League of Legends Gameplay and Story


League of Legends
Release Date Gameplay & Story Patch Schedule Review

League of Legends Gameplay

League of Legends is a fast-paced multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game where two teams of five players face off with the goal of destroying the opposing team’s Nexus, the structure located in their base. The match unfolds on a map called the Summoner’s Rift, which consists of three lanes and a jungle. Each player controls a Champion with unique skills, and over the course of the game, they level up and acquire gold by killing minions, neutral monsters, and enemy Champions. Gold is then spent on items that enhance the Champion’s stats.

At the start of the match, players generally occupy one of three lanes: top lane, middle (mid) lane, or bottom (bot) lane with a Jungler who moves through the jungle between lanes. The jungle is filled with neutral monsters, some of which grant buffs to the entire team.

Minions automatically march down lanes to push toward enemy turrets. Players must destroy minions to gain experience and gold while trying to outmaneuver their opponents. Turret guards each team’s Nexus, and destroying them is necessary to advance toward it. Games can range from quick 20-minute skirmishes to intense 45-minute back-and-forths.


League of Legends' competitive nature is reflected in its tiered ranking system. Here, players climb multiple ranks, starting from Iron and progressing through Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Emerald, Diamond, Master, Grandmaster, and Challenger. While players can improve their rank by competing in ranked matches, a soft reset occurs at the beginning of each new season, typically placing players one tier and division below their previous season's rank.

League of Legends Story


League of Legends doesn’t follow a traditional linear storyline. Instead, its lore unfolds as a mosaic of character-driven tales, all set in the world of Runeterra and beyond. Each Champion has a backstory rich with personal stakes, ties to their region, and conflicts that interweave with other champions’ narratives. Riot Games often explores these connections through short stories, animations, and in-game events.


One such story involves three characters: Ashe, the leader of the Avarosan tribe; Sejuani, the warmother of the Winter’s Claw tribe; and Lissandra, the centuries-old ice witch that now leads the Frostguard tribe. Ashe aims to unite the tribes under peace, while Sejuani leads the Winter’s Claw with fierce adherence to traditional ways. Both are indirectly manipulated by Lisssandra after she took the form of the two’s dead sister.


Another is the relationship between Zaun and Piltover, twin cities that are in stark contrast to each other. Piltover’s spires and technological advances overshadow Zaun’s polluted slums, leading to socioeconomic divides. This setting is a nexus for Champions like Jinx and Vi, whose sisterhood and opposing allegiances mirror the struggles of their cities.

League of Legends Characters


Below is a table of all currently available Champions in League of Legends based on their assigned roles in the game, updated as of January 23, 2025 with the release of Mel, the Soul’s Reflection.

nullAkali nullEkko nullEvelynn nullFizz
nullKassadin nullKatarina nullKha'Zix nullLeBlanc
nullMaster Yi nullNaafiri nullNidalee nullQiyana
nullRengar nullShaco nullTalon nullZed
nullAatrox nullAmbessa nullBel'Veth nullBriar
nullCamille nullDarius nullDiana nullFiora
nullGangplank nullGaren nullGnar nullGragas
nullGwen nullHecarim nullIllaoi nullIrelia
nullJarvan IV nullJax nullJayce nullKayle
nullKayn nullKled nullLee Sin nullLillia
nullMordekaiser nullNasus nullNocturne nullOlaf
nullPantheon nullRek Sai nullRenekton nullRiven
nullRumble nullSett nullShyvana nullTrundle
nullTryndamere nullUdyr nullUrgot nullVi
nullViego nullVolibear nullWarwick nullWukong
nullXin Zhao nullYasuo nullYone nullYorick
nullAhri nullAnivia nullAnnie nullAurelion Sol
nullAurora nullAzir nullBrand nullCassiopeia
nullElise nullFiddlesticks nullHeimerdinger nullHwei
nullKarma nullKarthus nullKennen nullLisandra
nullLux nullMalzahar nullMorgana nullNeeko
nullOrianna nullRyze null Seraphine nullSwain
nullSylas nullSyndra nullTaliyah nullTwisted Fate
nullVeigar nullVel'Koz nullVex nullViktor
nullVladimir nullXerath nullZiggs nullZoe
nullZyra nullMel
nullAkshan nullAphelios nullAshe nullCaitlyn
nullCorki nullDraven nullEzreal nullGraves
nullJhin nullJinx nullKai'Sa nullKalista
nullKindred nullKog'Maw nullLucian nullMiss Fortune
nullNilah nullQuinn nullSamira nullSenna
nullSivir nullSmolder nullTeemo nullTristana
nullTwitch nullVarus nullVayne nullXayah
nullBard nullBraum nullIvern nullJanna
nullLulu nullMilio nullNami nullPyke
nullRakan nullRenata Glasc nullSona nullSoraka
nullTahm Kench nullTaric nullThresh nullYuumi
nullAlistar nullAmumu nullBlitzcrank nullCho'Gath
nullDr. Mundo nullGalio nullK'Sante nullLeona
nullMalphite nullMaokai nullNautilus nullNunu & Willump
nullOrnn nullPoppy nullRammus nullRell
nullSejuani nullShen nullSinged nullSion
nullSkarner nullZac

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