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Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodhunt's Development Ends, But the Adventure Continues

Sharkmob ceases all development for Bloodhunt. Read on to learn why it was dropped and what will happen to the game afterward.

Bloodhunt To Cease Development

Did Not Reach Critical Mass Needed


On May 15, 2023, Sharkmob announced that after a year of being online, Bloodhunt would cease to be developed further. Despite having a unique and very engaged community, the developers have yet to reach the 'critical mass needed to sustain development.'

The decision to halt further development of Bloodhunt was not easy, but it was made with the players' best interests in mind. The development team takes this experience as a valuable lesson for future game development endeavors, ensuring that upcoming games benefit from the lessons learned.

Servers Will Continue To Operate


While further development of Bloodhunt has ceased, the game will remain fully accessible to players. The servers will continue to operate, ensuring that the community can enjoy the game for as long as there is an active player base. Additionally, an in-game voting system will be introduced to unlock new content, ensuring the game remains fresh and exciting.

Actual currency purchasing will be turned off on September 26 to enhance the game's longevity. However, players will still have opportunities to earn in-game tokens more efficiently, allowing them to continue unlocking cosmetics and enjoying the game beyond this date. The development team is committed to maintaining the game through regular maintenance patches.


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