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Team Fortress 2 Review Bombed to Bring Valve's Attention to Aimbot Issues


Valve’s multiplayer FPS game Team Fortress 2 gets an influx of negative reviews on Steam, following the company’s apathy to pressing aimbot and cheating issues. Read on to learn more about the issues.

Team Fortress 2 Is "Being Intentionally Killed" By Valve

#SaveTF2, Says Players


  • [1] Screenshots from Team Fortress 2's Steam store page

In a desperate plea for Valve to address the aimbot issue, Team Fortress 2 (TF2) players have taken to the game’s official Steam page to massively review-bomb it. As of writing, there have been almost 19,000 negative reviews, plunging the game’s current review rating to Mostly Negative.

For the past five years, Team Fortress 2 has been rendered nearly unplayable due to the invasion of cheating aimbots. Despite being called out since 2022 (which they have previously acknowledged on Twitter/X), Valve remains silent in tackling the core of the problem. “This lack of developer interference has thrown the game into a state of turmoil with seemingly no end in sight," read the official petition website.


The #FixTF2 or SaveTF2 campaign first emerged in 2022 for the very same reason and recently made waves last June 3. While some action was taken back then in the form of anti-cheat fixes and the purging of said bot accounts, the victory was short-lived as the bots slowly evolved and reemerged, plaguing the servers once again.

The online petition on has accumulated over 219,000 signatures and counting. Public awareness measures were also taken, with a myriad of posts across various social media platforms bearing the #FixTF2 and #SaveTF2 hashtags, imploring Valve to finally speak up and take action. Valve has yet to respond to the latest outcry.

Bots Cause Negative Player Experience

17 years after its inception, Valve’s Team Fortress 2 still has a consistent and devoted player base, with concurrent players reaching the tens of thousands at any given time. It has withstood the test of time, and is beloved by millions. As of recent years, these very same players have found it impossible to fully enjoy the game they love, citing soured experiences caused by the vicious aimbots and bot hosters.

These aimbots raid official servers, headshotting and insta-killing players en-masse, effectively ruining the game experience. However, these bots don’t only cause in-game distresses, but are also a "vessel to endlessly attack and harass community members." Bot hosters, the ones who plant and control these bots, can scam unsuspecting players with their fake "bot immunity services." These malicious people then dox the players who have fallen for their trap, broadcasting sensitive personal information against their will. Not only that, some of the more wicked ones have gone as far as committing real crimes such as identity theft through impersonation, launching DDoS attacks, and even having someone SWATted.

"There should be a zero-tolerance policy relating to this kind of conduct, and Valve needs to be held accountable for persistently refusing to acknowledge it," the site said. "TF2 doesn’t need new content updates, it doesn’t need new microtransactions, it doesn’t need new weapon additions. What TF2 needs is a solution to the bot crisis."

#SaveTF2 Petition Site
[1]Team Fortress 2 Steam Page
Valve’s Response In 2022

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