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Capcom's Survey Puts Dino Crisis, Devil May Cry and Resident Evil in Top Rankings


Capcom’s Super Election results have just been revealed. Read on to learn more about which games and characters topped the charts, including the fan demand for a new Dino Crisis and the continued popularity of Devil May Cry 5 and Resident Evil.

Capcom Super Election Results

Dino Crisis Fans Demand Sequel


The results of a recent Capcom poll aimed at uncovering its players' most beloved games and characters have been released, and Dino Crisis has made a significant impact. The survey, which garnered 254,148 responses, revealed a strong fan base for the classic survival horror game. The poll saw a substantial turnout with 82% of the participants being male. The United States led in participation with 71,546 voters, followed by Japan with 52,922 voters.

Dino Crisis secured top 10 positions in five different categories related to game titles. Most notably, it clinched first place in the category asking players which Capcom game series, including spinoff games, they would like to see get a sequel or new game, garnering 80,769 votes.

Fans of Dino Crisis are vocal about their desire for a new installment. One dedicated participant stated, "Please remake Dino Crisis or release a sequel. I know my message will be one of possibly millions, but please release one for us fans." The strong showing for Dino Crisis in this poll underscores a significant demand for the revival of the franchise. With such overwhelming support, it will be interesting to see if Capcom heeds the call of its dedicated fan base.

Devil May Cry 5 and Dante Dominate the Charts


While it is undeniable that Dino Crisis is still being awaited by many fans, Devil May Cry 5 and its protagonist Dante have topped the charts. The stylish action game, known for its fast-paced combat and charismatic characters, continues to be a favorite among gamers. Devil May Cry 5 took first place in the category "Which of the following Capcom games do you like the best?" and its iconic protagonist Dante was voted the top choice in "Who is your favorite Capcom character?"

Dante's popularity can be attributed to his enduring appeal as a character who combines wit, charm, and incredible combat skills. His presence in the gaming world has left a lasting impact, making Devil May Cry 5 not just a game, but a cultural phenomenon within the Capcom universe. Players praise the game for its intricate combat system, stunning visuals, and memorable storylines, saying "the unique and thoughtfully created motions of each character are incredible," which have cemented its place at the top of Capcom's most beloved titles.

Resident Evil Series and Leon S. Kennedy Remain Favorites


Another notable mention in the poll is the Resident Evil series, a cornerstone of Capcom's game library. The series, known for its intense survival horror elements and gripping narratives, consistently ranked high in various categories. Leon S. Kennedy, a central character in the Resident Evil franchise, also garnered significant attention, being second to Dante in the "Who is your favorite Capcom character?" with only a 3,457 difference. His role in the acclaimed Resident Evil 4, among other entries, has solidified his status as a fan-favorite character. The Resident Evil series' ability to reinvent itself while staying true to its horror roots has kept it relevant and highly regarded in the gaming community.

The Capcom poll results showcase the diverse preferences of its fan base, highlighting both the demand for nostalgic revivals like Dino Crisis and the continued adoration for franchises like Devil May Cry and Resident Evil. As fans eagerly await new announcements, the enduring popularity of these games and characters serves as a testament to Capcom's ability to create timeless and impactful gaming experiences.

Capcom Super Elections

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