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Dark Envoy Review | Echoes of Greatness

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Dark Envoy offers a richly detailed world with fully customizable characters and a diverse skill and class system, providing players with plenty of opportunities for exploration and experimentation. However, the confusing controls and repetitive battles detract from the overall gameplay experience, making certain aspects of the game feel taxing and burdensome.

Dark Envoy is a CRPG that blends magic and technology in the world of Jaan. Read our review to see what it did well, what it didn't do well, and if it's worth buying.

Dark Envoy Review Overview

What is Dark Envoy?

Dark Envoy combines classic CRPG mechanics with a skill-based combat system, offering diverse tactical options. Players control a party of relic hunters in a world where Technology and Magic clash. The game provides dynamic combat with five difficulty levels, featuring four core classes and twelve unique specializations. With an expansive RPG system, players enjoy boundless opportunities and meaningful choices that shape the story and its conclusion.

Dark Envoy features:
 ⚫︎ Party Customization
 ⚫︎ Multi-Class System
 ⚫︎ Dynamic Choices
 ⚫︎ Tactical Timing In Combat
 ⚫︎ Aggro Management
 ⚫︎ Waypoint System
 ⚫︎ Healing Fountain

Steam IconSteam $29.99

Dark Envoy Pros & Cons


Pros Cons
Checkmark Fully Customizable Characters
Checkmark Skill and Class System
Checkmark Dynamic Lighting and Line of Sight
Checkmark Elemental Statuses
Checkmark Confusing and Hard-to-Master Controls
Checkmark Repetitive Battles
Checkmark Tedious Story Progression
Checkmark Stability and Performance Issues

Dark Envoy Overall Score - 80/100

The game offers a richly detailed world with fully customizable characters and a diverse skill and class system, providing players with plenty of opportunities for exploration and experimentation. However, the confusing controls and repetitive battles detract from the overall gameplay experience, making certain aspects of the game feel taxing and burdensome. Despite these drawbacks, Dark Envoy boasts stunning visuals and a fair amount of content for its price, making it a compelling choice for RPG enthusiasts.

Dark Envoy Story - 8/10

The story of Dark Envoy is engaging and intriguing, though it does feel like it is drawn out at times. Players start off as siblings, Kaela and Malakai, who are relic hunters in the desert town of the City of Bones. The narrative quickly escalates as they are thrust into a larger conflict, finding themselves amidst a war that intertwines the forces of Technology and Magic. While the plot offers a compelling journey and interesting characters, pacing issues and filler content can occasionally make the progression feel burdensome. These drawbacks weaken interest in the story when it should have been a significant part of the game's appeal.

Dark Envoy Gameplay - 7/10

Dark Envoy's gameplay is a mixed bag, earning a score of 7 out of 10. The default controls are confusing and can be difficult to master, which hampers the overall experience. Exploration is a significant part of the game, encouraging players to investigate every nook and cranny of the map. However, this exploration is made challenging by the constant presence of enemies, which can make thorough exploration feel more like a chore than an adventure. Despite these issues, the depth and complexity of the combat system and the thrill of discovery still provide a satisfying gameplay experience.

Dark Envoy Visuals - 9/10

The game features stunning graphics that bring its fantastical world to life, from the intricate character designs to the richly detailed environments. Line of sight mechanics enhance the visual experience, adding realism and depth to the game's settings. The visual effects, especially during combat, are impressive and add to the overall immersion. Despite some minor performance issues, the game's aesthetics are a major highlight, creating a visually captivating experience that draws players into its conflict-torn world.

Dark Envoy Audio - 8/10

While the audio presence in Dark Envoy is notable, it doesn't completely captivate you in its world. However, this isn't to say that the audio elements aren't properly executed; they significantly contribute to the overall atmosphere and immersion. The soundtrack sets an appropriate tone for the game's various environments and situations, adding depth to the player's experience. Although the audio design is somewhat unimaginative, it remains solid and effectively enhances the overall gameplay experience.

Dark Envoy Value for Money - 8/10

Priced at $29.99, the game provides a fair amount of content and gameplay for its cost. Despite some criticisms, including issues with controls and repetitive combat, there is a substantial amount of content to explore, making it a worthwhile investment. Compared to other games in the genre, Dark Envoy is notably more affordable, offering players a comprehensive RPG experience at a reasonable price point. While it may not be without its flaws, the sheer amount of content available at its price makes it a compelling choice for fans of the genre.

Dark Envoy Review: Echoes of Greatness


As an enthusiast of tabletop role-playing games (TTRPGs), I'm always on the lookout for well-executed CRPGs, and Dark Envoy nearly hits the mark. One of its standout features lies in its comprehensive class system. Delving into each specialization was a joyous experience, offering a plethora of strategic options and playstyles to explore.

Whether embracing the stalwart defense of a Guardian, the swift strikes of an Assassin, the mastery of blade techniques as a Blade Master, or harnessing the arcane powers of an Elementalist, Dark Envoy's classes provided ample opportunities for customization and experimentation.

What I loved most about Dark Envoy is the impact of player choices on the narrative. Throughout the game, players are presented with pivotal moments where Kaela and Malakai stand at crossroads, forcing decisions between a rash, aggressive approach or a more diplomatic one. These choices not only shape the immediate outcome of events but also have far-reaching consequences that significantly influence the direction of the story. This level of narrative agency adds depth and replayability, making each playthrough a unique and personal experience.


While Dark Envoy begins with a promising narrative setup, its story progression unfortunately falters as it reaches its middle and end. What starts as an engaging tale of destiny and conflict gradually loses momentum, resulting in a lackluster experience in its later stages. The initial intrigue of being thrust into a world torn apart by the clash between Technology and Magic quickly gives way to pacing issues and a sense of being dragged out.

As the game progresses, what should have been a concise and immersive adventure begins to feel like a prolonged journey with little payoff. This disconnect between the strong start and the lackluster middle-to-end section diminishes the overall impact of Dark Envoy's storytelling, leaving players with a sense of unfulfilled potential.

For players like myself who typically opt for story mode first in games offering different difficulty levels, Dark Envoy presents a unique challenge. The default story mode, intended to provide a more accessible experience, proves to be surprisingly demanding. The game inundates players with hordes of enemies at every turn, making progress feel more like a slog than an engaging adventure. The combat encounters, while initially exciting, quickly become monotonous as defeating enemies becomes a repetitive chore.


This relentless onslaught of adversaries diminishes the enjoyment of the story-driven experience, leaving players feeling overwhelmed and fatigued rather than immersed in the narrative. As a result, the need for a second playthrough to explore alternative approaches feels unnecessary, as the story mode itself already poses a significant challenge that may deter some players from fully enjoying the game.

Dark Envoy uses a real-time with pause combat system that deserves commendation. Controlling characters in combat is a satisfying experience, offering players the flexibility to strategize and adapt to the changing battlefield. The inclusion of line of sight mechanics adds depth to the tactical aspect of combat, requiring players to consider positioning and environmental factors when planning their actions.

However, there are instances where the execution falls short, particularly in the responsiveness of party members. Despite issuing commands for them to attack with their skills, there are times when they seem unresponsive or fail to act as intended. This inconsistency can be frustrating, taking away from an otherwise engaging experience. Additionally, managing a full party in real-time combat can feel overwhelming, with the sheer number of actions and decisions to juggle at once. While the real-time combat system offers depth and excitement, it also presents its own challenges, making it a double-edged sword for players to navigate.


The dynamic between protagonists Kaela and Malakai injects a welcome dose of levity and warmth into the story. Their contrasting personalities, sibling banter, and evident bond add depth to their characters that is not always seen in other NPCs. Their interactions provide moments of humor and humanity amidst the chaos of the conflict-torn world, making them stand out as memorable and relatable protagonists.

However, while the relationship between Kaela and Malakai shines, some other characters in the game fall flat in comparison. Certain NPCs appear one-dimensional, lacking the depth and nuance expected in a story-driven RPG. Their motivations and personalities feel underdeveloped, reducing the overall immersion and impact of the narrative. This discrepancy in character depth highlights a missed opportunity for Dark Envoy to fully realize its potential in delivering a compelling and multi-faceted cast of characters.

In theory, Dark Envoy had all the makings of a great game, but in execution, it falls short of its potential. The game struggles to maintain momentum and fails to fully capitalize on its strengths, leaving players feeling underwhelmed and disappointed. While Dark Envoy has its moments of brilliance, it ultimately fails to deliver on the promise of greatness, falling short of what could have been a standout title in the RPG genre.

Pros of Dark Envoy

Things Dark Envoy Got Right
Checkmark Fully Customizable Characters
Checkmark Skill and Class System
Checkmark Dynamic Lighting and Line of Sight
Checkmark Elemental Statuses

Fully Customizable Characters


Dark Envoy offers an in-depth character customization system, allowing players to tailor the appearance of characters like Kaela and Malakai to their liking. From facial features to clothing and accessories, the customization options are vast, providing a unique and personalized experience. This feature enhances player immersion, making the characters feel more like an extension of the player. Spending time in this aspect of the game can be rewarding as it reflects personal creativity and investment in the game's world.

Skill and Class System


The game's skill and class system is one of its standout features, offering a rich variety of classes and specializations. Each class, whether it's the Warrior, Ranger, Engineer, or Adept, comes with three distinct specializations that drastically change gameplay style. For instance, Warriors can become Guardians, Assassins, or Blade Masters, each with unique abilities and roles. This depth encourages exploration and experimentation, allowing players to find the perfect combination that suits their strategic preferences and playstyle.

Dynamic Lighting and Line of Sight


The implementation of dynamic lighting and line of sight mechanics adds a layer of realism and strategic depth to Dark Envoy. Environments react to light sources, creating shadows and hidden areas that players can use to their advantage. This feature enhances the tactical aspect of the game, as players must consider visibility and positioning when planning their moves. It also significantly improves the visual experience, making the world feel more alive.

Elemental Statuses


Elemental statuses in Dark Envoy play a crucial role in combat, providing strategic advantages and challenges. Players can exploit elemental weaknesses of enemies or protect themselves against elemental attacks, adding a complex layer to battle strategies. For example, using ice attacks on fire-based enemies can deal extra damage. This system encourages players to think critically about their approach to each encounter, making combat more engaging and varied.

Cons of Dark Envoy

Things That Dark Envoy Can Improve
Checkmark Confusing and Hard-to-Master Controls
Checkmark Repetitive Battles
Checkmark Tedious Story Progression
Checkmark Stability and Performance Issues

Confusing and Hard-to-Master Controls


One of the major drawbacks of Dark Envoy is its control scheme, which can be confusing and difficult to master. The inconsistency in object interaction—switching between the right and left mouse buttons—becomes particularly frustrating during battles. This inconsistency disrupts the flow of gameplay and can lead to mistakes, especially in high-pressure combat situations. For players used to more intuitive control systems, this aspect can be a significant deterrent.

Repetitive Battles


While the combat system has depth, the frequency and uniformity of battles can make the gameplay feel repetitive. Even in story mode, there are too many encounters with little variation in tactics required for different enemies. As a result, players may find themselves relying on the same set of skills repeatedly, which diminishes the excitement and challenge of combat. This repetitiveness can reduce the overall enjoyment and engagement with the game over time.

Tedious Story Progression


Although the story starts strong, it eventually becomes drawn out, which is disappointing for a game where narrative is a central element. What initially seems like an engaging tale of destiny and conflict gradually feels burdensome, as pacing issues and filler content move away from the main plot. For players who prioritize story-driven games, this decline in narrative engagement can be particularly disheartening.

Stability and Performance Issues


Stability and performance problems are also notable cons, with the game experiencing hangs and slowdowns, especially after saving or cut scenes. These technical issues can break immersion and frustrate players, as they disrupt the flow of gameplay. Persistent performance issues can significantly depreciate the overall gaming experience, making it harder to enjoy the game's other positive aspects.

Is Dark Envoy Worth It?

It’s Good To Have For Your CRPG Collection


For players seeking a deep and polished RPG adventure, Dark Envoy may not fully satisfy expectations. However, for those eager to explore different CRPGs, Dark Envoy is a great option at a more affordable price point compared to other, pricier titles. But what truly sets Dark Envoy apart is its relentless emphasis on player-driven narrative choices. At crucial junctures, players are thrust into the heart of conflict, where Kaela and Malakai confront dilemmas demanding decisive action—whether to charge headlong into danger or negotiate a delicate truce. These decisions are not mere detours but shape the very fabric of the narrative, steering it towards unpredictable outcomes. Dark Envoy is a daring expedition into the unknown, where every choice is a calculated risk that amplifies the thrill of the journey through its volatile world of conflict and magic.

Platform Price
Steam IconSteam $29.99

Dark Envoy FAQ

Who are your companions in Dark Envoy?

 ⚫︎ Benedict - Guardian
 ⚫︎ Vasso - Combat Medic
 ⚫︎ Leon - Constructor
 ⚫︎ Sestia - Bounty Hunter
 ⚫︎ Kim - Summoner
 ⚫︎ Tet - Sharpshooter

What are the classes in Dark Envoy?


 ⚫︎ Guardian
 ⚫︎ Assassin
 ⚫︎ Blademaster


 ⚫︎ Gunslinger
 ⚫︎ Bounty HUnter
 ⚫︎ Sharp Shooter


 ⚫︎ Technomancer
 ⚫︎ Inquisitor
 ⚫︎ Constructor


 ⚫︎ Elementalist
 ⚫︎ Combat Medic
 ⚫︎ Summoner

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Dark Envoy Product Information

Dark Envoy Cover
Release Date October 24, 2023
Developer Event Horizon
Publisher Event Horizon
Supported Platforms PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One
Genre CRPG
Number of Players 1
ESRB Rating N/A
Official Website Dark Envoy Website


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