Bodycam Gameplay and Story Info | Everything We Know So Far


Bodycam is a unique shooter where you control your character from the point of view of the titular body camera! Read on to learn how it plays, what it’s about, and everything else we know so far.

Everything We Know About Bodycam

Bodycam Story Plot

Bodycam doesn’t have a strict narrative structure, but rather is a straightforward multiplayer experience where you must queue and team up with other players online to overcome your opponents in high octane team-based battle.

The game itself simulates the footage of watching body camera footage, and so it could be inferred that both teams are special operations forces of opposing loyalties duking it out through strategic planning and raining lead.

Bodycam Gameplay

Bodycam is a first-person shooter with a unique perspective of the body cam, offering a life-like experience through its insanely realistic graphics that one could easily mistake as real-life footage of shooting incidents recorded through a body cam. With the graphical fidelity of the Unreal Engine 5, Bodycam promises to provide a unique FPS experience that could blend video game and reality.

Bodycam’s control scheme is a big departure from the well-worn formula of point-and-click of FPS games. Dragging your mouse throughout the screen does indeed aim your gun, but moving it towards the edges is what turns the camera. You are not able to strafe with the keyboard, and can only move forward and backward. It’s similar to the ‘tank-controls’ of old games, but provides a fresh perspective in the first-person shooter genre being controlled by the shooting arm itself.

You will also be able to deploy and control drones to scout the field and detect enemies in hiding or strategizing!

The game will have several modes such as Team Deathmatch, Free-For-All Deathmatch, and a competitive ‘Body Bomb Mode’ that’s yet to be unveiled!

Bodycam Trailers

First Official Playtest Recap Trailer

The first official playtest recap is a supercut of players’ clips and recordings during their first official playtest depicting the game’s realistic body cam gameplay footage, all set to Guns N’ Roses’ iconic ‘Welcome to the Jungle.’

Early-Access Stress-Test Recap Trailer

The early-access stress-test is a compilation of clips captured by players who participated in the game’s first stress-test before the official playtest, where it’s a series of gameplay clips set to the famous guitar solo in Lynyrd Skynyrd’s ‘Freebird.’

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Bodycam Product Information

Bodycam Banner
Release Date June 7, 2024
Developer Reissad Studio
Publisher Reissad Studio
Supported Platforms PC(Steam)
Genre FPS, Simulation
Number of Players Online PvP (6vs6 Team Deathmatch, 12 Free-For-All Deathmatch, Other Unconfirmed Game Modes)
Rating N/A
Official Website Reissad Studios Official Website


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