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Capcom Remake Survey Asks Fans if Dead Rising Remaster Was What They Wanted


Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster's stellar launch last week has been followed by a survey from Capcom that asks fans which Dead Rising game they want to see revamped and back from the dead.

Capcom Launches Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster User Survey

New Dead Rising Game May Potentially Be Considered


Following the launch of Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster last week for the PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S, Capcom shared a survey asking fans which Dead Rising game in the zombie action-adventure series should get a deluxe remaster or remake next. Additionally, Capcom's remake survey asked whether fans would like to see an entirely new Dead Rising game. The Dead Rising games that were part of the survey included Dead Rising 2, Dead Rising 2: Off the Record, Dead Rising 3, and much to fans' surprise, Dead Rising 4, which was released in 2016. Apart from Dead Rising, the survey also tried to gauge fan interest for other Capcom titles such as Dino Crisis, Lost Planet, Devil May Cry, Resident Evil, Onimusha, Okami, and more.

Some Capcom fans have expressed a bit of pessimism with regard to the Dead Rising series, as they have perceived that the company would only be interested in rejuvenating the Resident Evil franchise for the horror/zombie category of games. Adding to fan's dismay was a cancelled Dead Rising 5 mainline entry in the series back in 2018 as the studio that spearheaded the project was shuttered. With the successful launch of Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster, along with seemingly growing interest from Capcom, it seems that the company could potentially set its sights on expanding its remake plans.

The Dead Rising series has reportedly sold over 16 million copies worlwide which marks it as one of Capcom’s most successful franchises. The recently launched Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster has received positive reviews from both critics and players, and Game8 has given the game an overall rating of 82/100 as Capcom continues its hot streak in stellar remakes. For more of our thoughts on Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster, check out our review at the link below!


As of late, Capcom has been constantly praised for revamping its games with improved playability and updated graphics. While full-on remakes seem to be off the table for the company for now, recent remake launches, such as Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster, are commended for quality-of-life (QoL) improvements apart from the enhanced graphics and visual feast for the eyes.

In past interviews, Capcom has expressed interested in expanding the Dead Rising series, which has not seen a new mainline entry since 2016. In an interview with IGN, the Dead Rising team said that "Capcom would like to continue to bring back many of its IPs," and "in hopes of expanding upon the Dead Rising series in the future," Capcom is taking measured steps in gradually reintroducing the series through Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster and "share its appeal with fans around the world."

Capcom Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster User Survey
Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster Interview: Dev Team Reveals Who's Voicing Frank West, the Future of the Series, and More
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