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Crestfallen: Medieval Survival Review (Early Access) | Rough Edges With Promising Potential

Value For Money
Crestfallen: Medieval Survival is a survival game set in the medieval world of Tyraellia, where players must navigate the conflicts between two factions. While the story is rich and the gameplay eventually becomes engaging, the game struggles with initial stages of gameplay, audio inconsistencies, and some frustrating mechanics. Despite these flaws, it offers a compelling survival experience that becomes highly addictive over time, making it a worthwhile investment for fans of the genre.

Crestfallen: Medieval Survival is a survival game that lets you craft your own story with your friends, in a medieval fantasy land. Read our review to see what it did well, what it didn't do well, and if it's worth buying.

Crestfallen: Medieval Survival Review Overview

What is Crestfallen: Medieval Survival?

Crestfallen: Medieval Survival explores the world of Tyraellia that is rich with lore and offers a depth of exploration that is truly captivating. Players vie for control of the realm through tactical castle construction and intense battles. Craft formidable armor, forge lethal medieval weaponry, and construct a kingdom steeped in legend. Form guilds, engage in trade, and emerge victorious!

Crestfallen: Medieval Survival features:
 ⚫︎ Character Customization
 ⚫︎ Safe Zones & Trading Hubs
 ⚫︎ Multiple Quests
 ⚫︎ Open World
 ⚫︎ Multiplayer Co-Op
 ⚫︎ Abundant Resources
 ⚫︎ Build Your Own Base

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Crestfallen: Medieval Survival Pros & Cons


Pros Cons
Checkmark Plenty of Resources
Checkmark Interesting World Lore
Checkmark Direct Progression System
Checkmark Comprehensive Crafting System
Checkmark Lack of Information in Quick Craft
Checkmark Lack of Construction Restrictions Information
Checkmark Respawn in Different Areas
Checkmark Mini Map Not Functioning

Crestfallen: Medieval Survival Overall Score - 74/100

Crestfallen: Medieval Survival is a survival game set in the medieval world of Tyraellia, where players must navigate the conflicts between two factions. While the story is rich and the gameplay eventually becomes engaging, the game struggles with initial stages of gameplay, audio inconsistencies, and some frustrating mechanics. Despite these flaws, it offers a compelling survival experience that becomes highly addictive over time, making it a worthwhile investment for fans of the genre.

Crestfallen: Medieval Survival Story - 7/10

The story is scattered throughout the map, allowing players to explore and uncover the secrets of the two warring factions. However, there's really no narrative to start with, especially for those who spawn in the middle of the forest with no clear direction. The fragmented storytelling can make it challenging for players to piece together the full lore without significant exploration and quest completion.

Crestfallen: Medieval Survival Gameplay - 8/10

The gameplay can initially feel extremely boring and hard to enjoy. The keybinding is not yet functional, requiring players to memorize numerous buttons, which can lead to frequent consultation of the journal for controls. Despite this rocky start, the gameplay eventually becomes addictively engaging, which is a crucial goal for any survival game. Once players get past the initial learning curve, the experience becomes much more rewarding.

Crestfallen: Medieval Survival Visuals - 7/10

While the visuals are not perfect and lack the polish expected on the highest settings, they are understandable given the game's scope. Movement animations are not flawless, yet the game successfully captures the medieval aesthetic, creating an immersive environment despite its graphical shortcomings. The visual design supports the theme and setting, even if it falls short of being visually stunning.

Crestfallen: Medieval Survival Audio - 7/10

The audio experience in Crestfallen is somewhat out of place. The game opens with music that feels more suited to a JRPG than a medieval survival game. During gameplay, the background music that's more suited to the genre, can start and stop abruptly, disrupting the immersion. However, the inclusion of voice acting adds depth to the game, boosting the audio score. Overall, the audio elements need refinement to better match the game's theme.

Crestfallen: Medieval Survival Value for Money - 8/10

Considering its price, Crestfallen: Medieval Survival offers good value for entry-level survival game enthusiasts. Despite the initial slump in engagement, the game becomes highly addictive once players acclimate to its mechanics. For its cost, it provides a substantial amount of content and a satisfying survival experience.

Crestfallen: Medieval Survival Review: Rough Edges With Promising Potential


Crestfallen: Medieval Survival did not make the best first impression on me. Upon spawning in the middle of a forest, I was immediately attacked by a Toad. With no understanding of how the game worked yet, I had to fend off this toad with my bare fists. I took this as a bad omen, fearing that this would be another disappointing survival game. However, I soon discovered just how wrong I was.

Let's start with the issues I encountered. The music was inconsistent and often felt out of place. The crafting menu lacked descriptions for the items I was about to craft, making it difficult to know what I was creating. Additionally, there were instances where I couldn’t place certain constructs without any explanation as to why. And then there was the navigational HUD with no accompanying mini-map, which seems like an oversight in an open-world game.


Despite these initial frustrations, my opinion of the game began to shift. Just when I was starting to think about how I would express my disappointment in this review, the game surprised me. As I wandered through the forest, a tavern appeared like a guiding star in the night. Naked, hungry, and thirsty, I entered and discovered the potential of the game. Talking to everyone inside, I learned that this was a trading hub. When the sun rose the next morning, I ventured out to explore the rest of the small town.

I was immediately won over by the abundance of loot. Now, I’m not sure if this was a glitch or if there’s a finite number of times items can respawn in each location, but I found a lot of valuable items in the area. Some might argue that this abundance feels like cheating and detracts from the essence of survival, but I loved it. Having experience items to level up my stats faster, better armor and equipment, and the knowledge that these resources were available if I needed them made the game much more enjoyable for me.


Another aspect of the game that captivated me was the rich lore of the world. I found it hard to pry myself away from my keyboard. The urge to explore every corner of the map and uncover the story of the two warring factions kept me engaged for hours. The quests scattered throughout the realm offered valuable rewards and fascinating insights into the history and mysteries of Tyraellia.

Crafting my own base is another feature I thoroughly enjoyed. The game offers a variety of crafting stations, from The Work Bench and The Forge and Anvil to The Black Cauldron and Alchemy Lab. I could easily imagine playing with friends, building our own fortress, and defending it against whatever threats the game throws at us. This aspect of the game added a layer of depth and complexity that I found very appealing.


While the game is far from perfect and still feels unpolished in many areas, it has a lot of potential. The addictive nature of the gameplay and the wealth of content kept me coming back for more. The progression system allows for a high degree of customization, letting me tailor my character to my preferred playstyle. This flexibility, combined with the engaging lore and comprehensive crafting system, makes Crestfallen: Medieval Survival a game worth playing.

In conclusion, Crestfallen: Medieval Survival managed to win me over despite a rocky start. The initial frustrations gave way to a deep appreciation for the game's strengths. The inconsistencies in music and other minor issues are overshadowed by the addictive gameplay, and extensive crafting options. It’s not perfect, but it’s a promising entry in the survival game genre with a lot of potential for growth and improvement.

Pros of Crestfallen: Medieval Survival

Things Crestfallen: Medieval Survival Got Right
Checkmark Plenty of Resources
Checkmark Interesting World Lore
Checkmark Direct Progression System
Checkmark Comprehensive Crafting System

Plenty of Resources


Crestfallen: Medieval Survival offers an abundance of resources for players to harvest, making crafting a seamless and enjoyable experience. From gathering wood, stone, and metal to foraging for natural materials, players will find no shortage of essential supplies. Additionally, safe zones are rich with loot, providing players with a variety of items to aid in their survival and progression. This abundance ensures that players can focus on exploring, building, and developing their characters without the frustration of constantly scrounging for basic necessities.

Interesting World Lore


The world of Tyraellia is a rich and immersive realm filled with deep lore and intriguing stories. Players are encouraged to delve into the history and mysteries of the land by accepting quests scattered throughout the game. These quests not only provide valuable rewards but also reveal fascinating details about the world and its inhabitants. The extensive lore adds depth to the game, making exploration and questing a rewarding experience for those who enjoy uncovering the secrets of a fantasy universe.

Direct Progression System


Crestfallen features a robust progression system that allows players to tailor their characters to their preferred playstyle. By earning skill points, players can customize their character's abilities, focusing on various aspects such as magic and weapon proficiency. This flexibility ensures that each character is unique and can be developed in a way that suits the player's strategic preferences. The progression system enhances replayability and gives players a sense of ownership over their character's growth and development.

Comprehensive Craftable Items


The game's crafting system is extensive and detailed, providing players with numerous options for creating items and equipment. Key crafting stations such as The Work Bench, The Forge and Anvil, The Black Cauldron, Alchemy Lab, Spinning Wheels, and Leatherworks allow for the creation of a wide array of items. Whether it's forging weapons and armor, brewing potions, or crafting clothing and accessories, players have the tools to produce almost anything they need. This comprehensive crafting system adds depth and complexity to the game, encouraging players to gather materials and experiment with different recipes to enhance their survival experience.

Cons of Crestfallen: Medieval Survival

Things That Crestfallen: Medieval Survival Can Improve
Checkmark Lack of Information in Quick Craft
Checkmark Lack of Construction Restrictions Information
Checkmark Respawn in Different Areas
Checkmark Mini Map Not Functioning

Lack of Information in Quick Craft


One significant drawback in Crestfallen: Medieval Survival is the lack of information provided for crafting items. When selecting items to craft, players are not given descriptions or names, making it challenging to determine what they are creating. This issue is particularly frustrating during quests that require specific items. For example, players might need to craft a specific cap, leggings, gloves, and boots for a quest, but the crafting menu does not indicate which items fulfill these requirements. This lack of clarity can lead to wasted resources and time, detracting from the overall gameplay experience.

Lack of Construction Restrictions Information


Another notable con is the lack of information provided when construction is not possible in certain areas. There are instances where players cannot place structures or other constructs without any explanation as to why. This can be incredibly frustrating, as players are left guessing what might be preventing their actions. A prompt or message explaining the reason for the restriction would be helpful, allowing players to adjust their plans accordingly and avoid unnecessary trial and error.

Respawn in Different Areas


The game’s respawn system can be a major source of frustration. Upon dying, players respawn in a different area, which can significantly hinder their progress and make it difficult to continue from where they left off. Additionally, dying results in the loss of all items carried by the player, with no way to recover them. This harsh penalty can be discouraging, especially after investing significant time and effort into gathering resources and crafting items. A more forgiving respawn system would greatly improve the player experience.

Mini Map Not Functioning


Crestfallen includes an option for a mini-map, but this feature is currently non-functional. Even when toggled on, the mini-map does not appear on the screen, leaving players without a crucial navigational aid. This issue is particularly problematic in a vast open-world game where orientation and route planning are essential.

Is Crestfallen: Medieval Survival Worth It?

Yes, If You Can Get Over The Sluggish Start


Crestfallen: Medieval Survival is a game that demands patience and perseverance. The initial experience may feel rough, with inconsistent music, a lack of item descriptions in the crafting menu, and some frustrating mechanics. However, if you can push through these early hurdles, the game reveals its true potential.

The game is far from perfect and still has areas that need polish and improvement. However, the addictive nature of the gameplay, combined with the rich lore and extensive crafting options, makes it a worthwhile investment for fans of the survival genre. Crestfallen: Medieval Survival offers a unique and engaging experience that, despite its flaws, manages to capture the essence of what makes survival games compelling.

Platform Price
Steam IconSteam wishlist only

Crestfallen: Medieval Survival FAQ

Is there NPC recruiting in Crestfallen: Medieval Survival?

The developers have said that they have plans for a companion system with animals, villagers and soldiers, but it will not be available for a couple more months.

What languages are available for Crestfallen: Medieval Survival?

Currently, interface and audio languages are only available in English.

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Crestfallen: Medieval Survival Product Information

Crestfallen Medieval Survival Cover
Release Date July 18, 2024
Developer Bloodbath Studios
Publisher Bloodbath Studios
Supported Platforms PC (Steam)
Genre Survival
Number of Players 1, Online Co-Op, Online PvP
ESRB Rating N/A
Official Website Crestfallen: Medieval Survival Website


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