Hunt: Showdown DLC Commedia Della Morte Release Date and Features

Commedia Della Morte is a new upcoming DLC for Hunt: Showdown. Read on to learn more about the release date, contents, and if it's worth buying!

Hunt: Showdown Commedia Della Morte DLC Release Date

Releasing on February 21, 2023

Hunt: Showdown Commedia Della Morte DLC is a paid DLC, releasing on February 21, 2023. It includes a new legendary hunter, two legendary weapons, and new legendary comsumable. If you have a Steam Account, we suggest adding it to your Wishlist to automatically receive a notification when the DLC releases.

Commedia Della Morte DLC Contents

New Legendary Hunter - Scaramuccia

The Commedia Della Morte DLC will include Scaramuccia, a former harlequin in a freak show. He wears a three-faced mask that conceals his face and makes it impossible to tell which target he has his eye on.

Players can recruit the legendary hunter in the Legendary Hunters subtab for 200 Hunt Dollars and just like any other Hunter, he will gain XP by killing enemies, and finding XP envelopes in the modes, Bounty Hunt or Quickplay.

New Legendary Weapons - Macchinista and Opera Glasses

There are two Legendary Weapons available in the DLC. The first one is Macchinista, a Sparks Pistol that was originally a stage prop that has been reworked into a functioning pistol.

The second weapon is Opera Glasses, a modified Winfield M1873C Marskman with a theater-themed gun scope capable of firing compact bullets at rapid speed. With opera glasses like these, nothing will escape your eyes.

New Legendary Consumable - Spaccagambe

Spaccagambe is a Concertina Trip Mine that deals melee damage by deploying portable tripwire mines which is perfect for blocking doors and windows. It can be used for both attack or defense in-game.

Is the Commedia Della Morte DLC Worth Buying?

Not Recommended As It Is All Cosmetic

Although some skins can serve as good camouflage in certain areas, giving the players a slight advantage, we still don't recommend buying the Commedia Della Morte DLC since it only includes in-game cosmetics that can only function for aesthetic purposes.

However, if you’re the type that loves to collect in-game skins, this one is for you.


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