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Yolk Heroes: A Long Tamago Review | An Eggcellent Tamagotchi

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$ 8
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20 Hours
Yolk Heroes: A Long Tamago is a delightful and nostalgic Tamagotchi-inspired adventure that is the perfect game you can sneak in between your daily hustle. Whether you're working or just taking a breather, it can be played anytime to whisk you away into its charming world. You'll find yourself drawn back again and again, eager to nurture your virtual companions! Those pixelated graphics? Absolutely stunning! There's no shortage of things to do with all those side quests and side activities. Trust me, once you start, you won't want to stop!

Yolk Heroes: A Long Tamago is a Fantasy RPG idle pet simulator reminiscent of those beloved Tamagotchi toys. Read our review to see what it did well, what it didn't do well, and if it's worth playing.

Yolk Heroes: A Long Tamago Review Overview

What is Yolk Heroes: A Long Tamago?

The gameplay of Yolk Heroes brings back memories of Digimon Tamagotchi games. It's like a blend of a digital pet simulator, RPG adventure, and casual idle game all rolled into one. Your main job is to hatch the egg, nurture, train, educate, and equip your little elf as they progress through different stages of life. From infancy to becoming a hero, each stage presents new challenges and activities to help your elf grow.

This idle game allows you to multitask, giving you updates while you're busy with other things. However, it's important to find a balance between work and rest, as your elf can get worn out if you push them too hard. Alongside the main quest, there are plenty of side activities to enjoy, such as training sessions, fishing, and much mor

Yolk Heroes: A Long Tamago features:
 ⚫︎ Tamagotchi-Inspired Gameplay
 ⚫︎ Gameboy Color Visuals
 ⚫︎ Idle Game
 ⚫︎ RPG Fantasy Story
 ⚫︎ RPG Elements in Gameplay
 ⚫︎ 8-Bit Inspired Music

For more gameplay details, read everything we know about Yolk Heroes: A Long Tamago's gameplay and story.

Digital Storefronts
Steam IconSteam
Price $7.99

Yolk Heroes: A Long Tamago Pros & Cons


Pros Cons
Checkmark Creative Combination of Idle and RPG Elements
Checkmark Endless Amounts of Fun and Adventure
Checkmark Nostalgia Done Right
Checkmark Some Bugs Here and There
Checkmark Way too Easy

Yolk Heroes: A Long Tamago Overall Score - 90/100

Yolk Heroes: A Long Tamago is a delightful and nostalgic Tamagotchi-inspired adventure that is the perfect game you can sneak in between your daily hustle. Whether you're working or just taking a breather, it can be played anytime to whisk you away into its charming world. You'll find yourself drawn back again and again, eager to nurture your virtual companions! Those pixelated graphics? Absolutely stunning! There's no shortage of things to do with all those side quests and side activities. Trust me, once you start, you won't want to stop!

Yolk Heroes: A Long Tamago Story - 8/10

Yolk Heroes has a delightful and engaging story about raising an egg into a Guardian Spirit to assist the Fairy Queen in her quest to combat the evil Frog Lord. While the plot is straightforward, the hilarious dialogue and charming characters truly elevate the narrative.

Yolk Heroes: A Long Tamago Gameplay - 9/10

If you’ve ever played Tamagotchi, Digimon, or Hey You, Pikachu!, you'll find that this game follows a similar formula as a virtual pet simulation. However, it adds a fun twist by incorporating RPG elements with the idle gameplay such as quests, skill acquisition, and class upgrades to name a few. The blend of these features creates endless hours of fun, though the game is relatively easy and has a few minor bugs.

Yolk Heroes: A Long Tamago Visuals - 10/10

The game’s 8-bit visuals are stunning, but I’d suggest tweaking the color settings from the default because the other colors are more vibrant and pleasing to the eyes compared to the default grey. The game really captures the essence of a Game Boy Color or your own Tamagotchi. Even though the characters are just sprites, the game does a fantastic job of making them feel charming and lifelike.

Yolk Heroes: A Long Tamago Audio - 8/10

The 8-bit-inspired audio and soundtrack are quite charming, capturing the nostalgic feel of the gameboy era. While none of the tracks particularly stand out, the music is relaxing and pleasant enough to have playing in the background while you work, with the game idling.

Yolk Heroes: A Long Tamago Value for Money - 10/10

Yolk Heroes is cheaper than getting yourself a Tamagotchi, offering more endless hours of fun than most idle games. For just $8, you get great value, especially if you're looking for a cozy, simple game to help pass the time while studying or working. It does an excellent job of keeping you entertained throughout the day.

Yolk Heroes: A Long Tamago Review: An Eggcellent Tamagotchi


As soon as I booted up this game, a rush of nostalgia swept over me. The moment it started in windowed mode, reminiscent of a Gameboy screen, and launched into its Gameboy-like intro, I knew I was in for a nostalgic treat. One tip I'd suggest right off the bat is adjusting the color settings. The default grey and black lacks the vibrant charm of the other options available.

Personally, I found the Rain Palette to be the perfect blend of colors for me.

The story kicks off just like those old Gameboy cutscenes, with barely animated images showcasing the tale of the Land of the Fairies under threat from the evil Frog Lord and his minions. The Fairy Queen entrusts you with the task of nurturing an egg to become the Guardian Spirit protector of the realm.


Despite this dark start, the dialogue and visuals keep things quite light and humorous with words like “rad” being said.

Before you know it, you're fully immersed in nurturing the egg, eagerly awaiting its hatching just like you would with a Tamagotchi. But before it cracks open, you're faced with mini-games to protect it from dangers like heat or lurking lizards.

Once it finally hatches, the baby's attributes are randomized, much like how Pokémon handles its IVs and EVs. You might even catch yourself soft resetting to ensure your baby has the perfect stats.

After naming your child, you're whisked away to a cozy house, where your primary task is to nurture them within the 30-minute time limit. There's a plethora of activities to choose from, including quests, training, eating, bathing, and resting. How you allocate your time will significantly impact the type of young adult your child becomes.

Once the time limit expires, your adult will take on a class based on the traits you've nurtured. In my case, my child became a Monk because I focused heavily on sword fighting during training.

I recommend staying active in the game rather than idling or putting it in the background until your child becomes a young adult. This way, you can speed up certain tasks by timing your actions correctly, such as pressing the Z button during battle or aiming for the bullseye in archery.

Mini-games are sprinkled throughout these activities to help you accomplish more in less time. However, once your child reaches adulthood, you can safely let the game run in the background.

As an adult, the game opens up with a plethora of activities beyond what you did as a child. There are new adventures to embark on for XP and stat gains, guild quests to tackle, various classes to try out, and a wide array of weapons and armor to experiment with. It's your classic fantasy adventure, all bundled up in this idle experience.


What makes it enjoyable is that it doesn't demand much of your time, thanks to the energy system. You can only replenish energy by having your character sleep. This means you can let the game run in the background while you attend to other tasks, keeping the adventure alive without needing constant attention. I highly recommend enabling the auto features in the idle settings for smoother gameplay when you're not actively playing.

The game strikes a perfect balance between idle mechanics and RPG elements, setting a standard that many games in the genre should aspire to match.

Pros of Yolk Heroes: A Long Tamago

Things Yolk Heroes: A Long Tamago Got Right
Checkmark Creative Combination of Idle and RPG Elements
Checkmark Endless Amounts of Fun and Adventure
Checkmark Nostalgia Done Right

Creative Combination of Idle and RPG Elements


If you've ever experienced the joy of owning a Tamagotchi, this game will evoke the same nostalgic feelings, but with even more depth and satisfaction, in my opinion. It flawlessly blends the pet simulator and RPG elements, allowing the character you're raising to evolve naturally. It's incredibly rewarding to nurture them, striving to be the best caretaker and guiding them to become the best version of themselves or at least your vision of it. With a wide range of skills, options, attributes, and activities to explore, boredom is never an issue. Plus, the ability to juggle these tasks alongside other responsibilities is just very convenient, especially for people with ADHD. Believe me, investing your time in shaping your precious child into a hero will make you feel like a proud parent witnessing their achievements.

Endless Amounts of Fun and Adventure


This game is the ultimate multitasking companion, effortlessly striking what I call the perfect work-game-life balance. You can pour endless hours into it without feeling like your day slipped away. Most tasks don't require constant attention, letting you be productive elsewhere while the game continues in the background. Yet, there's enough excitement to keep you engaged for hours, from completing quests to nurturing your child. The quests themselves are delightfully charming and humorous, featuring foes like Poop and the Rat King with boxing gloves. I truly hope the developers continue to update this game with more content and side-quests because saying goodbye to it feels impossible. Thankfully, there's so much content available that you won't even realize how quickly time flies by.

Nostalgia Done Right


This game excels at delivering a nostalgia-filled experience with its beautiful visuals and catchy 8-bit tunes. It truly feels like playing on a Gameboy Color or having those Tamagotchi toys. However, it also incorporates modern quality-of-life mechanics, including features that enhance idle auto-play. It's a delightful blast from the past, complete with adorable and charming sprites.


Cons of Yolk Heroes: A Long Tamago

Things That Yolk Heroes: A Long Tamago Can Improve
Checkmark Some Bugs Here and There
Checkmark Way too Easy

Some Bugs Here and There


I came across a few minor bugs during my playthrough, such as issues with my mouse not being able to click on things properly. However, the most frustrating one was encountered in full-screen mode. Alt-tabbing was incredibly difficult, often resulting in lag or the function not working at all. This seems to be isolated to full-screen mode, as windowed mode doesn't exhibit this problem. I hope this issue gets resolved soon.

Way too Easy


I'm hopeful that the developers will address the game's difficulty level in a future patch or update. Currently, it feels a bit too easy for my taste. I'm not expecting Dark Souls-level difficulty, especially for an idle game, but I do wish for a challenge that reflects the effort I put into nurturing and training my character. Additionally, I find myself missing some of the features from classic idle and Tamagotchi games, like pets disobeying or making messes. While I'm relieved those elements are absent here, they would have added a humorous touch to the experience.

Is Yolk Heroes: A Long Tamago Worth It?

Yes! The Game is EGGcellent


Despite a few minor gripes, which could easily be addressed with patches, this game is an absolute blast. If you're craving the same kind of gameplay as Tamagotchi, idle games, or Sims, then look no further – this is the perfect choice for you. At just $8, it's also more affordable than many other games, offering countless hours of fun and creativity as you nurture and develop your hero. I can't help but wish for a multiplayer function or a mobile version, as I believe it would greatly enhance the overall experience.

Digital Storefronts
Steam IconSteam
Price $7.99

Yolk Heroes: A Long Tamago FAQ

Can The Game be Played on Steam Deck?

Yes, the game can be played on Steam Deck.

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Yolk Heroes: A Long Tamago Product Information

Yolk Heroes Cover
Release Date May 21, 2024
Developer 14 Hours Productions
Publisher 14 Hours Productions, Astrolabe Games
Supported Platforms PC(Steam),iOS, Android
Genre Idler, JRPG
Number of Players 1
ESRB Rating Not Rated
Official Website Yolk Heroes: A Long Tamago Website


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