Dragon's Dogma 2 Took 12 Years to Make Because of Scheduling Conflicts


In an interview with GamesRadar yesterday, Dragon's Dogma 2 producer Yoshiaki Hirabayashi provided insights into the prolonged development timeline of Dragon's Dogma 2. Read on to learn more about the producer's revelations.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Producer Talks Game Development

Capcom's Intensive Schedule Contributes to Delay


The announcement of Dragon's Dogma 2 has been met with both excitement and curiosity, particularly regarding the 12 years between the first title, Dragon's Dogma, and the upcoming sequel. According to Dragon's Dogma 2 producer Yoshiaki Hirabayashi, scheduling conflicts for series director Hideaki Itsuno were a significant factor in the decade-long delay.

Hirabayashi told GamesRadar that Capcom, the developer behind Dragon's Dogma, managed multiple major franchises simultaneously, requiring Itsuno's attention on other projects. Prior commitments and ongoing projects within Capcom prolonged the timeline of the much-awaited sequel.


"It's simply the case that as a company with many large series on the go at the same time, while we, of course, love Dragon's Dogma and Itsuno-san has commented he would love to just get straight back to it, there are lots of projects scheduled, and he had to put his attention on other games for a while before being able to come back to Dragon's Dogma," stated the producer.

Multiple Factors Needed to Align


Hirabayashi emphasized that the fundamentals of developing an open-world RPG compounded the time required for Dragon's Dogma 2's fruition. "It's not just a matter of schedule," Hirabayashi explained. "These games, especially open-world style games, they take a massive amount of resources, manpower, and development time and planning to implement."

Since the release of the first Dragon's Dogma title, the series' director has been actively engaged in multiple Devil May Cry titles, leaving limited time to allot for development on Dragon's Dogma 2. "So the stars really had to align for the director and a large enough team and the resources and the time to all be available at the right timing for him to get back into it," shared Hirabayashi.

Dragon's Dogma 2 took 12 years because the stars really had to align for the massive amount of resources an open-world RPG takes

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