Stellar Blade Devs Finally Confirm PC Release After Much Speculation


Shift Up, the developers of Stellar Blade, seemingly confirm that the game will be releasing a PC version very soon. Read on to learn more about Shift Up's statement.

Stellar Blade Developers Confirm PC Release

Releasing “In the Near Future”


  • (c) Shift Up

Stellar Blade developers Shift Up confirmed that the game will be releasing for PC "in the near future," as mentioned in their Q2 financial report. "To keep the excitement of the Stellar Blade IP alive, we are preparing to launch on PC in the near future, and we expect the game to perform even better on PC than on consoles," Shift Up noted in their report.

In addition to the PC release, Shift Up plans to continue supporting Stellar Blade with content updates and patches. The company also confirmed that Project Witches, its new AAA action RPG project, is slated for a reveal in 2025.

Originally released this year as a PS5 exclusive, the action RPG received a warm reception from both critics and players. The game sold over 1 million copies within its first two months. While sales have slowed, Shift Up said it considers Stellar Blade as a truly established "large global IP." The game earned over $19 million USD for the company, however, due to a revenue-sharing agreement with Sony, Shift Up said not all sales figures consititute the company's revenue.

Shift Up IR 8/14시프트업 2024년 2분기 실적자료


V3 months

any hope for linux/steam access?

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