PS5 Slim Disc Drive Requires Online Connection Strangely Enough


With the PS5’s release coming very soon, players have growing concerns after a disclaimer seen on a PS5 Slim box reveals that the detachable disc drive requires an internet connection. Read on to learn more about the news, the concerns, and ideas on why this is the case.

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PS5 Slim’s Disc Drive Requires an Online Connection


Sony’s upcoming slim version of the PS5 is set to launch on November 8. One of its key differences from its un-slim counterpart, besides the obvious thinner appearance, is its detachable disc drive. However, a disclaimer found on a leaked image of the PS5 Slim’s box reveals that the new feature requires an internet connection. It reads, "Internet connection required to pair Disc Drive and PS5 console upon setup." It is currently unclear whether the requirement is a one-time thing, or if it’s required every time it’s attached.

This struck fear in PlayStation fans as these changes may make old PS5 discs obsolete since it’s possible that in the future, the requirement could make new PS5s unable to read the discs. That is, if the servers pairing the discs and consoles go offline. This is very possible as the gaming landscape continues to digitize even further.

Digital Foundry Video Editor & Senior Staff Writer, John Linneman, voiced out what everyone's thinking about it by tweeting: "Hardware connectivity shouldn’t be determined by a server that may not always be available." The tweet has then garnered more than 200 reposts and 2,300 likes.

This strange feature may be Sony’s way of complying with some DMCA laws which aim to combat piracy. Section 1201 of the US law states that "1201, makes it unlawful to circumvent technological measures used to prevent unauthorized access to copyrighted works, including copyrighted books, movies, video games, and computer software." This includes optical drive firmware, which is essentially what the featured separate disc drive is. While this provision aims to curb piracy, it has been an issue for right-to-repair advocates. Older consoles often end up discarded due to these restrictions, contributing to electronic waste.

To add to the fear, Sony has confirmed that the slim models of the PS5 will be the only ones available once the stocks of the regular PS5 consoles are sold out. The new models will be released on November 8, 2023.


This isn’t the first time that an internet connection requirement spun some controversy in the gaming industry. A decade ago in 2013, Microsoft faced severe backlash when they revealed that the Xbox One required gamers to connect to the internet once a day to prevent piracy. They would have access to offline gaming for only 24 hours, and then be required to reconnect to the internet again or else they wouldn’t be able to play.

Microsoft quickly did a 180 and rescinded the decision, stating that Xbox owners would only need to connect to the internet once for the initial setup. The decision was made after facing severe backlash from outraged consumers. Playstation released a tongue-in-cheek statement saying their consoles wouldn’t need a constant connection. Microsoft did not explicitly mention these as the reasons for the change.

That being said, PlayStation is surely aware of how required internet connections are received when it comes to consoles. If the disc drive requires an internet connection every time it’s attached, players surely wouldn’t be happy about it.


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