assists, Fuchsia is less effective in Demolition mode. This is because of the limited number of crystals she can absorb, along with the mode’s inherently slower pace, which can cause her Ultimate to go on cooldown without maximizing its use. Conversely, she excels in Team Arena and Team Deathmatch, where she can consistently secure kills and regenerate her health.

Celestia - Guardian Star


Role Support
Primary Weapon Assault Rifle
Japanese VO M.A.O.
English VO N/A
Chinese VO Wang Yaxin

If you’re looking for a dedicated support agent, look no further than Celestia, the founder of the Astral Sanctuary and one of the central figures of Urbino. Her entire kit focuses on replenishing her allies’ armor and attaching utility effects to her buffs. While she can certainly output a respectable amount of damage at mid-range with her assault rifle, she shines brightest in the backline, supporting agents like Audrey, Fuchsia, and Bai Mo.

Unfortunately, due to her excessive reliance on her skills, her performance in Team Arena and Team Deathmatch, where skill usage is either limited or completely removed, is severely hampered. On the other hand, she excels as a support in Escort Mode, where there are more opportunities to use her skills.

Audrey - Glorious Defender


Role Sentinel
Primary Weapon Machine Gun
Japanese VO Hisako Kanemoto
English VO N/A
Chinese VO Ju Huahua

Audrey is a merchant of decent renown who serves as the head of her family. This wealth allows her to afford all the ammunition she needs for her deployable machine gun and grenade launcher. Naturally, these weapons make her an incredibly powerful defender, with her only drawback being limited mobility.

Due to her weapons, she can showcase her maximum potential in objective-based modes where enemies must gather at specific locations. Thanks to the offensive pressure her machine gun can provide, she excels at completely denying entire corridors and rooms to the enemy. She is also extremely difficult to dislodge from her position, as her combined shields from her passive ability and body armor are the highest in the game. Do note, though, that her stationary nature makes her a prime target for snipers.

Bai Mo - Unfettered Spirit


Role Duelist
Primary Weapon Shotgun
Japanese VO Tomokazu Sugita
English VO N/A
Chinese VO Liu Zhaokun

This hot-blooded agent from Urbino specializes in good old-fashioned face-to-face brawls. As long as he can get the enemy within punching distance of his shotgun, he’ll most likely be the only one left standing. All of his skills support this kind of reckless playstyle, including a dash that instantly reloads his shotgun with two shells, a debuff that prevents enemies from escaping when hit with enough damage, and a beacon that allows him to respawn instantly when killed.

His kit makes him a powerhouse in Team Deathmatch, where enemies are plentiful and blind corners are as common as dirt. He also performs well in Escort, where he can rush the enemy backline and respawn instantly if he fails.

Maddelena - Dreamer


Role Controller
Primary Weapon Marksman Rifle
Japanese VO Haruka Tomatsu
English VO N/A
Chinese VO Song Yuanyuan

Urbino’s resident troublemaker and artist, Maddelena is a markswoman who specializes in tracking enemies and preventing them from escaping. This allows her to deal consistent, reliable damage without the risk of her shots being dodged. Due to the wide area affected by her debuff, especially the gigantic bubble created by her Ultimate skill, she can effectively neutralize enemy pressure unless they’re willing to be shot without retaliation.

Because of her skills, she is an essential part of both the attacking and defending teams in Escort and Demolition modes. However, due to the frequent crossfire in Team Deathmatch and the lack of access to her abilities in Team Arena, she doesn’t perform well in those modes.

What is Strinova?


Strinova is a third-person hero shooter gameplay using agents with unique playstyles, upgrades, and abilities. Each of them also uses loadouts that fit their playstyles ranging from carrying assault rifles with machine pistols, snipers with submachine guns, and so on.

One key feature that sets this game apart from everything else is how all players have the ability to turn into paper-thin 2D forms, which allows them to hide, avoid bullets, attach to walls, and glide through the air.

Strinova (Calabiyau) Product Information

Strinova Calabiyau Cover
Release Date TBA (Global),
August 3, 2023 (China)
Developer iDreamSky
Publisher iDreamSky
Supported Platforms Mobile, PC
Genre Shooter, Action
Number of Players 2-15
Rating ESRB Teen
Official Website Strinova Superstring Website


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