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Pokemon Home May Be Revolutionized With New Joint Patent with Nintendo


Nintendo has filed for a patent that could further expand the capabilities of Pokemon Home, the service that stores and transfers Pokemon across different games. Read on to learn more.

The Pokemon Company and Nintendo Filed for a Patent for Pokemon Home

Patent Details An Upgraded Version With Expanded Features


As first sighted by, Nintendo has filed a patent for future Pokemon games. The application is an intricate and more expansive version of Pokemon Home. Pokemon Home is a service where players can store their Pokemon collection in one place, allowing caught Pokemon from various games across different generations to coexist and be brought into other games.

The new patent implies that players will be able to store and transfer their Pokemon friends between games and also allow them to learn, evolve, and retain experience from the games they have been brought into. This will allow for dynamic interactions, wherein Pokemon can immediately reflect their growth and changed traits influenced by the different regions, opening the way for seamless transfers between Pokemon games.


Pokemon with variants taken to different regions with a variant of its evolutionary line will adapt to the new environment and become that region’s variant. For example, Meowth is one of the few Pokemon with more than one regional variant; when transferred to Alola, Meowth will evolve to become an Alolan Meowth. Their stats as the regular Meowth will be stored in Pokemon Home, alongside their new Alolan stats. Then, transferring the same Meowth, whether regular or Alolan, to Galar will evolve it into a Galarian Meowth, storing its new stats alongside all the previous ones. All experience gained, battles won, and victories achieved will all remain within the same Meowth regardless of their variant, creating a rich history that can be filled through years of Pokemon games.


This system enables and flourishes upon the deep, longtime emotional bonds formed between the Pokemon and the players. For decades, players worldwide have grown attached to their first Pokemon, eventually seeking ways to transfer and keep their special furry friends “alive” alongside their new adventures in the newer Pokemon games. Pokemon Home is already the service for this, but this new patent will further expand its capabilities, ushering more possible sentimentality between Trainer and Pokemon.

Not To Be Seen Anytime Soon


While the technology seems very promising, the publishing of the patent is not a solid guarantee that it will be implemented anytime soon. Filing patents is a common measure for developers to ensure their innovation remains their property until the time comes for said technology to be implemented, if at all. It is uncertain when this new technology could be developed, let alone be released.

Until then, Pokemon still has a lot of new content and collaborations underway. They have recently unveiled a partnership with Japanese superduo YOASOBI for a song and music video.


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