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Athenian Rhapsody Review | A Quirky RPG Gem

Value For Money
$ 15
Athenian Rhapsody is a compelling RPG that combines rich character development with engaging gameplay mechanics. It excels with its colorful visuals, memorable character designs, and an atmospheric soundtrack that enhances the overall experience. However, it lacks in some areas, such as the lack of a cohesive main story plot and challenging difficulty even in chill mode. Despite these shortcomings, the game offers great value and replayability for its price, making it a worthwhile addition to any RPG fan's library.

Athenian Rhapsody offers a twist on traditional RPGs, empowering players with complete control over their journey. Read our review to see what it did well, what it didn't do well, and if it's worth buying.

Athenian Rhapsody Review Overview

What is Athenian Rhapsody?

Athenian Rhapsody invites players into a quirky RPG adventure where they shape their destiny. Navigate a whimsical world teeming with monsters, where the path to progress involves either traditional EXP-building or forging friendships through unique boss battles. Dive into a world where choices matter and every encounter unfolds in unexpected ways.

Athenian Rhapsody features:
 ⚫︎ Tons of Characters to Become a Party Member
 ⚫︎ Choice to Either Fight or Make Friends with Bosses
 ⚫︎ Plenty of Save Points
 ⚫︎ Funny and Witty Puzzles
 ⚫︎ Multiple Routes and Endings
 ⚫︎ Comical Nature
 ⚫︎ High Replayability

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Athenian Rhapsody Pros & Cons


Pros Cons
Checkmark Rich Character Development
Checkmark Meaningful Decisions
Checkmark Amazing Soundtrack
Checkmark Emotional Messages That Resonate
Checkmark Lack of a Main Story Plot
Checkmark No Sprint Control
Checkmark Even in Chill Mode, the Game is Challenging

Athenian Rhapsody Overall Score - 84/100

Athenian Rhapsody is a compelling RPG that combines rich character development with engaging gameplay mechanics. It excels with its colorful visuals, memorable character designs, and an atmospheric soundtrack that enhances the overall experience. However, it lacks in some areas, such as the lack of a cohesive main story plot and challenging difficulty even in chill mode. Despite these shortcomings, the game offers great value and replayability for its price, making it a worthwhile addition to any RPG fan's library.

Athenian Rhapsody Story - 7/10

As someone who appreciates a great plot for any RPG, this one kind of missed its mark. While the game is more of a character-driven narrative, it lacks a clear, overarching story that ties everything together. The individual character arcs are well-developed and engaging, but the absence of a strong main plot leaves the overall narrative feeling somewhat disjointed. This can lead to a fragmented experience, where the player might struggle to stay invested in the storyline.

Athenian Rhapsody Gameplay - 8/10

The gameplay feels very at home where the combat system is strategic and rewarding, the puzzles and mini games also add a fun, witty element to the game. The choices you make significantly impact the story, adding depth and replayability. However, the difficulty spikes and repetitive tasks can sometimes hinder the overall enjoyment, making certain sections feel more tedious than exciting.

Athenian Rhapsody Visuals - 9/10

The visuals are colorful and fun, with character designs that are both unique and memorable. The art style enhances the game's whimsical and comical nature, making the world feel vibrant and alive. Each environment is well-crafted, adding to the overall immersive experience. The attention to detail in the graphics ensures that each scene is visually appealing and helps to draw players deeper into the game's universe.

Athenian Rhapsody Audio - 9/10

The audio design is atmospheric and adds a great deal of immersion to the game. The soundtrack complements the various moods and settings perfectly, although some battle music can feel forced in its intensity. Overall, the audio contributes significantly to the game's engaging atmosphere, with sound effects and ambient noises that enrich the player's experience and enhance the sense of being in a living, breathing world.

Athenian Rhapsody Value for Money - 9/10

For $14.99, Athenian Rhapsody offers excellent value for money. The game provides a rich and immersive experience with high replayability due to its multiple endings and meaningful choices. The amount of content and the quality of the overall experience make it a worthwhile investment for RPG fans. This affordability, combined with the extensive gameplay hours it offers, ensures that players get their money's worth and more.

Athenian Rhapsody Review: A Quirky RPG Gem


Athenian Rhapsody has drawn inevitable comparisons to Undertale, yet it firmly establishes its own identity within the RPG genre. As I embarked on my journey through this fantastical realm, the initial lack of a driving storyline left me somewhat adrift. Unlike traditional RPGs that often rely on a central plotline to propel the player forward, Athenian Rhapsody opts for a character-driven approach.

While this choice allows for deep dives into the lives and motivations of its diverse cast, it occasionally lacks the narrative cohesion that might anchor players more firmly within its world. The absence of a clear overarching plot can lead to moments of uncertainty, where the next steps aren't always obvious, and the player's motivation to progress relies heavily on their curiosity about the characters they encounter.

Where Athenian Rhapsody truly excels is in its character development. Each member of the eclectic ensemble feels meticulously crafted, with distinct personalities and histories that unfold gradually through gameplay. From the Richard-James duo to GirlCat, these characters not only populate the world but drive its narrative. My interactions with them felt impactful, their stories weaving together to form a tapestry of alliances and unexpected friendships that shaped my journey in profound ways.


The gameplay mechanics in Athenian Rhapsody strike a delicate balance between making decisions and challenge. Opting for a pacifist approach initially proved rewarding as I sought to befriend adversaries rather than engage in battle. This choice introduced an element of moral complexity to the gameplay, challenging me to consider the consequences of my actions beyond mere victory or defeat. However, the repetitive nature of these interactions over time lessened their initial allure, sometimes prompting me to resort to running away simply to maintain momentum in the game.

Despite its strengths, Athenian Rhapsody is not without its frustrations. The game's difficulty spikes can feel punishing, often penalizing players harshly for missteps. Repeated errors in combat can quickly deplete health or jeopardize progress towards objectives like befriending foes. The consequence of failure is significant, with setbacks sending me back to distant save points, forcing me to replay sections of the game that include cutscenes and unskippable dialogue, disrupting the pacing and immersion.


To address these challenges, Athenian Rhapsody introduces a 'Chill Mode' that offers a more forgiving gameplay experience. This mode grants a brief invulnerability period after sustaining damage, mitigating the impact of mistakes and reducing frustration levels. While it doesn't eliminate the game's inherent difficulty, it provides a welcome reprieve, allowing players to focus more on exploration and character interaction without the constant fear of setback.

In conclusion, Athenian Rhapsody is a testament to inventive gameplay mechanics. While its narrative structure may leave some players longing for a more cohesive storyline, the depth of its characters and the complexity of its moral choices offer a compelling and immersive experience. My journey through its whimsical world was marked by moments of both triumph and challenge, each contributing to a deeper understanding of its themes and characters. For players willing to embrace its quirks and complexities, Athenian Rhapsody promises a rich and rewarding adventure that transcends its influences to carve out a distinctive place in the RPG landscape.

Pros of Athenian Rhapsody

Things Athenian Rhapsody Got Right
Checkmark Rich Character Development
Checkmark Meaningful Decisions
Checkmark Amazing Soundtrack
Checkmark Emotional Messages That Resonate

Rich Character Development


The game excels in creating well-rounded characters with depth and personality. Each character in your party has a unique backstory and evolves throughout the game, making the interactions and relationships feel meaningful and engaging. This richness in character development adds emotional weight to the story and enhances player investment.

Meaningful Decisions


Every choice you make in the game significantly impacts the narrative and the world around you. This "choose your own adventure" style ensures that players feel a genuine sense of agency, leading to multiple outcomes and endings. This dynamic decision-making process keeps the gameplay fresh and encourages players to replay the game to explore different paths.

Amazing Soundtrack


The game's soundtrack is a standout feature, with music that perfectly complements the various moods and settings. Whether you're exploring serene landscapes, engaging in intense battles, or engaging in mini-games, the soundtrack enhances the overall atmosphere and immersion, making the gaming experience more memorable.

Emotional Messages That Resonate


Athenian Rhapsody is more than just a game; it conveys profound emotional messages that can deeply affect players. Themes such as friendship, and self love are woven into the narrative, making the game not only entertaining but also thought-provoking. These emotional undertones add depth to the story and leave a lasting impression on players.

Cons of Athenian Rhapsody

Things That Athenian Rhapsody Can Improve
Checkmark Lack of a Main Story Plot
Checkmark No Sprint Control
Checkmark Even in Chill Mode, the Game is Challenging

Lack of a Main Story Plot


The absence of a clear, overarching main story plot can make the game feel disjointed at times. While the character-driven narrative is compelling, the lack of a cohesive central storyline may leave some players feeling lost or less motivated to progress through the game.

No Sprint Control


The inability to sprint can make traversing the game's expansive world feel slow and tedious. This limitation can detract from the overall experience, particularly when players need to backtrack or explore large areas. Implementing a sprint feature could significantly improve the game's pacing and enjoyment.

Even in Chill Mode, the Game is Challenging


Despite offering a "chill mode," the game remains quite challenging, which might be frustrating for players looking for a more relaxed experience. This high difficulty level can be discouraging for casual gamers or those new to the genre, potentially limiting the game's appeal to a broader audience.

Is Athenian Rhapsody Worth It?

Yes, It's a Comedy of RPG Delights!


Athenian Rhapsody delivers a comedic RPG experience for the price of $14.99, the game is definitely worth your time and coin. While it may not have a streamlined plot to hold your hand through the adventure, its colorful characters and the puzzles and mini-games more than make up for it. The game's charm lies in its ability to surprise and entertain, whether you're befriending bosses or cracking jokes with NPCs. Despite its occasional quirks and challenges, Athenian Rhapsody offers a unique journey filled with laughter and unexpected twists. If you're ready to embark on a whimsical escapade where every choice matters and every puzzle brings a smile, this game is well worth the quest.

Platform Price
xxx Platform IconSteam $14.99

Athenian Rhapsody FAQ

What is the "Rhapsody System" in Athenian Rhapsody?

The Rhapsody System in Athenian Rhapsody allows players to receive their Rhapsodies at the end of each playthrough. These Rhapsodies represent unique summaries or highlights of their gameplay experiences. Players can choose to share their Rhapsodies online, allowing others to view and compare their journeys. This system emphasizes the game's replayability and the diversity of player choices, ensuring that no two playthroughs are exactly alike.

What languages does Athenian Rhapsody support?

Currently, Athenian Rhapsody supports subtitles only in English. Players can enjoy the game's dialogue and text in English, while the gameplay mechanics and story unfold in a language-accessible format.

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Athenian Rhapsody Product Information

Athenian Rhapsody Cover
Release Date May 14, 2024
Developer Nico Papalia
Publisher Top Hat Studios, Inc.
Supported Platforms PC (Steam, Epic), Mobile, Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S
Genre Adventure RPG
Number of Players 1
ESRB Rating RP
Official Website Athenian Rhapsody Website


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